Question about unpopular RvR classes

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Postby Extraordinaire » May 04, 2017 22:09

So I've been cruising around the Uthgard forums, reading about RvR group composition and about which classes get picked up in RvR pug groups. I keep reading about this idea of "optimal" group composition, and that pugs are really picky about only picking up a few specific classes. How true is this? Do pugs just never RvR with hybrids like champions and paladins? Are you really going to be left out of endgame groups unless you leveled one of the "optimal" classes? That seems to leave out about half of the classes in the game from endgame content, which would be too bad because one of my favorite things that I remember from DAoC was the cool variety of classes available.
I was just curious about whether this preference for "optimal groups" is overemphasized in the forums, or if it plays out in reality. Is it more of a preference of one realm than another, or is it a common preference on Uthgard?

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Postby Ilerget » May 04, 2017 23:31

Extraordinaire wrote:So I've been cruising around the Uthgard forums, reading about RvR group composition and about which classes get picked up in RvR pug groups. I keep reading about this idea of "optimal" group composition, and that pugs are really picky about only picking up a few specific classes. How true is this? Do pugs just never RvR with hybrids like champions and paladins? Are you really going to be left out of endgame groups unless you leveled one of the "optimal" classes? That seems to leave out about half of the classes in the game from endgame content, which would be too bad because one of my favorite things that I remember from DAoC was the cool variety of classes available.
I was just curious about whether this preference for "optimal groups" is overemphasized in the forums, or if it plays out in reality. Is it more of a preference of one realm than another, or is it a common preference on Uthgard?

my advice would be to not listen what ppl say in this toxic atmosphere, usually is totally different than what you will find in game
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Postby Budikah » May 04, 2017 23:43

Ilerget wrote:
Extraordinaire wrote:So I've been cruising around the Uthgard forums, reading about RvR group composition and about which classes get picked up in RvR pug groups. I keep reading about this idea of "optimal" group composition, and that pugs are really picky about only picking up a few specific classes. How true is this? Do pugs just never RvR with hybrids like champions and paladins? Are you really going to be left out of endgame groups unless you leveled one of the "optimal" classes? That seems to leave out about half of the classes in the game from endgame content, which would be too bad because one of my favorite things that I remember from DAoC was the cool variety of classes available.
I was just curious about whether this preference for "optimal groups" is overemphasized in the forums, or if it plays out in reality. Is it more of a preference of one realm than another, or is it a common preference on Uthgard?

my advice would be to not listen what ppl say in this toxic atmosphere, usually is totally different than what you will find in game

It can be toxic, but that doesn't change the reality that if you choose to say... play a Reaver on Alb that you will more than likely be literally last on the list for picks when it comes to making a group - right behind a Merc, Arms, Paladin and perhaps even another duplicate caster DPS if that group is already caster heavy.

In PvE it doesn't matter - in PvP do you really want to be the last resort all the time?

Note, if you know people/have a cool group to play with, they'll likely invite you no matter what. Outside of that, you are taking a risk.

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Postby isocleas2 » May 05, 2017 01:59

If your intention is to join the zerg and/or do keep warfare then pick whatever your heart desires. You also can do so if you have no problems dieing more often when you do fight 8v8 or that you simply can't find a group for 8v8.

If that bothers you avoid hybrids and undesired class specs, about 2/3rds of the classes are still perfectly viable.

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Postby Faltain » May 05, 2017 02:52

Extraordinaire wrote:I was just curious about whether this preference for "optimal groups" is overemphasized in the forums, or if it plays out in reality. Is it more of a preference of one realm than another, or is it a common preference on Uthgard?

