Guilds that focus on keep raiding/defending and zerging

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Postby Nelg » May 01, 2017 21:02

Are there any guilds that focus on raiding and defending keeps? With players that can’t stand when one of our own keeps is in the hands of Albion or Midgard. Whose mission it is to throw the frontiers of Albion and Midgard into turmoil. Where the proudest moments are a successful relic raid, a guild-claimed level 10 keep with a Corpse Summoner, an enemy frontier where all keeps belong to us.

And that welcome all players to participate? No matter the class, the spec, the level, the equipment. No matter if they have voice chat or not, if they are "good" or not. With players that find it more enjoyable to run with many instead of just 7 others. Who get the biggest thrill when an enemy zerg appears on a hill.

Are you out there?

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Postby Yamo » May 03, 2017 11:19

No direct rps/bps/XP benefits for this massiv Time Investment. So simply No!

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Postby Nataz » May 03, 2017 20:13

I want to preface this response by saying I am absolutely not an authority on this and could be wrong 100%, this is just the "feeling" I have gotten based on my experience with hib rvr so far. In contrast to what the person above said, there actually are RvR guilds and not everyone, luckily, is just motivated by the "bottom line" RP/BP etc. With that being said, it can be rough and there is no obvious answer to your question. Here's what I've observed so far:

If you are a German: You have the best pick of "Realm Pride," classic RvR guilds. Tuatha de Fearn and Rabenfrost frequently run in very large groups, and I have seen keep takes from both of them. I have also seen Rabenfrost get wiped out by 1.5fgm, but I think they were running not all level 50s, so this is understandable and I don't want to reflect badly on them.

If you are French: I think Les Gardiens de la Voute Celeste (GVC) have a more active presence doing RvR then Les Braves, but again this is based on observation. I also have never seen GVC run more than a fg, so I could be wrong, but they seem to be the more rvr-oriented casual French guild.

Non-English EU: I do not know.

US/UK/EN Speaking: I think Expedient Demise is more RvR/Keep oriented, but I have not seen a huge number of level 50s from them. Still, I have seen Keep Raid attempts, so very possible.

Blood Feud is of course a classic "elite" guild par excellence, in that they actually do RvR, but from what I have seen do it in a way that a lot of the /brain off zergs do not. I do not know their position on 8v8,etc, as again this is just from my observations. I also think they're much more stringent about recruitment than all the others, but again, not sure.

I hope this helps you in your attempt to find a good RvR guild! Its something I certainly enjoy very much also, and I think that all styles of play deserve respect!
Nataz <Althea> - 50 eld

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Postby mazher01 » May 03, 2017 22:54

I am looking for something similar. If you find one or are interested in starting something like this in the NA timezones let me know via PM or in game (Mazher in game).

A population of people doing more than just sitting afk or farming with their enchanter while they wait to do 8v8 would do a lot to attract people to play and stay, rather than jump ship to midgard or quit when they realise the endgame is pretty much non existent without an already established group.

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Postby Kyleran » May 05, 2017 02:32

Mystical Knights raids /defends keeps, especially in US evenings.

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Postby Shanitox » May 05, 2017 23:15

Blood Feud is of course a classic "elite" guild par excellence

:lol: :lol: :lol: Made my day, thanks for so much fun :)

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Postby Kaziera » May 06, 2017 15:21

Bill Cosby wrote:There are no guilds that focus on building their ranks and rolling out as a team every night

probably the main reason I quit.

Taking keeps is a reward in itself and you don't need rps

server is a gigantic antisocial 8v8 fest

Are you blind? Really take a good look before you postulate such nonsense.

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Postby pinhead65 » May 08, 2017 13:31


You can check
Will get you rough idea what guilds rvr.

GL man
Pinritch - Blood Feud <Eldritch 50>

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Postby Syskaru » May 14, 2017 19:14

Neartmhor is a PvP focus guild that will be doing weekly and nightly PvP events like this.

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Postby kinthos » May 17, 2017 12:15

Expedient Demise RvR every night. Starting Euro peak time and right into the night (US peak time).

We don't focus on 8v8 - so that I'll make clear but we are always in the frontier at these times.

Hermez is our RvR lead and you *will* see his name taking keeps often.
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Postby jeff_daoj » May 20, 2017 07:47

kinthos wrote:Expedient Demise RvR every night. Starting Euro peak time and right into the night (US peak time).

We don't focus on 8v8 - so that I'll make clear but we are always in the frontier at these times.

Hermez is our RvR lead and you *will* see his name taking keeps often.

+1 Hermez is also an incredibly friendly guy!
Jeff - 50 Necromancer
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