[Tutorial] Hibernian Leveling Guide + Class Tips

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Postby Phire1Phr34k » Sep 11, 2007 05:03

Phaze's Hibernian Leveling Guide

Some believe at lower levels, it's more beneficial to do the starter/newbie quests. It's your choice. I personally consider my guide a strictly fast-level guide.

[A] Levels 1-5

[1] Kill yellow skeletons right outside Mag Mell to the SW / S. If you're a caster, stick to blues.
[2-3] Focus on killing blue skeletons in the same area.
[4] Move further SW / S toward Tir Na Nog, and finish by quickly slaughtering any blues.
[5] Head into Tir Na Nog to train, and purchase a orange-con weapon. Casters, purchase some yellow/orange con cloth. After you're done, head back to Mag Mell, and head SE / E to the lake, and hunt mudmen, and water beetle collectors.

[B] Levels 6-10

[6] Head W / SW from the lake where you will find yellow/orange hill toads, and blue lugradan whelps, and spraggons. Beware of the blackthorn/lunantishee combo mobs. They will not end a chase.
[7] Continue hunting the hill toads, don't mind the lugradan whelps, or the spraggons, they're too weak of experience at this point. Do not get cocky and try the blackthorn/lunantishee combos yet.
[8] If you're a tank that feels you can handle it, try the blackthorn/lunantishee combo's. If you want to play it safe, continue killing the blue con frogs.
[9] Make sure you're equipment is still a decent con, and start killing the blackthorn/lunantishee combos. There is a small camp to the S/SE of the hill toads, and another E/NE of that camp. Remember: They come in groups of 2-3.
[10] At this point, you should have trained. Continue to kill blackthorns/lunantishees.

[C] Levels 11-15

[11] Make your way back to Mag Mell, and head N to Connacht. Head up to Ardee, and make sure to bind. Open your map, and guide yourself W / NW to Muire Tomb. I would suggest getting a friend to help you kill faster.
[12] Continue killing in Muire Tomb.
[13] Train again, and make sure your equipment is still a decent con. Go a little deeper inside Muire Tomb.
[14] Continue fighting in Muire Tomb.
[15] Continue fighting in Muire Tomb.

Guardian Notes:

Never let your weapons drop to gray con. Once your weapons/armor start conning blue, it's common practice to purchase new items.
Don't worry about training too often. Below 20, you only need to train every 3-5 levels.
If you're a shield guardian, realize that your first slam is a full time, every slam after that is half of the previous stun timer.
Always make sure to Guard/Protect/Intercept your healers, and/or casters.
If you're grouped, do not run ahead.
Don't get cocky, just because you have a healer, and a decent amount of HP, it doesn't make you invincible.

Caster Notes:

Always keep your armor conning yellow/orange. Your HP is very low, and the AF you're given is even worse.
If you're grouped, only pull if you're told to, otherwise, always assist your primary tank.
Check your spell menu every level you go up, although you won't get new spec spells until you train, you will get new base spells.
Practice kiting, you'll need it.
Always check your personal AF buff.
Training every 2-3 levels is a good rythm below 20.

Healer Notes:

Always keep your armor conning blue-orange.
If you're grouped, your primary objective is to keep your guardian alive. Your secondary objective is yourself.
Base heals will never take priority over spec heals, don't fool yourself.
Training every 2-3 levels is a MUST.
You're not a tank, don't try to be.
Stay close to the guardian, he's your best friend.
Make sure you have everyone buffed that you can.
If you can help it, do not let your teammate drop below 25% health.

Stealther Notes:

Keep your items yellow or higher at all times.
Archers, do not make the mistake of only using 1 type of arrows.
Shades, do not make the mistake of only using 1 type of poison.
Shades, we realize that most your styles are while in shade form, but do not rely on them too much. Too much relying on them will cause your team to die.
You will not get special down-time treatment, so don't ask.
It is rare that you will find a group, so don't complain. Find some stealther buddies, and have fun.
No matter how high your stealth is, there's always someone else out there with better stealth, it's not hacks.

Hybrid Notes:

Read everything. Make adjustments as you need to.

You can always do Kill Tasks up until level 20.

More to come as I level up. :)
Last edited by Phire1Phr34k on Sep 11, 2007 10:38, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby omni157 » Sep 11, 2007 10:18

IMHO for lvs 1-5 the easiest way to lv up and equip you toon are simply do the starter quests. Yes it takes 60 maybe 90 min to complete but the rewards at low levels are well worth it

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Postby Phire1Phr34k » Sep 11, 2007 10:37

omni157 wrote:IMHO for lvs 1-5 the easiest way to lv up and equip you toon are simply do the starter quests. Yes it takes 60 maybe 90 min to complete but the rewards at low levels are well worth it

Maybe, but the focus of this guide is to level up fast, not equip yourself with semi-decent items. Thanks for your input, I'll amend it.

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Postby Elwin » Sep 11, 2007 10:51

i always get 1-3 by starter quest, since i know this quest perfectly i got this in no time
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Postby Phire1Phr34k » Sep 11, 2007 10:56

Elwin wrote:i always get 1-3 by starter quest, since i know this quest perfectly i got this in no time

I've never really liked the start quests, to be honest.

