Improper use of SOS looses fights

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Postby aylictal » Apr 17, 2017 19:19


So when leveling my minstrel for 8 hours straight in a llyn barfog group several weeks ago, there was this armsman in my group named disrupter. half the group was afk hitting nearest target with amythest slash spamming while watching netflix, the theurg was literally on a 10 minute afk timer, cleric perma afk because a pet was healing whoever dropped under half.

but not this armsman.

this armsman was accusing the other armsman that was in the group to assist him every other pull and stop being a nub.

the other armsman said dude who gives a ****** i can tank a red calm yourself.

the discussion then went towards disrupter claiming that he was the best and knows better than you, and i quote:

"I'm on a whole nother level of gaming".

The other armsman replies, "A whole nother level of hitting the same mobs for the past 8 hours? What are you, next level needlers?"

This was my experience with the OP.

quality post mate, quality post.

-Yours truly, a minstrel.

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Postby Shafi » Apr 18, 2017 10:30

aylictal wrote:lmfao.

So when leveling my minstrel for 8 hours straight in a llyn barfog group several weeks ago, there was this armsman in my group named disrupter. half the group was afk hitting nearest target with amythest slash spamming while watching netflix, the theurg was literally on a 10 minute afk timer, cleric perma afk because a pet was healing whoever dropped under half.

but not this armsman.

this armsman was accusing the other armsman that was in the group to assist him every other pull and stop being a nub.

the other armsman said dude who gives a ****** i can tank a red calm yourself.

the discussion then went towards disrupter claiming that he was the best and knows better than you, and i quote:

"I'm on a whole nother level of gaming".

The other armsman replies, "A whole nother level of hitting the same mobs for the past 8 hours? What are you, next level needlers?"

This was my experience with the OP.

quality post mate, quality post.

-Yours truly, a minstrel.

It's good to see that there are still tolerant people out here who don't flame anyone that isn't as OP as them.

aylictal wrote:Any chanter who doesn't get baod after mcl is a moron anyway, or solos/small mans exclusively. In a group, every chanter should have it, just the same as every cleric has bof, because it is clearly the best ra they can get. Saying a chanter needs dmg ra's over baod is like saying a cleric needs healing ra's over bof. It's retarded.

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Postby MotaroReloaded » Apr 19, 2017 00:03

aylictal wrote:lmfao.

So when leveling my minstrel for 8 hours straight in a llyn barfog group several weeks ago, there was this armsman in my group named disrupter. half the group was afk hitting nearest target with amythest slash spamming while watching netflix, the theurg was literally on a 10 minute afk timer, cleric perma afk because a pet was healing whoever dropped under half.

but not this armsman.

this armsman was accusing the other armsman that was in the group to assist him every other pull and stop being a nub.

the other armsman said dude who gives a ****** i can tank a red calm yourself.

the discussion then went towards disrupter claiming that he was the best and knows better than you, and i quote:

"I'm on a whole nother level of gaming".

The other armsman replies, "A whole nother level of hitting the same mobs for the past 8 hours? What are you, next level needlers?"

This was my experience with the OP.

quality post mate, quality post.

-Yours truly, a minstrel.

I ve seen many who cant pve and play from BETA but i dont curse and have a problem with it, i tell them its not ok this and that , afk ing its different.. if you ninja afk means u r a fuking ****** who takes advantage of others , btw i think most ppl in this game play since beta but cant buff properly / mezz mobs or at least asist on a mob :))) in Alb at least ..dunno other realms .. sorry i dont pve in a grp where there are afk fags i dont tolerate that ..already said it .. and yeah i think i ve had a few afk minstrels in Lyn barf who i told to ****** off and afk elsewhere cause i m not having it , if i take the time to MA and fuken hit mobs u can do it aswell arms whateva the fuk you are. Whats all this got to do with SoS anyway ?
Glacius ( previous acount name)

Glacius - WIzzard
Disrupter - Armsman

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Postby XiaN^^ » Apr 19, 2017 05:48

MotaroReloaded wrote:
aylictal wrote:lmfao.

