Server decaying
It doesn't seem like a big issue to me if relics swap hands back and forth like that. Wouldn't that be a sign of healthy competition? I actually thought Mid should've taken the 6th relic. The reason we didn't was because we wouldn't have relic guards then and would likely lose them all real quick, which to me is perfectly fine because the back and forth means that people are RvRing on a large scale. Anyway, to everyone else, I get that Albs and Hibs feel outnumbered during EU hours and that the people posting here are dead set on developer intervention or bust. I'm attempting to be productive about this, though, which is only met with hostility. There's no magical reason why Mid is doing well in RvR, but if y'all want to insist that it's impossible and continue with a very drawn out /quit, so be it, but I hope there are people in your realms who aren't looking to give up just yet. |
Not many people are down to log on and RvR at a -30% power deficit while also being outnumbered. No one wants to take keeps because it's boring af and doesn't offer any rps.
No one can be online 24/7 to defend so the dominant realm will have the relics fairly easy. Nerf the relics to 5% per enemy relic held. Might help the situation. For real though, make keeps worth RPS+defend rps. |
As a Hib, who participated in maybe half of all relic raids and defenses, I dont feel we are entirely helpless. However it is true, that there is nothing much we can do if a certain trashhold is reached. If the Mid Zerg is huge enough, that they can tear down all three relic doors within a few short minutes, no defense effort makes any sense. Usually thanks to Discord most of Hib knows about a relic attack taking places within the first few minutes, bg springs up almost immediately and people suicide/port to Ligen or Cain. From what I experience the swiftness and level of organization is great. And most Hib players are very enthusiastic about defending their relics.
But even though we do everything humanly possible, often times the relic keep has fallen before we can even reach it. And at that point its game over. I remember the one time we Hibs tried to intercept our relic in Mid FZ and had quite a huge force. Mids knew that and moved the relic around in HZ for 1 hour and got more people to log in and join their Zerg. After this hour they just steamrolled us, because there was no way for us Hibs to get more people online and into the raid. The numbers just dont support it. So even though we did everything right, the game mechanics in that particular situation didn't really give us a chance. What probably needs to change is either a limit on number of rams per door, overall stronger doors at relics and a shorter return timer for relics, so that you actually need to move fast, when you remove a relic from a shrine, and can't idle in HZ forever. Tree - Animist Lvl 50 (RR 3L0, Legendary Tailor)
Aeomelia - Enchanter Lvl 50 Guild: SCHWERT & ROSE (provisional guild leader) [HIB] Crafting Mat Wholesale Diamond, Wyvernskin, Nightshade, Eldritch etc. huge quantities below vendor price - pm me! |
^ lmao sheeeiiit
Tree, I appreciate your enthusiasm and ideas. But there is a problem with them. They affect balance, and they aren't 1.65. Now, they may be great ideas, but they are an contradiction with two of the sacred pillars of Uthgard.
There may be a day in the near-future when only Blue plays Uthgard, but by god, it will be 1.65. Ish. |
Yesterday 1.750 players online. 450 of these were hibs rest (1.300) splitted in mids and albs. Albs have around the same numbers than hib maybe a little bit more. You see the admins are right. They have only 40% more players online maybe we shoul vote for a permanent SH exp bonus that even more players switch to mid and become faster 50 that they can outnumber us 2:1
And yes i play with some hibs they think about it to transfer to mid because it more and more the only realm where pugs make fun. And yes on live the players stayed in there realms because they had hope that the next patch will change something but with the decison not to change anything in the future less and less players will play hib and stop playing or transfer to mid. |
Funny thing atm.
