Various Warrior Specs

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Postby Ilerget » Feb 03, 2017 17:25

iirc Brutalize is +1 sec stun than slam and use less endu
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Postby nox156 » Feb 03, 2017 17:50

brutalize is off a block though so not very commonly used in 8 man settings.

I decided against going hammer because crush dmg is the worst dmg type against your most likely opponents (healers, light tanks). That and that sweet sweet Ragnarok 2h dmg is hard to pass on!

The difference in weaponskill with your shield between 42 and 50 points is not gonna matter much to be honest and most of the time, you are gonna be peeling from behind or the sides. I dont think landing slam is the big issue here...

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Postby Atreiu » Feb 03, 2017 17:54

nox156 wrote:brutalize is off a block though so not very commonly used in 8 man settings.

I decided against going hammer because crush dmg is the worst dmg type against your most likely opponents (healers, light tanks). That and that sweet sweet Ragnarok 2h dmg is hard to pass on!

The difference in weaponskill with your shield between 42 and 50 points is not gonna matter much to be honest and most of the time, you are gonna be peeling from behind or the sides. I dont think landing slam is the big issue here...

but you have no access to a good snare then, it doesnt matter? or are u talking about the 50sword 29 hammer

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Postby nox156 » Feb 03, 2017 18:03

Either you lost 10 points in parry and get the hammer back snare and roam around with a 1h hammer and 2h sword


You go full parry and user the anytime snare chain in sword which doesnt last as long and is a little harder to land. But you will have a much higher weaponskill by using the sword.

I just got 40 so I can still change my mind but I might just be going for 29 in hammer for the conveniance and losing 10 points in parry isnt the end of the work even with PvE in mind

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Postby Atreiu » Feb 03, 2017 18:15

nox156 wrote:Either you lost 10 points in parry and get the hammer back snare and roam around with a 1h hammer and 2h sword


You go full parry and user the anytime snare chain in sword which doesnt last as long and is a little harder to land. But you will have a much higher weaponskill by using the sword.

I just got 40 so I can still change my mind but I might just be going for 29 in hammer for the conveniance and losing 10 points in parry isnt the end of the work even with PvE in mind

another thing to keep in mind is that Ragnarok isn't THAT much higher damage.

2 ragnarok, 2 backstyle (0.865 GR)

865 + 865 = 1730

Conquer + Sledgehammer, only 1 backstyle (0.719 / 0.916 GR)

719 + 916 = 1635

the main difference as you said it's the effectiveness against some targets.

Crush is strong against Reinforced armor ( Bard / druid / blademasters ) but it's weak against chain (cleric / minstrel / Merc)

at the same time Slash is just neutral against Chain, but Weak against Reinforced.

Basically it seems like sword is better against Alb, but worst against Hib and has worst peel.

Hammer is worst against Alb, but it's better against Hib and has better peel.

Unless the chain-anytimer 9 sec snare is actually all you need to do your job. But I dunno.

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Postby nox156 » Feb 03, 2017 19:28

Based on our likely targets (healers/support assumed)


Good Against (Hib): Bard
Good Against (Alb): Friar
Bad Against (hib): Druid, Warden
Bad Against (Alb): Cleric


Good Against (Hib): Druid, Warden
Good Against (Alb): Neutral
Bad Against (hib): Druid, Warden
Bad Against (Alb): Bard

So Based on that chart, all direct healers are resistant to crush damage and crush is only really good against bards (friars are not very good in 1.65 and wont be played much in RvR except solo)

Sword on the other hand is either neutral or good against all direct healers.

Its not that big of an issue, the extra weaponskill to land that crucial snare might be worth the offset in damage against certain targets....I dont know to be honest.

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Postby Atreiu » Feb 03, 2017 19:37

oh wait a second druids wear Scale...I thought it was reinforced :x

Well it does seems like Sword is superior in terms of damage.

Now tho, is that bonus dmg really worth the loss of Conquer? Warrior first role should be peeling anyway.

Unless someone tell us the 50Sword 29/39Hammer is actually good to run.

