[Advice] Starting on Hibernia
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Dear Uthgard Hibernia Community,
I am back on DAoC after more than 12 years. I would like to ask your vision on the class viability on this version for the following classes and their demand for XP groups on Hibernia as of today (XP and RVR): - Support: Druid and Bard? - Tank: Hero and Champion? - Hybrid: What is the viability of Valewalker on this version of the game? (Can solo well when no groups are avail..) If you have any other class to recommend please do not hesitate. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration. Best regards, Redsky. |
- Tank: BM or Hero. Haven't seen a Champion in month's now.
Satiah | Tuthmes | Dendera | Khufu | Nefertete | Dahshur | Nebetah | Neterbaiu
Would play a hero or bm too.
Bard and druid are everywhere, tanks are always needed. And both are a lot of fun ofc. <[img]img%20src="http://herald.uthgard.net/daoc/sig.php?name=Arrowsa&s=5"[/img]>
Ultimately you have to play something you want to play and enjoy playing.
Bard and druid are great when others need them. But there are a lot around, and aside from nature druids, have no solo prospects. Hero and BM are painful to solo, but do great in groups, just add a bard. Champs are fine in PVE, but deal with lack of determination in RVR. They can still do fine, but everyone flocks to the det classes. VW's share issues with champs, but can pretend to be ranged casters |
If you th8nk you are good at playing a bard in rvr do so...many bards out lvling but vanish after hitting 50
I would imagine that many quit before hitting 50 when they have to slog from 40-50 begging for one of two spots in the BOG melee group, unless they happen to be friends with an enchanter or get lucky enough to find a SH group that lasts more than an hour. Not that you hit a nerve or anything ![]() |
My point of view is from the perspective of pugging for rvr.
If you want melee pls go bm... there are so many heros and more than 1 in a group is really sub prime. You can run 4 bms np. Any other melee will not get groups and you will quit. Bards, druids and wardens are all good, it varies from day to day what is needed. Casters are hard to pug. No one runs casters in NA time either so you will likely quit of that's your play time. I can't speak for EU. Ultimately if you have a set bunch of people you plan to play with roll whatever. Otherwise I would only roll 1 of those 4 classes. Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalk Iradra - Sorc <we wuz kangz> Uthgard
Iradar - Bard <The Last Maul> Uthgard ________________________________________________ Circa - RR7 Warden <Aeon/Liberated> Guinevere Drado - RR6 Shaman <Zenith> Percival Rbiz - RR6 Druid <Nitro> Gareth |
Support: If you feel comfortable and think you can play it well, good bards are lacking. They are hard to play but its huge benefit when you have good ones. Honestly cant go wrong with bard or druid. Druids are more in demand for pve groups, but rvr going to need both. Tank: I would highly recommend BM. I PUG all the time and it seems Heroes greatly outnumber BMs on this server, and BMs are just so damn nice to have. However with that being said if its ONLY between Hero or Champion, 100% a hero. Champions and VWs are not good for groups in this patch. Hybrid: VWs/Champs not very good for groups. MAYBE for small man, but I mean still would rather have a BM or Hero. Wardens are decent, there a lot of warden with lots of BM groups started to run around and they seem to do nicely. Overall: Bard // Druid // BM // Hero all good choices. I would recommend BM if you want tank. Bard or druid both good if you want to support. |
Hib experience post level 40: log on, set lfg, spam alliance for group, join Bog zerg BG and get on list, sit in CF on fins list, wait 45 mins, log of boredom. |
you forgot the whole...waiting for the perfect group setup. You can't begin to exp in a group in hib unless its optimal. Infection 50 Shaman
Alliant 50 Runemaster |
What about Mentalists? Are they of any viability in PvE or RvR? I haven't touched Hibernia since 2004 or earlier, so I'm super rusty on the Hibernia meta.
It sounds to me like if I were to play Hibernia my only class option would be Blademaster, since they are more desired over Heroes and there's less of them. Jeez, doesn't sound too attractive. Severian, RR5 Skald
Sacrament, RR4 Healer Darkcircle, RR4 RM |
Just came across this from a thread I started regards lowbie lving in Albion, and basically the answer is make necro - trade PL etc and now this thread is saying that Hib has a problem lvling as well.....
Where does that leave players? |
You have to understand that most ppl posting about how awful lvling is in hib haven't actually played hib in months.
There is one reality that cannot be argued - hib is the least populated realm and the negatives associated with that are what they are. If server pop is 1k in the off-peak hours and there's less than 300 hibs on, u may not find a grp in a certain level range, but again, it's just a numbers game at that point - that druid u need around ur lvl may be rvr'ing on main or crafting at that particular time. The initial rush of ppl rolling enchanters as first farm char is now over and there aren't a whole lot of them around now to dictate that all grps are focus pull grps. In fact, things have reverted back to classic methods - a few tanks to stack mobs and pbaoe. I got my hero to 50 2-3 weeks ago, haven't been in a single FP grp on that char once. Getting to 40 shouldn't be an issue grps-wise - the grps my hero was in invited nightshades and rangers all the time. 36-40 may get tough as ppl r reluctant to leave CM pit and that xp really slows down in that lvl range due to no camp bonus. But alternative is there - mobs around lough gur lake are perfect for a melee grp. 40-45 is hit and miss and depends on class. Euro and NA prime times typically have a caster zerg (3g+) and a melee zerg (2g max) running in bog - support can join 40+, tanks/dps usually 44+ but lower 40's sometimes get in if there's a few melee 48+ already. Haven't been in that caster zerg in months, can't comment on that. Evinak - Eldritch
Evinac - Hero <Blazed> |
Every enchanter leveling, xping or farming has a mana ment stuck to his ass. They also do well as backup heals and power regen (to save the bard from developing RSI) in melee xp groups. Light ments are also great in hybrid/caster RvR groups. You just need a single line respec stone, or willingness to solo 40-50, and you are in business. |
Useful tidbit of info. Thank you! So Light ments are desired in most RvR groups then it sounds like? Can you elaborate a bit on PvE specs vs RvR specs for Mentalists? I have interest in playing a Mentalist due their interesting mix of abilities in their three lines with the DoTs/HoTs/Mezz/Heals/Power Regen. Quite a neat mixture of abilities they seem to have. I'm assuming you don't spec light while leveling unless you have the patience to solo? Severian, RR5 Skald
Sacrament, RR4 Healer Darkcircle, RR4 RM |
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