Charge buffs
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Is there going to be any consideration for giving albion a dex/quick charge or str/con charge buff?
Fixed ![]() |
I guess not. If SI ever should be implemented we'll get em
The dragon ring i posted is not implemented on this server ? If the ring exist you have a dex qui buff charge on alb
We have 2, drake ring and Evern bracer. Both are really hard to get. Better get on easy mode realm if you want charges items.
That's what I am talking about both other realms have extremely easy access to the items that can either be done solo or duo where as we have to kill a dragon in hopes of it dropping or apparently a boss in the most ****** realm. |
In all seriousness, this issue is game-breaking for the solo stealther. I already know a few people who stopped because of the unfair advantage offered to mid/hib, and i am also leaning towards that direction of taking a break for a while.
I don't consider my self the best player by any standard (nor aim to be), but to be purely shot down by 90% of stealthers because of buff advantage is really zzzz. FYI i am usually running theurg dmg add, haste, dexqui, dex, strcon (buff pots), and 75 spec af charge. Waia just 3 shot me inc. poisions.... what can one do.. ? |
So dont expect any changes soon. Satiah | Tuthmes | Dendera | Khufu | Nefertete | Dahshur | Nebetah | Neterbaiu
The Alcyon quote, is it a real one ? ![]() So if we keep going on this way of thinking, devs should remove alb charges from SI before they release it ... To keep this perfect """""balance""""". ![]() ![]() To be honest, they announced a server with SI / 1.65 balance. We must admit, that on this particular matter we don't have SI / 1.65 (charges) balance for stealthers. Been like that from beta day 1, to today, that's a lot of time ... A silly quote won't change that fact. And about dragon ring : lol, just lol. |
Satiah | Tuthmes | Dendera | Khufu | Nefertete | Dahshur | Nebetah | Neterbaiu
I don't consider infils under-powered because of the lack of this charge, infact i do pretty decent vs most other classes.
I just think these charges totally imbalances the solo stealth world. |
I understand that the dragon ring is hard to farm but evern ?
He is easily doable with 1 full grp , so if hib fz is empty go check out if he is up and knock him down ![]() |
The Str/Con debuff poison is what brings balance to a solo stealth world without Str/Con charges in Alb/Hib. At least as long as the debuff poison is not WS/Con based. You just have to reapply the poison if a SB is using purge, or if it got resisted on inc. Infils/NS are the last that should complain about Str/Con charges, any other solo class ofc will have a disadvantage here since they don't have access to Str/Con debuff poison and most of them also don't got the 50% str - 50% dex based weapon spec choice. I also agree with Alcyon, currently it is well balanced as long as both stealther are Str/Con debuffed and Infils use a Dex/Qui charge. Nearly everytime i moved to Breifine Evern was up, so why complain about access to Dex/Qui charges in Alb? Just build a group and kill him... |
Like I stated before trying to get to Evern and kill him without being killed by an RvR grp is hilarious. I personally think a they should change the str/con debuff poison to WS/Con so anyone that isn't purely str based isn't at an advantage im just talking about giving us a charge buff that isn't stupid hard to get. |
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