Server decaying

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Postby shade » May 08, 2017 21:34

Severian wrote:I think this may be one of the keys to the problem with Uthgard. Midgard is literally like Sweden in a political sense, in that, while yes we are playing for our own individual enjoyment, we also realize this is in a very real sense a very social and very group effort and WE are in this together. We can create a better experience for ALL, including ourselves, by helping out others. Helping others to get to where we all want to be, the end game and RvR. Kind of like how Sweden thinks philosophically and politically

Yeah. Midgard players are any different than others :hammer: :hammer: Guess what would happen if Necros were enabled as a Midgard class.... :)
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Postby Ruckuz1983 » May 08, 2017 22:07

Severian wrote:
Ruckuz1983 wrote:My experience in hib.. unless you contributed to focus pulling no groups. If you didn't have the right group to min max something pve they wouldn't let you in... nobody offered to help with my bards template items.. still got scd. BF didn't help with anything other than the 400 per piece sc...

When I rolled mid...

Groups from day one...we had 8 people grouped till lvl 10...playing shaman made things ok until 40 but not nearly as slow as hib was...rolled a RM RC spec... can't really say running mid caster group is the bandwagon...

Bottom line is people in mid help each other. Only downside is the one hour of farming a week to pay for rvr charges but that's really minor... so same amount of time two 50s because people look to group they welcome people and consistently make a full group even if it's not the best ...but it works out and in the end that's alot better than my experience in hib.

Today alone I gave mats farmed to a leveling alchemist and a random shaman in a group near me buffed me while farming so I gave him one of two of the band of ices that dropped while farming...

I think this may be one of the keys to the problem with Uthgard. Midgard is literally like Sweden in a political sense, in that, while yes we are playing for our own individual enjoyment, we also realize this is in a very real sense a very social and very group effort and WE are in this together. We can create a better experience for ALL, including ourselves, by helping out others. Helping others to get to where we all want to be, the end game and RvR. Kind of like how Sweden thinks philosophically and politically by actually helping out their fellow Swedes, if in need. (I am no expert on Sweden obviously, but what I do know, this seems to be the general attitude of the average Swede. It also applies for places like Denmark, Norway, Finland. The other Midgardian realms.)

From my anecdotal evidence, and what others have told me of theirs, this is NOT the case on Hib and Alb. I had a guildmate I had not talked to much before ask for my assistance yesterday, and I happily did (by creating armor for them). My hope in doing that is that they will grow up to be big and strong and help make the server better by sticking with it, and fighting along side me in the near future out in the frontiers. (They also were from another realm apparently before this, and told me exactly what has been said by Ruckuz1983, that their experience in all aspects has been much more enjoyable on Mid. Mids have been much more generous with their time and effort to help others/lowbies especially.)

I haven't touched the other realms, so I can't really say what they are like from a personal perspective, but I have heard the above situation several times now. I also experienced the generosity of Mids myself leveling up.

I suppose the point is, that while the Devs do share a large brunt of the responsibility of trying to improve the server in all aspects (they have the power to do this in the most direct way possible). The players themselves are NOT powerless, and CAN do things to help the server themselves. An example on how to do this would be the above. I am by no means trying to accuse Hibs and Albs of being selfish and such, just that I've heard a lot of the above and perhaps they can help themselves by being more Mid-like, if they aren't doing so currently.

crafting alot this past weekend to skill up. lowbie asked me for 35gp. said an ACer would make him gear. i gave him 100 and told him to get weapons to when he could find them. sure it could just be an alt, but 100gp is like 10 mins of farming for me...if that. I try to help 1-2 people a week with gear/money. I feel like alot of mids are the same way. People need to step back, help learn, and teach. Community would be better for it
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Postby Tyton » May 09, 2017 03:24

woopdiwoop wrote:
Tyton wrote:
Yeah, you're right it's "just enough" and it's declining, see the problem meow? :lol:

If you only look at players online, sure its declining. but hey its spring/sommer almost and other games are out now. its a normal drop like in any mmorpg.
but if u look in game there a ton of action and players everywhere.
made so many rps last days...yeah server dead xD

I didn't say the server was dead, nor does the title of this thread. Reading comprehension FTW. YES all MMOs freeshards or otherwise, pop does down in time, especially after launch. But it went down at an alarming rate in a short period of time (usually when it's still high for new server, almost half). Sure it's more than Uth 1.0, but I'll take playing there over here any day, regardless of its faults. It's not just quieting down, I know dozens of people personally who left, this scenario causes a ripple effect of people they play with playing less, etc, etc.

You have it twisted, we're not here cheering on server decay, we're merely concerned because we hope to be playing this game for years to come. And remember that the difference between NA time and EU primetime is drastic at the very least.

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Postby Tyton » May 09, 2017 03:31

Uzkrak wrote:Ofc its declining and will be declining more for sure at least until the end of the year... and it would also do so if you had all the QoL implemented you cry for.

Who is crying? I'm making rational points and discussion. But I guess you wouldn't know the difference. If you don't agree, that's fine, we're all entitled to our own opinions. Most of my suggestions are pretty mild. I highly doubt a QoL suggestion of an LFG channel for people who need it would cause players to leave the server. That's ridiculous at best. "A chat channel? Absurd! Pack our things, we're outta here!"

