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Postby Lazyghost » Mar 31, 2017 12:04

I think a lot of the people who play this need to go and experience EvE Online for a while they will never cry about being out numbered again lol.

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Postby Bubbler » Mar 31, 2017 14:50

Lazyghost wrote:I think a lot of the people who play this need to go and experience EvE Online for a while they will never cry about being out numbered again lol.

Nah, we do enough spreadsheets at work.
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Postby XiaN^^ » Mar 31, 2017 15:40

Borondir wrote:You seem to forget that RvR don't mean its just a big arena for 8 vs 8. Large battles are the major part of the game and not your small fights. When you don't like it just leave or adapt - it will help the rest to play the game like its meant to be.

there you go

clowns like this mong are the problem. its not realm specific either. all realms have plenty of that type. not much you can do about it tho. uthgard is specifically designed to please that type of trash player which will inevitably lead to the server becoming as irrelevant as it has always been once/if a proper shard with TOA and instant50 comes out. i suppose afterall we should be thankful a server like this exists since it keeps those ppl off the proper servers.
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Postby XiaN^^ » Mar 31, 2017 15:42

Chugg wrote:
Borondir wrote:... it will help the rest to play the game like its meant to be.

This was the sentence of this thread so far.
It's funny how some 8v8 guys always try to convince everyone: 'hey, 8v8 is the only way to go! Zerging sucks!'
And the answer is: 'Let us play the game like its meant to be.'

WTF ?!?
Did Mythic said that? 'The only playstyle of this game is with 20+ people, everything below that mark is forbidden!' ? I doubt that.
Solo, smallmen(2-5), FG, 2FG, Zerg(3-10FG), every single part of that is like this game is meant to be!

As much i like 8v8 myself, i can understand those who love to play with more then just 1 FG. And i rly do. This server is not like Uthgard 1.0! We got in primetime 3k+ Players and of cause everyone wanna play this game, how he/she desires.
There are people who wanna stay as 8man, because thats the part of the game, they desire most. Well do so, but dont cry if you get rolled by more then 1 FG, because thats how those guys desire the game most. Running around with as many people they got.
Next time this is happening, move out with two 8man, kill those 20+ like 2-3 times and maybe they're gone for good?

group cap is 8. you would think mythic had some sort of reasoning behind that decision XD
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Postby Dromina » Mar 31, 2017 15:44

XiaN^^ wrote:
Chugg wrote:
Borondir wrote:... it will help the rest to play the game like its meant to be.

This was the sentence of this thread so far.
It's funny how some 8v8 guys always try to convince everyone: 'hey, 8v8 is the only way to go! Zerging sucks!'
And the answer is: 'Let us play the game like its meant to be.'

WTF ?!?
Did Mythic said that? 'The only playstyle of this game is with 20+ people, everything below that mark is forbidden!' ? I doubt that.
Solo, smallmen(2-5), FG, 2FG, Zerg(3-10FG), every single part of that is like this game is meant to be!

As much i like 8v8 myself, i can understand those who love to play with more then just 1 FG. And i rly do. This server is not like Uthgard 1.0! We got in primetime 3k+ Players and of cause everyone wanna play this game, how he/she desires.
There are people who wanna stay as 8man, because thats the part of the game, they desire most. Well do so, but dont cry if you get rolled by more then 1 FG, because thats how those guys desire the game most. Running around with as many people they got.
Next time this is happening, move out with two 8man, kill those 20+ like 2-3 times and maybe they're gone for good?

group cap is 8. you would think mythic had some sort of reasoning behind that decision XD

zones are open to endless numbers from all realms that can all fight each other at the same time. you would think mythic had some sort of reasoning behind that decision not making rvr multiple instanced 8vs8 arenas :roll:

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Postby jenskamen » Mar 31, 2017 15:58

It has come to my attention that they also added Battlegroups, so multiple groups can join forces ... :-)

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Postby Chade Fallstar » Mar 31, 2017 17:46

XiaN^^ wrote:
Borondir wrote:You seem to forget that RvR don't mean its just a big arena for 8 vs 8. Large battles are the major part of the game and not your small fights. When you don't like it just leave or adapt - it will help the rest to play the game like its meant to be.

there you go

clowns like this mong are the problem. its not realm specific either. all realms have plenty of that type. not much you can do about it tho. uthgard is specifically designed to please that type of trash player which will inevitably lead to the server becoming as irrelevant as it has always been once/if a proper shard with TOA and instant50 comes out. i suppose afterall we should be thankful a server like this exists since it keeps those ppl off the proper servers.

