Uthgard 2.0 low RR shadowblade specs
What make me hesitate is the WS between 39 and 44 and 48 weapon.
From the Charplan tool, => with 39 weapon: WS = 933 => with 44 weapon: WS = 962 => with 48 weapon: WS = 985 So i understand that the 3rd Style Evade-Chain with CS is very usefull ... |
Yesterday I respecced my sb at level 40, before that I put it to the test:
39 Axe / 39 LA Average damage (100 styled doublefrost sample size) : 113 MH / 49 LA = total 162 dmg 39 Axe / 39 CS Average damage (100 style garotte sample size): 118 MH / 29 LA = total 147 dmg However, since garotte has a followup with a 1,x growth rate, whereas doublefrost is fixed at 0.75 at anytime, I feel this is not really representative. The evade styles also have a way higher GR than the LA styles. Also to consider is that CS and WS was not at max here. The higher opener PA/BS definitely is a big plus also. In my opinion the Critspec will be better overall, especially also because of the higher spike damage of the mainhand and the CS openers (which you cant really see from the average dmg). Mayuki - Berserker
Veromos - Shadowblade |
Just curious critblade opens with 2h weap, then switches to main and offhand? Or keep using 2h?
Only open with 2h. Fight with duel wield. |
What did you guys choose for RAs, and why?
Mayuki - Berserker
Veromos - Shadowblade |
Shadowblades really got sh*T for RAs in 1.65 Purge, Mastery of Pain ... really only ones worth a damn, imo. |
I kinda feel that See Hidden is more of a luxury than necessity, what do u think? Only good thing is, you can smell the minstrel traps from afar lol Mayuki - Berserker
Veromos - Shadowblade |
Don't bother about you spec, just keep you charges up.
Man stop complaining about charges, you just suck.
Ahah for sure
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Poor 2.5-Specpoint-9Sec-directStun-Str/Con-Poison-filtrators. Must be hard to not have the Advantage in EVERY aspect.
![]() < Barun > |
![]() It seem that our infiltrators friends actually really believe that SB is the strongest stealther, like God Mode with this red S/C buff. |
Funny to watch your comments guys. Try to play without your charges, then come back and cry us a river
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Well if anyone actually believes that SB has anything to fear from their enemy realms assassins after RR5 (taking into mind charges and RAs) then I'm sorry but they are delusionals. And this comes from a player with the same experience of NS, SB, Infil, having them all on RR7+ |
That's true with nightshades, they have strong RAs. Infi and SB both got average ras
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