Charge buffs

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Postby fremster » May 22, 2017 17:24

Updated a litte, we should keep this list going :)

l00ri wrote:Intiltrator:

100 % Weapon Damage
Dex/Str Weapons
2.5 Specpoints
DIRECT win-Button (9 Seconds) (always purged)

-45 Str/Con compared so SBs
Unable to spec slash due to no str buff option availible
-minus against sb/ns leather


100 % Weapon Damage
Dex/Str Weapons
Avoid Pain
Wild Arcana
DIRECT win-Button (5 Seconds)

-45 Str/Con compared to SBs


+45 Str/Con compared to Infs/NS
2x75 charges easily obtainable (10 stack), meaning they can carry additional buff pots e.g base str, base dex, base con without too much hassle
neutal dmg vs leather (question: do sb get crush dmg style in this patch?)

66.6 % Weapon Damage
Str Weapons
no good RAs
INDIRECT win-Button (7 Seconds)

Please Nerf SBs, they are so overpowered. :--(

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Postby m0e » May 22, 2017 17:53

Updated the update.

fremster wrote:Updated a litte, we should keep this list going :)

l00ri wrote:Intiltrator:

100 % Weapon Damage
Dex/Str Weapons
2.5 Specpoints
DIRECT win-Button (9 Seconds) (always purged but we still need to go for 50 thrust or Visur won't port us to Emain)

-45 Str/Con compared so SBs
Unable to spec slash due to no str buff option availible
-minus against sb leather and neutral against ns leather


100 % Weapon Damage
Dex/Str Weapons
Avoid Pain
Wild Arcana
DIRECT win-Button (5 Seconds)

-45 Str/Con compared to SBs


+45 Str/Con compared to Infs/NS
2x75 charges easily obtainable (10 stack), meaning they can carry additional buff pots e.g base str, base dex, base con without too much hassle
neutal dmg vs Alb leather and malus against Hib leather (question: do sb get crush dmg style in this patch?) good joke...

66.6 % Weapon Damage
Str Weapons
no good RAs
INDIRECT win-Button (7 Seconds)

Please Nerf SBs, they are so overpowered. :--(

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Postby Grenouille » May 22, 2017 19:00

Problem atm is an infi with d/q charge is on equal foot with sbs. Sbs doesn't have purge = he loses because of df. He does = he rapes you hard.

But getting a d/q charge on alb, have fun guys. Better let sbs believe they chose hard mode by getting on mid.

Just give my infis colleagues a d/q charge, like hibs do.
Last edited by Grenouille on May 22, 2017 19:04, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Kha » May 22, 2017 19:02

Guys are you serious ?

Stop writing da** books about skills & pro/cons of each class, it's not even the topic here !

Fact1 : Uthgard was intended to be 1.65/SI balance wich give the possibility to stealthers from the 3realms to use both charges easily.

Fact2 : The staff will take all the time they need to prepare SI before update (and they are right to do so).

Fact3 : If we are still talking about months for SI, it could be smart to think about a solution to stay as closed as what people signed for : 1.65 PLUS SI balance. Wich means easy charges for the 3 realms !

Fact3 Bis [Wild idea] : (Temporary quest to give charges ? The token/jewel would last 7days have 8charges, could be recharged by NPCs for the same cost than mid ones (before it fades and you need to redo the quest...) until SI pop and quest disappear, with the token few days later)

Stop arguing about who as the biggest c**** between the three classes, it's not even the problem here ... FFS.

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Postby Turano » May 22, 2017 19:10

Wow I feel teleported back in time to 2002. It's the same discussions all over again. This thread started with the wish for equal buff options for all 3 realms. It would be helpful for balancing but I don't think this issue will be adressed in the near future.
I'm not sure why this became an assassin balancing topic though. Listing all the pros and cons might sound like a good idea, but then this lists should be complete.

That infiltrators have massive problems with SB'S at the moment has many reasons. The relative ease of getting both specbuff charges for Mid and the lack thereoff for Alb is surely one that we'll have to live with till SI will hit the server.
Then we have the other obvious reason bring that Mid is in posession of all 3 strength relics, giving them an additional 20% meele damage.
Last but not least simply the lack of fights all together. 15 years ago we had almost instant action every time we went to Emain. Now you can run around for an hour with no encounter at all,making actice ra's like purge,IP,ichor
ect rdy for almost every fight. This weekend I had 14 fights in which I stunned my opponent (with either BS, CD or DF) and got purged 13 times. Me personaly I find fights so infrequent that my purge is ready almost always as well.
So I'ld rather have diamondback over dragonfang with the current meta of Uthgard because all it is is a massive waste of skillpoints while you can pick up diamondback on the way. Or I'ld take the DW parry chain as evade based for Infiltrators as was implemented with a later patch so we won't get it here anyways.

