Skald speed and Amensia mechanics are wrong/bugged/broken

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Gryphon Knight
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Postby oLd-Sneakers » Apr 08, 2017 15:04

When can we expect a fix on this?

Amnesia isn't a damage spell, so it cannot break speed flat out.

Amensia cancels a spell that is about to be casted/land.

Currently amensia breaks midgard speed instantly like a dmg spell, this is wrong.


Skald speed pulse each 4 seconds. If you take actual DMG it breaks your speed instantly.

If you get amnesia casted on you your own speed tick/pulse is interrupted ONCE, ONE TIME which will result in speed loss EVENTUALLY but dependant on WHERE in the tick you currently are.

So if you get hit by amensia late in your tick you can get dropped out of speed instantly, if you are early in your tick you might keep it almost the entire tick, and then you have a new tick coming in which reduces the duration of speed loss to almost nil / 0.

This is a game breaking bug/failure in mechanics that HAS NEVER BEEN IN DAOC EVER BEFORE.

Many times on my minstrel in the old days pre 1.65 , I could avoid getting speed loss completly after amensia by having 100 quality instrument which lengthened the speed pulse tick long enough for the overlap to be greater, meaning NO speed loss, or a very minor one before next tick comes in.

As it currently is a bard who can time/know when his speed tick is can keep an entire mid group without speed indefinitely without loosing his own speed except for minor moments before the next speed pulse comes in.

This is game breaking in same way as savages stacking multiple dmg adds or the good old classic bug mids had, when if they had 10 buffs on the bar they were CC immune since the CC effect couldnt fit...

Seriously this has been going on for weeks, and you the DEVS have played around with speed pulse ticks since this WAS NOT the case early on server launch.

Basically it has ALWYAS BEEN THE CASE that when a bard does amensia on enemy group he sacrifice his own speed ( depending on where in the tick HE HIMSELF IS ) trying to break the enemy speed.
Sometimes the bard will loose his speed long before enemy group does making this a GAMBLE since he will be out of position (often). Hence not many good bards used amensia to break enemy group speed and alert them visually that they are about to get hit.

Every god damn noob bard on this server spams amensia on every inc since it breaks speed on MIDS instantly while giving the bard ample time to have HIS OWN SPEED tick carry him to safety. :bored: :gaga:

Greater crutch and game breaking bug one HAS TO LOOK LONG and HARD TO FIND.
Last edited by oLd-Sneakers on Apr 08, 2017 15:22, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby XiaN^^ » Apr 08, 2017 15:10

oLd-Sneakers wrote:When can we expect a fix on this?

Amnesia isn't a damage spell, so it cannot break speed flat out.

Amensia cancels a spell that is about to be casted/land.

Currently amensia breaks midgard speed instantly like a dmg spell, this is wrong.


Skald speed pulse each 4 seconds. If you take actual DMG it breaks your speed instantly.

If you get amnesia casted on you your own speed tick/pulse is interrupted ONCE, ONE TIME which will result in speed loss EVENTUALLY but dependant on WHERE in the tick you currently are.

So if you get hit by amensia late in your tick you can get dropped out of speed instantly, if you are early in your tick you might keep it almost the entire tick, and then you have a new tick coming in which reduces the duration of speed loss to almost nil / 0.

This is a game breaking bug/failure in mechanics that HAS NEVER BEEN IN DAOC EVER BEFORE.

Many times on my minstrel in the old days pre 1.65 , I could avoid getting speed loss completly after amensia by having 100 quality instrument which lengthened the speed pulse tick long enough for the overlap to be greater, meaning NO speed loss, or a very minor one before next tick comes in.

As it currently is a bard who can time/know when his speed tick is can keep an entire mid group without speed indefinitely without loosing his own speed except for minor moments before the next speed pulse comes in.

This is game breaking in same way as savages stacking multiple dmg adds or the good old classic bug mids had, when if they had 10 buffs on the bar they were CC immune since the CC effect couldnt fit...

Seriously this has been going on for weeks, and you the DEVS have played around with speed pulse ticks since this WAS NOT the case early on server launch.

Basically it has ALWYAS BEEN THE CASE that when a bard does amensia on enemy group he sacrifice his own speed ( depending on where in the tick HE HIMSELF IS ) trying to break the enemy speed.
Sometimes the bard will loose his speed long before enemy group does making this a GAMBLE since he will be out of position (often). Hence not many good bards used amensia to break enemy group speed and altert them visually that they are about to get hit.

Every god damn noob bard on this server spams amensia on every inc since it breaks speed on MIDS instantly while giving the bard ample time to have HIS OWN SPEED tick carry him to safety. :bored: :gaga:

Greater crutch and game breaking bug one HAS TO LOOK A LONG TIME TO FIND.

we made an issue for this like 1-2 months ago but then some down syndrome clown logged in and tried it 100 times till it actually didnt insta drop speed for once and made a vid of it and the staff as little as they know about actual game mechanics succumbed to it and decided its invalid even tho actual counter proof from live servers in 2003 was provided in the issue so good luck ever getting that fixed.
Bigboyo <Los Boyos el Grande> Grand Overlord of Midgard and Slayer of Virgins

Gryphon Knight
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Postby Kha » Apr 08, 2017 15:15


Speed Pulse is a 6second one.
Every 6 sec speed will refresh and you keep it for 6sec.

If amnesia land (per luck) just after (before?) the refresh, it's possible to keep speed long enough to avoid speed loose, if the new pulse have a good timing (or just 0.5 sec) it can happen aswell with resist, or mob/ennemy that miss.

So one occurrence of this happening per luck on video (isn't a fu***g proof), VS a solid speed broken each time amnesia land...
I don't understand the invalid if they really did for that reason.

Edit : Even when people give a PLUS to your opinion you are very offensive, am not sure this kind of statement help your cause ... But whatever man.
Last edited by Kha on Apr 08, 2017 15:31, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby XiaN^^ » Apr 08, 2017 15:24

Kha wrote:@Xian

Speed Pulse is a 6second one.
Every 6 sec speed will refresh and you keep it for 6sec.

If amnesia land (per luck) just after (before?) the refresh, it's possible to keep speed long enough to avoid speed loose, if the new pulse have a good timing (or just 0.5 sec) it can happen aswell with resist, or mob/ennemy that miss.

So one occurrence of this happening per luck on video (isn't a fu***g proof), VS a solid speed broken each time amnesia land...
I don't understand the invalid if they really did for that reason.

why you tell me this. i know exacty how its supposed to work. try tell that to the devs that decided that its working as intended here cos some idiot posted a vid of it not instantly breaking after trying it 100 times. this is exactly why i said bug tracking/fixing shouldnt be a public thing where every clown can upvote/downvote things depending how it suits them best personally. instead it should be a closed invisible forum section where only a selected few have access to. i can pretty much name all of the ppl that are needed to get this server 100% livelike as it was in 2003, dont need any of these random clowns stating their opinion on things. infact 99% of the server shouldnt even be granted an opinion since they havent played the game in 10+ years and even when they played they didnt know anything.
Bigboyo <Los Boyos el Grande> Grand Overlord of Midgard and Slayer of Virgins

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Postby pweet » Apr 08, 2017 15:42

This is not how you make a bug report.
Go here and repeat.
Then we can discuss what is correct with your claim and whats is just made up (e.g. amnesia).

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Postby Genjiro » Apr 08, 2017 15:57

As pweet mentioned please create an issue in our issue tracker.
Also, XiaN, I suggest you calm down for a bit.

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