Needed classes in RvR currently
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Hey everyone,
I Please advise me on a main Character for RvR ![]() Since i got a week vacation soon and plan on playing alot, i want to plan ahead classwise. Im interested to know, what classes are needed in RvR the most currently ( assuming pugs since im Guildless currently ). My current characters: 45 Pac Healer (i dont want to be the one responsible and let my teammates down if i mezz too late etc so not my preferred one for RvR) 32 Skald (i realy like this one but ive heared there are way to many already) 8 Berserker (Also a Character i really like and want to bring up soonish) 21 SM (mostly PvE Character i guess since most groups are melee based afaik) Would also be open to a savage if its of better use than a Berserker. Or a Warrior maybe? So i guess my real questions would be: Are there really to many skalds to find Pugs? Are Berserker/Savage needed in pugs or is the population fine on those? If they are needed, are you leaning to one more than the other? Any other suggestions? i like most classes and am open to play anything. Thanks in advance ![]() |
Realms always need more healers generally. So getting your healer up to 50 is my suggestion, and if you don't want to be responsible for mezz, then respect as an Aug healer. But healers are the most searched for always ever since the beginning of the game.
It's interesting about Skalds, because some days I can get invited to groups randomly without asking, and other days I can't find a group. So it's a mixed bag here. It all depends on the situation as far as Skald. It doesn't really hurt to have multiple Skalds in a group per say, and 1 Skald is always going to be highly sought after. Skalds are probably the third most played class in the realm though (behind Healer and Shaman). There tends to be a lot of Berserkers as well and Savages there seems to be about the right amount. I'd say what is needed is definitely more Warriors. At least one Warrior is always nice in a group of any kind, be it PvE or RvR and there aren't a lot of them to go around. I only leveled up with a handful of them on my Skald. Sometimes I wish I had gone the 100% nostalgia route and rolled a Norseman Warrior again, but been there done that already I figured. SMs would be good for PLing and realm defense and such. Might be fun to have one of those at high level. Severian, RR5 Skald
Sacrament, RR4 Healer Darkcircle, RR4 RM |
Thanks for the insight especially on sklad.
So Warrior seems like a good choice then as a main character for RvR. Maybe ill do my skald until i get my vacation just to get him up since i like that he can also run solo from time to time and then get to my warrior in my vacation. Guess ill put my heal on halt, since i would like to use him on PvE bomb groups so AUG is not an option for me. Only going to play him when a specific bombgroup asks me to join malmo farming. Thank you! |
I'd say this depends on what times you play. US Prime is hurting for Skalds I feel
As a Savage main, I'd say it's not that easy to get a spot in a competitive group with enough experience to withstand tri-caster hib groups with 3 RK's or decently ranked albs and actually do something else than feeding rps. If you're planning to roll with the zerg, might be more funny to roll a RM ![]() I myself am planning to roll one for those nights where there's nothing but mucho zergo1 |
Is that their meta? I watch some guy who streams and they usually run 3 BMs, Warden, 2 Druids and 2 Bards and they seem to destroy everyone. I would also consider buying a respec stone and going Aug. I think everyone went Pac so see most lvl 50 groups looking for Aug Healers. Plus you are leet soloer with Celerity ![]() |
There's way more caster groups than tank groups on hibernia.
Tank groups, especially hib ones, are very kiteable. |
Whats the difference b/t a tank group on Alb and one on Hib? |
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