An incredibly disappointing night.

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Postby woopdiwoop » Apr 28, 2017 15:49

Nowind wrote:After 9 days of grinding out my first 50 in 15 years, I finally get done and temped around 8:00 EST. Brimming with excitement I put my kids to bed and set out for my first uthgard RvR experience.

I brought my toon into SF at around 8:30 EST, with still a decent number of folks on the server (around 1400 or so) I litterally spammed AS (Kite Squad), and broadcasted for over 2 hours. There was a good amount of traffic in, and out of SF. I even pm'ed a few people, and I did not recieve even one invite for any type of RvR. I briefly tried to start my own group as well with a friend of mine, and it led nowhere. It's now 11 EST, and I'm giving up to go play on my alt.

I thought Mid was better than this. People are incredibly elitist when it comes to RvR, and seem to have a friends only policy as well. This kind of attitude is going to kill the server, and I'm really disappointed to finally get to RvR, and see this stuff going on.

Seji 50 Berserker

You shouldnt do the speed grind to 50. Take your time and cap out the bgs for RR. And your guild is doing a lot of rvr, so i dont see the point.

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Postby shatton1987 » Apr 29, 2017 13:30

to be 100% honest and fair, nobody, in any realm, should expect to be handed the 'ambrosia' RvR experience in their first night, week, fortnight.

There is a lot of criteria to be met if u want regular RvR. And this isn't elitist, it's just common sense.

If u want a group that won't crash and burn, you better have a few things ready in my opinion:

-TS AND Discord.
-A knowledge of your classes JOB on inc.
-Power pots, endo pots, and let's not airbrush anything, a temp aswell.

I guild group most nights, but I didn't get that handed to me, I joined this server SOLO and earns my right to get regular groups, by slowly learning my class, dying a ****** load, and spending a ****** ton of time spinning in SF.

Lots of groups crashed because no1 wants to spend 30-60 mins building a group, for someone to ****** up; go afk; not communicate.

In my opinion, this is not elitist, 8man is about everyone's experience, not just your own.

I hate to quote dark souls but it's a "git gud" element.

The 'elitist' 8 mans are this way natured because who the ****** wants to lose?
You gotta prove yourself first.

8 man killing server? ****** that nonsense.

8 man is thriving and as far as my experience (euro prime) the 16man set guilds, the Zerg playas, the adders, the respectful, the small man, you all do fine.

You're dying often? Well that's unlucky I'm afraid.
(Gotsome - Alb retired)
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Postby MotaroReloaded » May 10, 2017 23:53

Last BG til vl 49 was great on Uthg 1 as you d get out rr4 .. giving you the chance to get some RA s and be alright in RvR , here come up rr 2 .. no1 wants you ..
Glacius ( previous acount name)

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Postby Fifield2 » May 12, 2017 23:37

This is why I played for the nostalgia and quit.

Community is everything to me in games and there is a very poor RVR community here. Sorry to say.


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