Change RvR Keep Bonuses from GUILD to ALLIANCE

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Postby Budikah » Apr 12, 2017 01:35

Custom changes are few and far between here - but I figured I'd toss this out there.

See thread detailing the keep reward system here : viewtopic.php?t=36209

Currently the system works to give your realm and the guild holding a keep bonuses to RP/DMG/XP as far as I know. This is already a fairly menial reward for taking keeps, as most people who are taking keeps aren't going to be the immediate beneficiaries of the reward unless they have enough time after the lengthy process of taking keeps to stick around.

So as it is, realm gets 10% buff and guild gets 20% buff - my ever so slight custom change is to change the buff from guild only to alliance.

Reason being, not everyone who helps take a keep is going to be in the same guild - it's likely they are in the same alliance. Many guilds claim keeps and only have a handful of active members who will never end up using the bonuses as it is.

Changing the reward structure to apply to all guilds within the Alliance instead of just the guild would be a step towards increasing the Keep holding rewards currently in place as described here and getting more usage out of the system - one which I'm not sure many players even know exists.

I'll just leave the thread here, can't make any feature requests anywhere else, and I figure it should at least be up for consideration. Keep RvR rewards are currently not very attractive as is, even if they changed it from GUILDWIDE -> ALLIANCEWIDE it still would not be very attractive as the immediate rewards for taking keeps simply don't exist.

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Postby Blue » Apr 12, 2017 03:32

No. Will not happen.
It's done when it's done. Thanks for your patience.
Every bug gets fixed. Sooner or later.

"It is an inescapable law of nature that the amount of satisfaction one gains from achieving something
is related to how hard it is and easy things can only elicit a fleeting superficial sort of pleasure."

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