Respawning in Battlegrounds

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Postby Spazmataz » Apr 30, 2017 03:06

<!-- I don't know exactly where to post this, but I figured this would be the best sub-forum. Please forgive me and relocate it if this isn't the correct place. -->

So my buddy and I are leveling a Necro/Theurg combination together. That is all fine and dandy when in PvE, but where it gets messy is when we start doing battlegrounds. We both just turned Level 20 today, and were ecstatic to be able to finally enjoy some PvP combat... that was, until we found out (when I died) that you don't respawn in the battlegrounds. Not only does this make us extremely disappointed, but it makes us not want to participate in them due to the constant fee to get back in + horse tickets back if we don't bind at the realm border keep.

I don't remember much from my retail days, but I played back during SI and possibly ToA. My main was a Level 35 Enchanter, and battlegrounds were amazing things for those guys. The biggest thing I remember though was not being afraid of death because I would respawn in the battleground... why is this not a thing here? Is this a feature that came in a later version of the game? Is this just something I am messing up when I respawn? Is this not a thing on Uth 2.0?

Someone, anyone, please advise! This is absolutely crazy! We love the retail feel of Uth 2.0, and we waited forever for Uth to come back up, but now we are rather disappointed in this new discovery and we are hoping it is just a fluke...

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Postby moha » Apr 30, 2017 03:32

Respawning in BGs came with New Frontiers (1.70+). So on Uthgard (1.65) you will respawn at your bind point.

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Postby joshisanonymous » Apr 30, 2017 06:04

Find a house in housing that you can get into that has a bind stone, a healer, and a porter for Castle Sauvage, then bind there. You get one housing bind and one normal bind, so your normal bind can still be wherever you want it. Now, when you die in the BGs, /release house and you'll be brought to that house where you can immediately cure your rez sickness and port to the pad to get back into the BG.

It's really not so bad, especially in the BGs since they're so small. It'll probably take 3-5 minutes usually to get back to your portal keep in the BG after dying, depending on where the pad porters are. I don't know what to tell ya about the money part. If you're sweating a few silver, then you probably spent money on things you didn't need to. Did you buy armor from vendors maybe? Or perhaps you're spending all your money on crafting?
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Postby Hoemurr » Apr 30, 2017 06:41

I know this might sound like a crazy idea, but you could always run with a class that can rez. So, grab a friar or a cleric (or a pally, if you're over 30 and going to caledonia), and go rock the BGs.

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Postby Lurker » Apr 30, 2017 12:07

Yeah bind in the border keep and it's just a few minutes wait to port back generally. Not super convenient / constant action I grant you. But not that big a deal. Just a small wait when you die which is reasonable.

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Postby barto22 » Apr 30, 2017 12:50

What about the fee to get back in? There's no solution to that. BG on this server setting are just not friendly enough for casual players. And it's a real shame.

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Postby Lurker » Apr 30, 2017 13:12

The 10 silver?

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Postby Spazmataz » May 01, 2017 02:53

Yes, the 10s. I am new enough that I don't have any money extra to just throw away casually right now. I don't have a toon high enough level to farm yet, and if battlegrounds are going well then I can see myself dying several times over. The beauty about being a necromancer is I don't have to buy gear for my character, but I just don't have that much money in general.

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Postby Lurker » May 01, 2017 03:21

The beauty of a necro is also that you are the best farming class in the game :) kill 1 or mob in the battle ground and you will have paid for your trip.

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Postby Spazmataz » May 01, 2017 04:17

Lurker wrote:The beauty of a necro is also that you are the best farming class in the game :) kill 1 or mob in the battle ground and you will have paid for your trip.

My buddy and I found that out tonight after we killed four or five things... then we started getting jumped by a couple Hib zergs running around. The only downside to leveling in battlegrounds is the relentlessness of people. I remember those days, haha! We make soo much more experience off BG Mobs than we do what we hunt elsewhere, so we think we're going to try and suffer through this.

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Postby Lurker » May 01, 2017 12:34

Yeah nice... you get 10% exp bonus there if your realm owns the keep and 20% if it's owned by your guild. So it's worth forming a group and taking that keep if you can.

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Postby Wellzy » May 01, 2017 15:39

respawning at the border keep is not a big deal.. not sure why everyone is so butthurt over this.

1) You have to wait on rezz sick anyway... which is MUCH longer than the portals.

2) I like grabbing speed before I port from the border keep.

3) I can access the vault for pots so I don't need to carry it all on me.

4) PPl cant rezz wave the CK when you are sieging it.

This is not a bad feature at all..

[Edit] I will agree with the neck cost. it should not be 10s for a lvl 24, they should have a thid neck that is sells for copper.

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Postby Uzkrak » May 03, 2017 13:29

Respawn in bg would definitely invreas action... or a port neck for 1s.... 10s hurts indeed when you are lvl 20ish and its your first toon

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