Watching Tharid's stream on Twitch now a bit. He's standing on emain pad in Hibernia. And its 17CET atm. 3 fg mids ported to emain couple mins ago, bufed and ran out.. like wtf? 3fg? Some of them high rr to. Thats the amount hib got on weekends at evnings, not a ordinary weekday at 17CET.. AT Drum Ligen atm, 1 afk bard, 1 afk vw, couple casters ;P YAY! |
Hibs always complaining maybe that's why people don't enjoy it there...I deleted a 50 bard just saying. Infection 50 Shaman
Alliant 50 Runemaster |
How's the bandwagon? Evinak - Eldritch
Evinac - Hero <Blazed> |
If the relics swap back and forth, then yes that would be a sign of healthy competition. But what Joshisanonymous is suggesting, is not "swapping" back and forth. It is that it takes a large amount of effort for an underdog realm, or even a realm that is evenly matched with its opponent, to organize and carry out a successful relic raid. It is tremendously demoralizing to know that all of that effort will be wiped out overnight, when the other realm logs in while you are asleep and undoes what you spent days planning and hours carrying out. On Igraine mids were usually the underdog realm, and Hibs had a large russian population. Mid Igraine ran a phenomenal stealthy relic raid during prime time NA -- within five minutes of first keep spam reported, all 7 keeps dropped. Within 20 minutes of first keep spam, both mid relics were freed and recovered. That same night, mid lost one or both of its relics, i forget, to hibs' russian guild. It was a long time before mids recovered and tried again. A momentary, <24 hr, interruption in Mid's dominance is not "swapping" and is not a sign of healthy competition. Edit: fixed quote Last edited by Jaerun on May 03, 2017 23:45, edited 1 time in total.
True , and funny enough these so called elite grps rr7+ now kill soloers and chase em down Emain .. ofc its no fun when its just rps hungry , smallmen is hard to play aswell cause fg s dont search 8 vs 8 fight ..they d chase a lvl 1 player if they ll see it, fuken pathetic .
I saw mids having 3-4 fg s middle of hte night EU times composed mostly of USA ppl( guilds) how can we take relics if during night time you bring so much ppl and take everything back?:) Glacius ( previous acount name)
Albion Glacius - WIzzard Disrupter - Armsman |
I don't know why it is the way it is, but in EU times I've seen massive Mid zergs without pretty much any Alb zerg opposition. Come NA time, Alb seems to get the edge, but I've also seen Mids conjure up equal/larger zergs even in NA time.
I don't know the solution - it just seems like one way or another people from different timezones all picked in together which has left some realms seemingly completely undefended. Either that or EU time Albs simply have no leadership - which is also a potential. I continually consider how to take a relic - but it's holding the relic that is the hard part. If EU Albs just lay down and get their faces smashed to dirt at the slightest hint of opposition, then what is the point of a massive undertaking during a different timezone? If there are any "zerg" leaders in Alb during EU times, please speak up so we can figure out how to get some goddamn relic mobility. |
Considering I was in your guild it's gone well playing with old guild members... Then again your idea of fun was running a 2nd group at clip to assjam... Bandwagon hardly... My experience in hib.. unless you contributed to focus pulling no groups. If you didn't have the right group to min max something pve they wouldn't let you in... nobody offered to help with my bards template items.. still got scd. BF didn't help with anything other than the 400 per piece sc... When I rolled mid... Groups from day one...we had 8 people grouped till lvl 10...playing shaman made things ok until 40 but not nearly as slow as hib was...rolled a RM RC spec... can't really say running mid caster group is the bandwagon... Bottom line is people in mid help each other. Only downside is the one hour of farming a week to pay for rvr charges but that's really minor... so same amount of time two 50s because people look to group they welcome people and consistently make a full group even if it's not the best ...but it works out and in the end that's alot better than my experience in hib. However your random shot at me is exactly what is wrong with hib...I'm having fun and youD rather make snide comments than see someone enjoy there time in the game. Today alone I gave mats farmed to a leveling alchemist and a random shaman in a group near me buffed me while farming so I gave him one of two of the band of ices that dropped while farming... Infection 50 Shaman
Alliant 50 Runemaster |
Maybe HIB should stop putting 6-7FG between AMG and Silo in Emain?? so you get more than 24 rps a kill.
You are destroying rvr |
stop whining about a zerg, its part of the game
field a zerg too or go into one of the other zones and take their keeps |
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