Class for Solo player?

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Postby EthicX » Mar 30, 2017 18:13

Good morning all,

I recently started up Uthgard and I've tried only several classes thus far as mid. I haven't played the game since early 2000s and even then not for the length of time as many of you all :). Regardless, I was hoping to get some suggestions for a class that I could play solo. My schedule is sporadic so that's why I am looking to be able to run alone so I don't leave groups or need groups as heavily to level. I prefer to stay more on the melee side of DPS than casting. I figured that gives me the best chance at solo grind. It would also be nice to not be a complete useless class if I make it to RvR status some day :P.

I have played Runemaster to 7 , savage to 6 and berserker to 5 thus far. All have been fun even that early on. I'm tend to elect Human-like races as well even though I understand trolls are optimal for Melee DPS.

Is there any hope for my filthy casual self in mid? :D I really appreciate any suggestions.

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Postby Dwanex09 » Mar 30, 2017 18:19

Well the first thing that came to my mind was definitly a skald for you. Having speed for soloing is super important (you can without but it will make everything harder). Skalds are also used in small man and fg's so its a pretty versatile character.

If you completly want to solo you could think about a sb. They are pretty decent in 1.65!

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Postby jenskamen » Mar 30, 2017 19:33

I agree on skald if you wanna stay on the melee side. Warrior is also a solid pick. Not for solo RvR but for solo leveling, also needed in groups and is welcome in RvR ofc.

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Postby EthicX » Mar 31, 2017 02:46

Well good deal! I really appreciate the responses guys. Thank you both very much :) I'll start my reading up on builds

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Postby majky666 » Mar 31, 2017 12:31

Did you consider a thane? It can be choice for solo player too, i think.

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Postby Lurker » Mar 31, 2017 12:50

My 2c:

For a somewhat bearable PvE solo experience which will allow you to run in 8 man:

Cabalist - Fast PvE, can't solo well in RvR but is sought after in all sizes of groups

Minstrel - slow but steady in PvE, good in all RvR situations.

Skald - slow but steady in PvE, good solo and grped in RvR.

Paladin - slow but steady PvE, not required in 8v8 and somewhat shunned in RvR generally.

Bonemaster - medium PvE speed, shunned for most RvR.

Cave Shaman - medium to fast PvE levelling. Respec Aug / Cave at 50 for a good group rvr toon (can't solo)

Sorc / Theurgist - both fine in pve (theu much faster solo) both good in small to large rvr groups. Is able to solo to some degree due to caster speed.

Thane - good PvE experience although not sought after in rvr.

Hib I'm not sure about. Perhaps a warden for solo pve / some rvr... somebody more experience in hib may be able to give some ideas.

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Postby Lurker » Mar 31, 2017 12:51

Just realised this is in the Mid forum! So sorry if my talk of other realms classes isn't useful xD

Tapatalk hides these things from me.

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Postby Wellzy » Mar 31, 2017 16:28

SKald is the best, and really only choice if you have limited time to play.

The speed alone will save you so much time. They solo very well with little downtime and are always welcome in grps.

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Postby Jayhawker » Apr 04, 2017 20:29

Don't forget the dark SMer, they are damn good solo and small man groups.

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Postby Muggsi » Apr 04, 2017 22:31

Skald, by far.

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Postby majky666 » Apr 05, 2017 19:47

Muggsi wrote:Skald, by far.

Every d**k rolls a skald. Be different, roll <this> or <that>

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Postby joshisanonymous » Apr 06, 2017 18:52

I'd say a thane for leveling, honestly. Everyone is saying skald, and while that's true for getting around quickly, they're probably slower than a thane when it comes to the actual killing mobs part: both have 2 instas to augment damage, and skalds have a heal song, but thane's also have casted DDs and a self str/con buff. The reason why I'd say thane over skald, though, is because it can fit in a wider variety of PvE groups if you decide that you want to group at times. Thanes work in PBAoE groups, melee groups, raids, whatever.

The downside is that you'll have a tough time getting groups in RvR due to your perceived uselessness. (I'm not convinced of this uselessness, but most seem to be.) If you wanna make sure you'll get RvR groups, too, or if you just don't want to be casting anything ever, then yeah a skald might be better.
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Postby patouch » Apr 08, 2017 16:25

joshisanonymous wrote:
The downside is that you'll have a tough time getting groups in RvR due to your perceived uselessness. (I'm not convinced of this uselessness, but most seem to be.) If you wanna make sure you'll get RvR groups, too, or if you just don't want to be casting anything ever, then yeah a skald might be better.

As a rvr playing bd, your mind is probably more open to the idea of alternative group compositions, and 8v8 is not the only playstyle around anyway but what I hear the most about thanes being unfit is the absence of Determination

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Postby joshisanonymous » Apr 08, 2017 22:07

patouch wrote:
joshisanonymous wrote:
The downside is that you'll have a tough time getting groups in RvR due to your perceived uselessness. (I'm not convinced of this uselessness, but most seem to be.) If you wanna make sure you'll get RvR groups, too, or if you just don't want to be casting anything ever, then yeah a skald might be better.

As a rvr playing bd, your mind is probably more open to the idea of alternative group compositions, and 8v8 is not the only playstyle around anyway but what I hear the most about thanes being unfit is the absence of Determination

Yeah, that's what I hear the most about, too, but personally I think it's shortsighted, because the other thing I hear about as far as Mids having trouble against Albs/Hibs is that Mids constantly lose the interrupt game in 8v8, which is no surprise given that almost every Mid 8-man is 3 Healers, 1 Shaman, 1 Skald, 1 Warrior, 2 Zerkers/Savages. If your Healers are good, interrupts shouldn't be that bad, but if groups are really having trouble with this, why on earth not use Thanes? They can still interrupt and /assist really well while in the backlines, even if they're rooted, they can take a hit, and they can perform the task of peeling just as well as a Warrior save for the lack of Determination. I could be naive since I don't join l33t 8-mans, but it's hard to see why this is considered to be such a horribly bad choice by so many people.
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Postby majky666 » Apr 09, 2017 08:39

BD can be good , if well specced and played. IMHO his focus snare spell is one of most underestimated spells. Also his pets can do lot of interrupt work, if not CCed (that can be problem due no demezz for their master)

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