This makes me question people's logic the most, it doesn't make you a bad player to not play to other's elitist play style.

I've done my fair share of 8v8 and I enjoyed it, running with a regular, full setup is a lot of fun but there are plenty of 'bad' players being carried in those groups. Much easier to win with the perfect setup than it is in a eclectic group of classes.

Get off your high horse and stop telling people how to play this game. Play how you want to play and don't preach.
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Postby Kazyo » Mar 31, 2017 20:07

Fact of the matter, most Hibs want to 8v8. even if it's in PuGs, not set guild groups. Mids just want to zerg cause OMG RP! Albs just want to xp their necros.

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Postby Dars » Mar 31, 2017 21:26

The same Albs and Hibs crying about getting zerged down are the ones who roll over small mans and soloers every single time they see them. You go out of your way to kill solo xpers out in Mid frontier, yet you cry when Mids roll over your precious 8 man with 2 groups? Seriously? You might have a valid point if you all werent such hypocritical whiny little ******.

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Postby Hesperus » Mar 31, 2017 21:59

Eclipz wrote:1) get 20+ guys
2) stick
3) collect 50 rp each vs pug
4) Froth at the mouth to zerg the next 8 man

is all QQ mids QQ rvr at QQ time QQ toxic? or QQ lately?


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Postby Dars » Mar 31, 2017 22:09

Also weird watching these elite 8 mans streaming, and watch as they check all the xp spots. You act like all you want to do is 8 vs 8, yet you go out of your way to check for xpers out in the frontier? Which way do you guys want it? 8 vs 8, zerg down xpers, or get zerged down by 20+?

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Postby Freudinio » Mar 31, 2017 22:45

XiaN^^ wrote:
Borondir wrote:You seem to forget that RvR don't mean its just a big arena for 8 vs 8. Large battles are the major part of the game and not your small fights. When you don't like it just leave or adapt - it will help the rest to play the game like its meant to be.

there you go

clowns like this mong are the problem. its not realm specific either. all realms have plenty of that type. not much you can do about it tho. uthgard is specifically designed to please that type of trash player which will inevitably lead to the server becoming as irrelevant as it has always been once/if a proper shard with TOA and instant50 comes out. i suppose afterall we should be thankful a server like this exists since it keeps those ppl off the proper servers.

Funny considering half your guild, who now play hib, are busy zerging hadrians with 3fg.
Just about done..

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Postby Nemi » Apr 01, 2017 01:10

Muh 8 v 8 :lol:

****** off 8 v 8 fags.

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Postby Rovana » Apr 01, 2017 01:18

Freudinio wrote:
XiaN^^ wrote:
Borondir wrote:You seem to forget that RvR don't mean its just a big arena for 8 vs 8. Large battles are the major part of the game and not your small fights. When you don't like it just leave or adapt - it will help the rest to play the game like its meant to be.

there you go

clowns like this mong are the problem. its not realm specific either. all realms have plenty of that type. not much you can do about it tho. uthgard is specifically designed to please that type of trash player which will inevitably lead to the server becoming as irrelevant as it has always been once/if a proper shard with TOA and instant50 comes out. i suppose afterall we should be thankful a server like this exists since it keeps those ppl off the proper servers.

Funny considering half your guild, who now play hib, are busy zerging hadrians with 3fg.

Half the guild ? It's 2 that used to play with us

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Postby Pao » Apr 01, 2017 10:24

When there are zergs and people cry about it, it seems this server is healthy :D
Hope GMs are fine with what they have stated, that they are fine with just 80 people (300ppl was Trishin Statement long time ago) playing the game under their vision.
Its important to leave this server running doesn't matter how low the numbers will be. The other servers can fail but Uthgard still will be there, thats Uthgards only chance.

Edit 19/09/21: Well Uthgards chance has come.


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