I'm going to be the honest person here and say that, (at least when I was in Albion), if you aren't playing a: Merc, Sorc, Cleric, Minstrel, Cabalist (sometimes), Theurgist (sometimes) ... you may find yourself standing around an awfully long time either praying a PUG forms that'll take you, or barring that... getting anyone willing to group with you that isn't a guildmate/buddy (IE: you form the group of misfits also unable to get into an 8-man of the higher RR's yourself). Paladins and Arms may occasionally get groups too depending if they're in a set group or not and filling in spots, but in a PUG sense I wouldn't count on it. Those other classes I mentioned initially may still find it hard to find groups, but nowhere near as hard as everything else.

In Hib and Mid I'd say things are a lot better in regards to certain things, but mainly because all either of those realms need to get decent groups going are 2-3 certain classes (Bard/Druid(s) + Shaman/Healer)... and then can fill up the rest accordingly (caster or tank setups can work great once a group has 2-3 of those classes in it already).

The short answer to the question though is: the forum echoes more or less what you'll see in game (especially if you PUG), yes.
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Postby Hotpockets » May 05, 2017 04:14

Short answer: It's your time do what you want!

Medium Answer: You won't find love or RPs unless you can solo/duo because grouping? That is a funny joke. Zergs will even pick you later.

Long Answer: If you have a group to run with and they will take anything then do it. Those are rare and even in those groups they pick you last. I have RL friends and siblings pick my toons last. What sh*tbags. This does happen though all the time. Do the class you think will be fun. Non-meta can work sometimes and it cna be a lot of fun. If fun is banging your head against the wall then go ahead. I did Spellcrafting and I think it was more tolerable then finding groups on my unloved classes. I guess the simple question to ask is "Will the 95% utter hot garbage of a time you have worth that 5% amazement when it all works according to play?". That answer better be a resounding HELL YES!

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Postby barto22 » May 05, 2017 15:41

I'll be completely honest and completely helpful here:

Don't waste your time levelling and undesirable class if you want to RvR at 50.

It will take you around 7 full days /played to level, probably more now that the population has dropped. Don't waste all this time in hopes that people will group you or on the thought that you'll be fine. Sure, you may well be fine, and you may get groups. But that's wishful, and not a practical way to think about this community. Do yourself a favour and make a class that is desired. That way you've already done the hard work.
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Postby Ardri » May 05, 2017 21:54

Extraordinaire wrote:How true is this? Do pugs just never RvR with hybrids like champions and paladins? Are you really going to be left out of endgame groups unless you leveled one of the "optimal" classes? That seems to leave out about half of the classes in the game from endgame content, which would be too bad because one of my favorite things that I remember from DAoC was the cool variety of classes available.
I was just curious about whether this preference for "optimal groups" is overemphasized in the forums, or if it plays out in reality. Is it more of a preference of one realm than another, or is it a common preference on Uthgard?

It is not overemphasized. Uthgard DAoC in 2017 is not the same DAoC as 2002. The players are different, especially the ones who RvR; they play to win. Any 8man worth a damn already has their guild groups and known player names that they will occasionally pick up. Happen to be the wrong class? Good luck spamming in CS/DL/SF for longer than it took you to lvl to 50 before you get picked up in a random PUG. And then proceed to die to the first organized 8man.

Make a popular class that every group needs, then hope you're good enough to get picked up by a competent 8man. The devs don't care that half the classes are sub-optimal and downright useless.
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Postby Extraordinaire » May 06, 2017 03:55

Alright, well that definitely answers my questions-- thanks for the replies, they were helpful

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Postby De_Kus » May 06, 2017 08:51

Luckily there are also people who give a damn. Especially a group building to join the zerg will not care about optimal setup. Also there are alliance who do RvR events with the intention to take anyone with them who has a character who is high enough and trying to build some groups around what is online.

However obviously in the world of 8vs8 elitism such a thing is more unlikely, but even within the "regulars" there are a few willing to run in less optimal setups outside of the fixed times of their pug action. And this is no fairy tail, at least not in Midgard after EU prime time (which probably is around American prime time).

Just be persistent with your LFG and don't waste your time sitting around in PK, do some farming and just /release house -> healer -> TP SF the moment you get an invite. :)
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