Viability of Blademasters

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Postby Vona » Apr 24, 2017 12:35

I know BM do a good job in RVR.
But how is the situation when it comes down to levelling?
Do they find grps easily, will they be able to solo?
Ofc my BM will be unbuffed, but will have good gear all the time due to farming with ench.

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Postby Uzkrak » Apr 24, 2017 12:53

Well you will have to do the groups until lvl 44/45 for the most time yourself, thats what I did and it worked quite well, not sure how populated lowlevel areas are now,though....
From lvl 44/45 onwards there are melee bgs in bog running almost daily where you can join,especially with good equip

You can solo,but downtime is huge, so i would recommend to always have a bard with you

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Postby Shpongle » Apr 24, 2017 23:46

The wild green lands that make up the realm of Hibernia on Uthgard can be somewhat unpredictable when one attempts to interact with its inhabitants. Finding companions early in your journey will be mostly up to luck if you haven't already pledged your allegiance to an established army. Once adventurers approach their 30th season the task of finding compatriots in the field to join in battle becomes less daunting, however, patience will be your greatest ally here.

As a Master of Blades you will enjoy substantial demand for your services in groups that focus on brute force. A Master of Blades that also masters the shield can become infinitely more interesting than their one-dimensional counterparts, while still maintaining respectable savagery.

As you approach your 40th season and beyond militias you encounter will tend to display a higher level of efficiency and skill.

Beware however, Uthgard's community represents the full spectrum of human intelligence, compassion, and common sense, so your experiences will vary.
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Postby Vitticus » Apr 26, 2017 00:50

It really depends on your level bubble. If there are a group of wardens and tanks leveling, then you will get groups fine. But once that bubble of players get too far past you, then you will have to wait for the next bubble of players that roll tanks.

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