Question about unpopular RvR classes

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Postby Extraordinaire » May 04, 2017 22:10

So I've been cruising around the Uthgard forums, reading about RvR group composition and about which classes get picked up in RvR pug groups. I keep reading about this idea of "optimal" group composition, and that pugs are really picky about only picking up a few specific classes. How true is this? Do pugs just never RvR with hybrids like champions and paladins? Are you really going to be left out of endgame groups unless you leveled one of the "optimal" classes? That seems to leave out about half of the classes in the game from endgame content, which would be too bad because one of my favorite things that I remember from DAoC was the cool variety of classes available.
I was just curious about whether this preference for "optimal groups" is overemphasized in the forums, or if it plays out in reality. Is it more of a preference of one realm than another, or is it a common preference on Uthgard?

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Postby Budikah » May 04, 2017 22:28

Extraordinaire wrote:So I've been cruising around the Uthgard forums, reading about RvR group composition and about which classes get picked up in RvR pug groups. I keep reading about this idea of "optimal" group composition, and that pugs are really picky about only picking up a few specific classes. How true is this? Do pugs just never RvR with hybrids like champions and paladins? Are you really going to be left out of endgame groups unless you leveled one of the "optimal" classes? That seems to leave out about half of the classes in the game from endgame content, which would be too bad because one of my favorite things that I remember from DAoC was the cool variety of classes available.
I was just curious about whether this preference for "optimal groups" is overemphasized in the forums, or if it plays out in reality. Is it more of a preference of one realm than another, or is it a common preference on Uthgard?

Albion perspective


Reavers - I see them in groups sometimes. Not often. You will always be the last pick.

Friars - I see Colqhoun out on Albion RvRing on a Friar. He gets groups, guild groups, but again, not an attractive class for most groups. People have argued for them based on their heals/buffs/etc but in the end, I don't see them getting into much.

Necromancers - I see a few out in RvR - Kimharhi, Veins, and probably another 1-2 every now and then. Will struggle for groups. Melee debuff might get them some spots in certain groups.

Scouts - Delegated to stealth groups only pretty much, and still a rare class it seems.

Infils - With Scouts obviously, but more numerous.

Wizards - Out of all the classes I'll list here, Wizards get plenty of love despite the fact that there are higher DPS options. They're a hard class to play - a guildie described it as 90% horrible for that 10% moment of pure fiery glory. I personally will always bring wizards along, because they shoot cool firebolts and ******. I'm a sucker for the spell graphics.

Paladins - Some groups actually run Paladins. Out of all the classes here, I see them picked the most.

So to be straight with you - if you play these classes you will only likely get guild groups, non-serious PuGs, and zerg invites. The more desperate people are, the more likely that they will take you. I do see plenty of Valewalkers in Hib groups, but that's about it. I rarely, if ever, have seen a Thane outside of a relic defense scenario.

My favorite classes are the hybrids - but this patch level is a rough time for them. If you play them, you truly love the class and are accepting that you are going to be the last pick in dodgeball most of the time.

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Postby somenob » May 05, 2017 11:08

Are Paladins chants bad in RVR?

IMO, off-meta classes/specs should run their own off-meta groups, in Hib case: champions, VW, rangers, nature druids, battle bards, ench chanters etc. Dont get in that 8v8 MOBA surrogate, capture keeps and relics for your realm.

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