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Postby Elwin » Sep 11, 2007 11:08

i do only those one who are realy helpfull
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Postby Zaubermaus » Sep 11, 2007 13:35

Some startquests are so easy, you can get a half lvl by doing a simple questtastk, like catching or killing one mob. So dont tell us, what is faster^^
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Postby Phire1Phr34k » Sep 11, 2007 17:22

Zaubermaus wrote:Some startquests are so easy, you can get a half lvl by doing a simple questtastk, like catching or killing one mob. So dont tell us, what is faster^^

Important Delivery - 10 Minutes
Scryer - 10 Minutes
Collection - 10 Minutes
Stolen Hatchling - 10 Minutes
Beginning of Ware - 10 Minutes
Culmination - 10 Minutes

Total Starter Quest Time: 60 Minutes / 1 Hour

My Total Killing Time: 40 Minutes-60 Minutes / 0.70 Hour-1 Hour

Also note that my OP says...
"personally consider"
And; as my response to omni157 says...
"focus of this guide is to level up fast, not equip yourself with semi-decent items"

Just thought I would add those things...
Have to understand; this guide is based off my leveling experience, and it's running right along with how I'm leveling here on Uthgard as well.

Edit #2:
My actual level time from 1-5 was right around 50 Minutes, and as omni157 said about the starter quests...
"it takes 60 maybe 90 min to complete"

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Postby Zaubermaus » Sep 11, 2007 20:09

i do it faster^^ and i don talk from do it all, there are some more easy startquests ;)
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Postby monty » Sep 11, 2007 23:16

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Postby Phire1Phr34k » Sep 11, 2007 23:25

monty wrote:[Edit by T: No off-topic, please.]

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Postby Thraxia » Sep 12, 2007 01:04

You leveled 1-5 in 50 minutes? Not bad. Anyways, the equip gained through Starter quest isn't semi-decent at all, those are Masterpiece Weapon and Armor with nice stats, + some useful jewellery.

Btw i dunno why you choose to kill yellows with some classes, this is only useful if you already have some equip muled, so either you get something for free or already have a higher char. If you don't (what's to be expected for new players) it's better to stick to blues for the first levels.

Btw i never managed to keep Armor and Weapon yellow-orange both with just the money i gain from killing mobs.

Few things i'd like to mention:

If you're a shield guardian, realize that your first slam is a full time, every slam after that is half of the previous stun timer.
Always make sure to Guard/Protect/Intercept your healers, and/or casters.

Using Stun won't help much, it's just a biiig loss of endurance. Better stick to your weapon styles.
Don't put intercept on Casters, if they get hit you may be dead if already scratched, cause this will cause huge damage on you.

Always keep your armor conning yellow/orange. Your HP is very low, and the AF you're given is even worse.
Training every 2-3 levels is a good rythm below 20.

As Caster, it's not so important to have your armor conning yellow/orange all the time, you generally avoid getting hit too much. Stats on it count more. Anyways, replace it if it's starting to con green/grey.

Base heals will never take priority over spec heals, don't fool yourself.

Absolutely not right. Stick to little baseheals, those provide the best heal per mana. If you stick to specs, you'll be out of mana in no time, increasing group downtime largely after a big fight.
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Postby Phire1Phr34k » Sep 12, 2007 01:36

Wow; surprised someone spoke on my notes.

If you're a fighter-class, you have no problem taking yellow's at low levels. It's the only way that I leveled so fast, in fact. I'm new to server, so no extra loot, and I didn't talk to anyone else in-game until level 5 anyway. :-p

I'm level 11 right now; and have had no problems keeping everything yellow. :)

You're right about the stuns taking alot of endurance, but for a shield tank to do most damage possible, is to use side/back styles. They tend to do more damage than frontal attacks. That's the only reason I mentioned the stun lengths. You see, you can eventually stun, side, side, side, stun, side, side, stun, side. Admittingly you'd have to get down a rhythm, but it's possible. To be honest, in most cases, if the caster is doing the most damage (depends on the mobs), I'd rather a tank die, protecting the caster, allowing the group to live, than for a caster to die, and the tank following him to the grave.

You may be right about the caster armor thing, that's because I've never really experienced leveling a caster (except on /level 20 and /level 50) all the way to 50, and just used my best judgement from a few years of gameplay.

I actually worded that particular healer note wrong... I meant to mention something about danger, and it should also be listed after the 25% health note. I'll change it in time.

Thanks for your feedback though, I have to say I actually preferred responding to your post, rather than the same thing over and over. :)

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Postby Thraxia » Sep 12, 2007 03:26

The Stun you're refering too seems to be the spec 42 or 50 style, though. With lower level stuns you won't have enough time to do 3 sidestyles, especially with a slow weapon.

Concerning killing yellows, i have to admit i didn't play a low level tank for a long time now - maybe the mobs got a bit easier to kill or something with damage was changed - just had in mind that yellow = death :D
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Postby Phire1Phr34k » Sep 12, 2007 03:36

You're probably right about the stun, last time I was able to do that was when I was playing on I50.

I believe that overall; mobs are easier for tanks all around. I know that now, being level 11 (way more different from levels 1-5), I can take oranges, and that's as a Lurikeen. I'm sure that if I were a Firbolg, I could take reds. I might just be cocky though.

I apologize to everyone about my dominance over the forums... I tend to like to always reply. That and I'm the kind of guy that has to have the last word.


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