Duo w/ Paladin?

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Joined: Apr 05, 2017 15:13

Postby LaFlamaBlanca » Apr 05, 2017 15:32

My brother and I recently started up on Uthgard and he made a Paladin (level 5) and I currently have a level 11 Minstrel. So I was curious if Minstrel is a good class to duo with a Paladin? This would be for duo/grouping whenever we can find one.


Posts: 8
Joined: May 04, 2014 00:05

Postby Dreventhe » Apr 06, 2017 22:19

Not a bad duo but not particularly good either. The two classes don't have much that syngerize. It is a great duo to start groups with.

I'd say your two PvE routes would either be charming a heal pet and taking advantage of his endurance regen with both of you styling a lot or you taking a higher level pet for tanking/damage and he plays a supporting role in that objective; you can still meele/style but you'll have more work to do so while keeping the pet controlled.

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