Mulder Rob
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Postby Mulder Rob » Feb 06, 2017 11:35

I will be 50 shield 50 sword 29 hammer 11 parry

Why ?

1- i play in Party then i don't need parry
2- i need snare back ( 29 hammer )
3- i have to assist the gank dps when i can ( ragnarok 50 sword )

that's all

1h hammer
2h sword
50 shield for help back my runy :)

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Postby r4gz » Feb 09, 2017 09:10

I went 50 Hammer, 50 Shield, 28 Parry
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Postby Lexia » Feb 13, 2017 13:14

According to the calculation of parry and block, there will be a notable difference.
So in the end you have to decide by yourself what's more important/useful for your playstyle...

5% Base + ( ( ( Dex * 2 ) - 100 ) / 40) + (Shieldspec / 2 ) + ( MoB ) %

only considering the skill + Base, no Dex, Template, RR, RA...

- 42 Shield: 5+(42/2) => 26% Blockrate
- 50 Shield: 5+(50/2) => 30% Blockrate

5% Base + ( ( ( Dex * 2 ) - 100 ) / 40) + (Parryspec / 2 ) + ( MoP ) %

same here... only considering the skill + Base, no Dex, Template, RR, RA...

- 11 Parry: 5+(11/2) => 10,5% Parryrate
- 28 Parry: 5+(28/2) => 19,0% Parryrate
- 39 Parry: 5+(39/2) => 24,5% Parryrate
- 50 Parry: 5+(50/2) => 30,0% Parryrate

Maybe this helps for some of your decisions.

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Postby nelsonus » May 08, 2017 18:51

@mulder rob
Do you find that you miss too much with only 29 hammer?
Also, does your suit have +11 hammer with 1hander out, and +11 sword with 2 hander?

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Postby Severian » May 15, 2017 18:58

I'm surprised there's this much discussion regarding the ideal Warrior specs. I'm not getting a clear picture.

If you want a reliable snare as a Warrior, wouldn't speccing Hammer be the priority then? With Conquer + Sledgehammer, your damage should be just fine with this (especially with a 2H), plus you get the main role you are there for done as well, which is peeling, in combination with Slam.

I'm guessing 50 Sword would mainly be for the Ragnarok damage? But then you lose the great Hammer follow-up of Sledgehammer.

It seems like keeping it simple is a good route with 50 Hammer, 42 Shield and rest parry. That gives you some of the best defense in the game, as well as a good snare and the best stun available for most situations.
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Postby nelsonus » May 20, 2017 16:37

While thats true, just because it's simple doesn't mean its the best.
Ragnarok is best damage style in this patch. Unfortunately it doesn't snare, so if you go 50 sword you gimp your peels. If you sacrifice some defense and split spec, 50sword 39hammer, you can 1h snare with a hammer + 2hand damage with sword.

I swapped a couple weeks ago to this and love it.

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Postby Severian » May 22, 2017 17:39

nelsonus wrote:While thats true, just because it's simple doesn't mean its the best.
Ragnarok is best damage style in this patch. Unfortunately it doesn't snare, so if you go 50 sword you gimp your peels. If you sacrifice some defense and split spec, 50sword 39hammer, you can 1h snare with a hammer + 2hand damage with sword.

I swapped a couple weeks ago to this and love it.

That certainly makes sense, but your job as a Warrior isn't really to put out DPS level damage. It's to peel, so do you really need the extra damage with the split spec, as opposed to just simply going full on Hammer? Is the damage really that much more significant with Ragnarok as opposed to having Conquer + Sledgehammer? These are honest questions, not criticisms.

I'd personally want the best defense in the game if I were to RvR with another Warrior again. You don't sacrifice any peeling ability with having the best defense in the game, and it can arguably help you survive longer to do the job you really should be doing as a Warrior, peeling.

My biggest thing is, is the sacrifice in defense worth the boost in damage? I suppose it comes down to how much defense you are sacrificing vs. how much of a damage boost the split spec ends up being. Some hard numbers would be sweet to discuss this, if anyone has some?
Severian, RR5 Skald
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