How to XP with a BM

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Postby Agamanor » Jun 01, 2016 22:28

Hello i was wondering how to xp with a BM without having stuff or money. Is it better to xp with shield and weapon or weapon and CD ?

For info i was planning on a 50CD 42Shield 39 Pierce

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Postby Juri » Jun 01, 2016 23:27

Not an expert of blademasters by any means, but I would say that your role in PvE will not be damage dealer but rather aggro keeper/tank. Therefore I suggest you to take the weapon+shield route, you'll have to tank *a lot* and the more hit you can block the better.

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Postby randomeclipse » Apr 01, 2017 23:06

Juri wrote:Not an expert of blademasters by any means, but I would say that your role in PvE will not be damage dealer but rather aggro keeper/tank. Therefore I suggest you to take the weapon+shield route, you'll have to tank *a lot* and the more hit you can block the better.

I thought BM's were the damage dealers in a group? Isn't that difficult if one hand is holding a shield and not a weapon?
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Postby Uzkrak » Apr 04, 2017 20:57

Its hard until 20ish, you should stay in spraggon den until you have a complete new set of yellow orange armor and weapons then it goes smooth

I have seen botz styles and both made sense, personally I prefered the celtic dual approach while leveling which brings valuable extra damage in duos and small groups

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Postby Falken » Apr 06, 2017 22:12

Depends what kinds of groups you plan to play in... in a caster/pbae/focus group if you can get into one you are better off with a 1h+shield which gives you access to guard+protect and taunt style, however you can play full CD damage mode in which case you are better suited to make tank groups where you have a hero with 1h+shield holding aggro and you are dpsing. Sure you can "tank" while duel wielding, but it isn't nearly as efficient.

How you spec will realistically limit you to that groups you can make or get invited to. Either way, you can always shield tank in a tank group as well, so I would suggest investing some points into shield + slash for leveling so that you can be a half decent tank.
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Postby Estat » Apr 18, 2017 18:18

shield/pierce until 40 and then use the single respec to dump shield and go 50 pierce 50 cd rest parry would be optimal.

but on uthgard, pbae seem to never ever join groups with
tanks, so going full cd from 5 to 50 should be good as well as you will always have a hero and mezz adds.

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