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Postby barto22 » May 09, 2017 11:12

"How dare you allow us to bind in this battleground at level 24! Good day sir!"

"But it will good because ..."

"I said good day"

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Postby Andreas » May 09, 2017 11:47

In hib people stay hours and hours only to buff others to help them leveling. To say mid has a better sozial structure is disputable.

Mid has the biggest/strongest zerg, thise leads to:

1. Longer DF times
2. Longer relict times
3. Easy lvling in SH

Thise helps much more than evry ****** armor or gold that someone spent to a low lvl player. (anyway these happens on evry realm)

Aside by that mid has the best lvl spots and easiest group building process in the game.

These points make mid more fun to play and not that someone gave u 1 gold with lvl 5.

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Postby Severian » May 09, 2017 16:07

Hibs and Albs can easily form SH raids daily if they had the desire and will. I guess it's not there for them. I was hoping to see more Albs and Hibs in SH during the +50%!!!! Xp weekend. Didn't happen.
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Postby Scor » May 10, 2017 00:33

Because the mid zerg was twice as big than the hib zerg and whipped us easily 2 times. So if u say ist easy than ist a lie or u didnt know something about the situation.

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Postby Budikah » May 10, 2017 00:48

Severian wrote:Hibs and Albs can easily form SH raids daily if they had the desire and will. I guess it's not there for them. I was hoping to see more Albs and Hibs in SH during the +50%!!!! Xp weekend. Didn't happen.

Getting Alb into SH for a good XP grind session isn't as easy as you'd think.

You get a group, you build a raid - that alone takes you 20-40~ minutes, if not more.

You get everyone moving, port them over to Hib or Mid because Albion entrance to SH is quite literally a suicide run through a room full of maniacal AoE blasting Wizards. Comparatively, Midgard and Hibernia entrances are a total walk in the park to get into. Assuming nobody gets lost, goes LD, dies, etc - you made it in.

Now you've got the issue of having enough level 50 participants to bear the weight of all the people who came along for XP, but ultimately can't contribute much due to level. You get XP, but it isn't great XP.

Midgard zerg gets wind, probably because somebody is streaming, or somebody in Midgard inevitably has a spy using /who or straight up listening in the BG.

Alb zerg fights, maybe wins, maybe dies.

Either way, the end result is that you'd get better XP with a Cabalist or a Necro, or hell, even a normal group if you could build one. You will literally spend almost an hour organizing, building, and moving people to the location all for the other realm to just come over and farm you.

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Postby MotaroReloaded » May 10, 2017 01:10

Server s dieing ..not decaying .. will end up again around 600 players who barely manage to get 1 fg or 2 in every realm bash their heads and reach rr 11 in a year or 2 ..history repeats itself. There were paladins as many as necro s when the game started do /who emain and u l get 0 paladins .. albs sufered from this paladin low end range shiet and because range stayed livelike melee grps are not an option caster grp not many can play so basicly alot of alb players beginers and enthusiasts left . And a few other reasons that have been said .. 237 players in alb now at 00 00 gmt .. havent seen so few until today .
Last edited by MotaroReloaded on May 11, 2017 22:54, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby t-bone » May 11, 2017 20:00

past 3 days have seen insane decay tbh, usually not the one to jump the EXODUS train. But the decay is real

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Postby Effaermon » May 12, 2017 05:28

I hate to jump on the train too, but...


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Postby isocleas2 » May 12, 2017 07:44

Gotta throw my +1 in. The decline is real, and these things can snowball. You might want to make a few changes if you wish to halt this well documented trend.

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Postby Zocci » May 12, 2017 10:35

To naively believe that we all share a common vision of DAoC utopia is counterproductive.
If you enabled every single one of us the ability and resources to create a, player filled, server from our own vision of perfection we would have several hundred servers all with different settings.

Uthgard has the manpower, knowledge and tenacity to create a fully working server with their vision.
That so important tenacity that enabled them to create this server in the first place might be a reason that changes to the original vision takes a while to realize and implement.

Changes will come, sooner or later. Not everyone will be happy with them.

Maybe the more than 15 years old game of DAoC has run it's course as a long term gaming investment for the majority of player even interested in the first place?
Regardless of how many QoL changes or otherwise that gets implemented.

I strongly believe that we have seen lots of people leaving because they came here for nostalgia, lvled to 50, got some RvR in and said: Nice! Thanks for all the fun, take care.

The few people that will stick around and really see DAoC as a long term gaming experience spanning over several months or even years are both split and somewhat shared between Live, Uthgard, other DAoC freeshards.
These few people are also very engaged, vocal, picky and passionate about DAoC and mostly have a strict vision on what they believe a perfect server is.

I might become one of them, we'll see in a few months.
One thing is sure though, this is not a particularly large crowd...

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Postby l00ri » May 12, 2017 11:44

Would love to play my Shadowblade but its just too time consuming and all this potion-juggling and restocking etc. is just too much so I'm just logging in for a few hours a week and run with 7 others in circles on my Warrior.
I know i could run unbuffed (and die to every competitive player) or die to guards every 40-50 minutes on purpose (like i did all the time) but thats just not an option for me so I just stopped playing my class entirely. It's sad but i will not complain or anything, this is the way the staff wants this Server to be and I can live with that, PUBG is fun too.
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