So when leveling my minstrel for 8 hours straight in a llyn barfog group several weeks ago, there was this armsman in my group named disrupter. half the group was afk hitting nearest target with amythest slash spamming while watching netflix, the theurg was literally on a 10 minute afk timer, cleric perma afk because a pet was healing whoever dropped under half.

but not this armsman.

this armsman was accusing the other armsman that was in the group to assist him every other pull and stop being a nub.

the other armsman said dude who gives a ****** i can tank a red calm yourself.

the discussion then went towards disrupter claiming that he was the best and knows better than you, and i quote:

"I'm on a whole nother level of gaming".

The other armsman replies, "A whole nother level of hitting the same mobs for the past 8 hours? What are you, next level needlers?"

This was my experience with the OP.

quality post mate, quality post.

-Yours truly, a minstrel.

I ve seen many who cant pve and play from BETA but i dont curse and have a problem with it, i tell them its not ok this and that , afk ing its different.. if you ninja afk means u r a fuking ****** who takes advantage of others , btw i think most ppl in this game play since beta but cant buff properly / mezz mobs or at least asist on a mob :))) in Alb at least ..dunno other realms .. sorry i dont pve in a grp where there are afk fags i dont tolerate that ..already said it .. and yeah i think i ve had a few afk minstrels in Lyn barf who i told to ****** off and afk elsewhere cause i m not having it , if i take the time to MA and fuken hit mobs u can do it aswell arms whateva the fuk you are. Whats all this got to do with SoS anyway ?

you´re bad at pve
Bigboyo <Los Boyos el Grande> Grand Overlord of Midgard and Slayer of Virgins

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Postby Sendnudez » Apr 19, 2017 08:06

XiaN^^ wrote:
MotaroReloaded wrote:
aylictal wrote:lmfao.

So when leveling my minstrel for 8 hours straight in a llyn barfog group several weeks ago, there was this armsman in my group named disrupter. half the group was afk hitting nearest target with amythest slash spamming while watching netflix, the theurg was literally on a 10 minute afk timer, cleric perma afk because a pet was healing whoever dropped under half.

but not this armsman.

this armsman was accusing the other armsman that was in the group to assist him every other pull and stop being a nub.

the other armsman said dude who gives a ****** i can tank a red calm yourself.

the discussion then went towards disrupter claiming that he was the best and knows better than you, and i quote:

"I'm on a whole nother level of gaming".

The other armsman replies, "A whole nother level of hitting the same mobs for the past 8 hours? What are you, next level needlers?"

This was my experience with the OP.

quality post mate, quality post.

-Yours truly, a minstrel.

I ve seen many who cant pve and play from BETA but i dont curse and have a problem with it, i tell them its not ok this and that , afk ing its different.. if you ninja afk means u r a fuking ****** who takes advantage of others , btw i think most ppl in this game play since beta but cant buff properly / mezz mobs or at least asist on a mob :))) in Alb at least ..dunno other realms .. sorry i dont pve in a grp where there are afk fags i dont tolerate that ..already said it .. and yeah i think i ve had a few afk minstrels in Lyn barf who i told to ****** off and afk elsewhere cause i m not having it , if i take the time to MA and fuken hit mobs u can do it aswell arms whateva the fuk you are. Whats all this got to do with SoS anyway ?

you´re bad at pve

I must agree with the diagnosis. Chronic bad

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Postby oLd-Sneakers » Apr 19, 2017 08:45

I don't understand this thread.

Whats the problem?

Everyone should know S O S only lets you move when CCed, it doesn't cancel any CC and if you are mezzed/slammed in SOS you are still mezzed/slammed with the only exception you can move around.

If you have CC duration left after sos ends you will be mezzed/slammed/rooted until the effect wears off.

When albs sos the only thing any group has to do is spamm MEZZ on them, then run away. Keep their theug NSed/amnesiad and start killing their pets while they are in SOS (but mezzed).

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Postby MotaroReloaded » Apr 19, 2017 19:09

I bet you re all playing since BETA ..right?:)))
Glacius ( previous acount name)

Glacius - WIzzard
Disrupter - Armsman


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