To truly save Uthgard -
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What do I have to be jealous of? Your ego? Your group composition? I don't think so. Maybe I'm just jealous of your rhetoric? My mind’s made up, don’t confuse me with facts.
You mustn't assume that your personal situation is a reflection of every other person that has logged in to Uthgard. |
The truth is we need this patch to be the foundation of the server but not the end goal. Its a 16 yrs old patch and much stuff had to be changed in order to provide a better game experience and balance.
We had a great boom with all the nostalgic players coming in for launch but after that the game just became stale and we have some reasons for that... 1. Old frontiers do not provide enough rewards for the casual players when they take keeps and etc... 2. Casuals couldnt level on the same speed as the hardcore players resulting in a huge RR gap between some players, after they got rolled over and over and not beeing able to closer that gap ( refer to #1 ) they just left the game or rerolled wich made it worse. 3. Theres no underdog bonus, hib is slowly fading away in this server ( specially NA time ). After the hibs lost their relics they pretty much vanished from the server, theres some new low RR alb groups wich kinda does make sense because alb caster group can somehow put up a fight against higher rr groups So how can we get more casuals out ? - Killing guard tasks - RP bonus for keep taking - Fix the guard repop on lvl 9-10 keeps ( its insanely high ) How to balance the realms a little bit more ? - Underdog bonus - Higher Underdog bonus inside SH ( Having more toons will make it easier to form groups ) - Tweaking few zones for better leveling Leveling should be hard but should not be something to push away new players that came from new style mmo's, also, most of the players are now 30+ so time is not as abundant as before haha Something that I liked about daoc launcher was the surveys we had to answer sometimes when logging in, pretty sure those would help the staff on guiding the server and its easy to implement. |
Well we are stuck with OF and that isn't gonna change. You make some good points though. I just think a level 45-50 BG that allows plebs a jumpstart to RR is a good idea. The thing is, a lot of these people aren't even casuals - I see the same people on for 4,5,6 hours a day, and they can't even get RR4 yet. WTF are they doing? That's not even being casual, that's just being bad at video games. The same people who blame relics, numbers, etc when all they need to do is look in the mirror and git gud.
Charades <Buds>
#1 pet abuser |
We had this on Uthg 1 and it was great as u d finish lvl 49 being rr4 , as rr4 was the cap for last bg , made u mature enough to purchase RA s and to learn how to play..well for some , not a bad ideea but classic didnt had it. Glacius ( previous acount name)
Albion Glacius - WIzzard Disrupter - Armsman |
Hadrian's Wall is the "pleb jumpstart" RvR zone. Siege - Warrior
Envoy - Bard Aegis - Blademaster Ethical - Mentalist |
There is more to it than that. I'm still 3L7 mostly because I've spent time doing guild ******, helping my brother or guildies, or just plain old ****** around. It also just comes down to what you play, when, and what connections you make. You are a good player, you surfed around and found a killer group. I ended up in a PvE alliance like a tard and it took forever for me to find RvR groups for quite some time. I'm not the best, I'm not the worst, but when you aren't seen as cream of the crop from the get go, you get stuck with some terrible groups. I've been lucky enough to run with OTC, The Band, and a few other organized communicating groups. Hell man, I've seen you straight up leave groups we've been in together because they've been so bad - and I don't blame you. For some people - those groups are the best they get for some reason or another. People do need to git gud, but for many that is going to take practice and nice knowledgeable people to help them learn. Just because the game is 15~ years old doesn't mean everyone has played everything and knows what they're doing. When I first played DAoC I had a Thane and that molded my experiences back in the early 2000s, it's only recently a year or two back on live that I even got to experience organized 8v8, and it was usually at like 3am during dead hours with Seoulwarrior on live. Satanic Panic - Cleric
Budikah - Cabalist Leader of Primordial Guild / Alliance Primordial Discord ---> |
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