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Postby Seb » May 22, 2017 19:17

fremster wrote: Waia just 3 shot me inc. poisions.... what can one do.. ?

maybe try str/con poison? :D

I personally fare pretty well against high rr sbs (including waia) thx to my Viper damage and the fact that I'm certainly not a 3shot (im a 1200hp keen).

In General:
The fact that Hib has no Str/Con (I prolly wouldn use it anyway) and Alb has no Str/Con and easily available Dex/Qui is in my opinion a balance issue.

When confronted with the problem of charges ruining solo rvr in general (due to time and money spent crafting) the Devs reply that it is a CHOICE to be using buffs in the first place. In this case however, Alb (and to some degree Hib) Stealthers don't even get this choice which clearly alters the patch balance.

If Devs insist on having no buffbots, no barrels but have buffcharges (I'd rather rvr than farm and stand around tnn crafting) in the first place, it would only be logical to at least have them available to everyone equally.

Just my two cents.
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Postby Satiah » May 22, 2017 19:24

It''s funny to see even a GM arguing "balance" for mids having access to a S/C charge, while the other 2 realms don't. We can paper DAoC all day long, fact is it just isn't right. Not because of the assassin situation (which is dumb by itself) but because one realm with all of its classes has access while the other two dont.

If I run into any class from Midgard on my Valewalker they will have an advantage because of the charge. Leave alone the s/c debuff I need to face.

It's not patch 1.65 "like". There are a lot of things I would fix that aren't patch 1.65 which I could complain about (the animist situation for example). Which ain't gonne happen. Yet this imbalance stays, because it's "alright". If the patch gives to Albs and Hibs a s/c charge and you feel like it's unfair, though luck. I can name a few things that Midgard has that's unfair this patch.

If this patch gives the edge towards Alb assassins vs assassins then I guess you need to live with it as an SB. Which it doesn't btw, as I pointed out earlier.
Last edited by Satiah on May 23, 2017 09:57, edited 1 time in total.
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Exercia Devoras
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Postby Exercia Devoras » May 22, 2017 23:34

Albs already found a fix for it. It is called the "Mordouce Zerg". Just outnumber the SBs. Easy thing if you ask me :) Problem with this fix is, it forces some SBs to log out. This means lower rp but hey you won that fight :D /s
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Postby Kha » May 23, 2017 00:19

Exercia Devoras wrote:Albs already found a fix for it. It is called the "Mordouce Zerg". Just outnumber the SBs. Easy thing if you ask me :) Problem with this fix is, it forces some SBs to log out. This means lower rp but hey you won that fight :D /s

Again, i respect you as an opponent (i don't and probably won't use charge [Doesn't change anything for me]) but you are totally out of topic.
We don't mind what class or zerg is the best one, it's totally no point to argue that, and out of the real topic !!

Sticks to the facts :
Should I quote myself ?

Make a 30stealthers vs 30 stealthers zeg, it won't change a thing !!! It's just not the point of this topic ...

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Postby Exercia Devoras » May 23, 2017 09:10

My point is, that it is a more complex topic, which can not be solved anyway. You just can not compare those 3 classes to another. If you do, you'll get stuck to the point, where infis have almost 500 more specpoints. If we allow them to get red s/c, we have to give 500 specpoints to ns and sbs too? If you want 100% fully equal assassin classes you need to consider more then just chargebuffs.

It's pointless.
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Postby pweet » May 23, 2017 10:13

the only thing that is pointless is to play a solo char if you are not playing mid.
guys you knew it before.
Dont count on SI since it will never come. if it is there you can start thinking about making a solo char on Hib.
Alb will not get a S/C charge anyway.
Last edited by pweet on May 23, 2017 10:17, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Turano » May 23, 2017 10:13

Exercia Devoras wrote:My point is, that it is a more complex topic, which can not be solved anyway. You just can not compare those 3 classes to another. If you do, you'll get stuck to the point, where infis have almost 500 more specpoints. If we allow them to get red s/c, we have to give 500 specpoints to ns and sbs too? If you want 100% fully equal assassin classes you need to consider more then just chargebuffs.

It's pointless.

What has class balance to do with realm balance? And the missing charges are a realm balance issue

You are complaining all the time about 500 more skillpoints and 9 sec after evade stun. First point, it's exactly 453 skillpoints more. And do you wanna know what the dreaded style costs? (I know you know this, even if you moaned about Infil being able to spec to 50 thrust for more weapon skill earlier in this thread :gaga: which by the way adds exactly 0 damage. 50+20 or 31+20 thrust, the base damage always stays the same) A RR5 Infiltrator pays 609 skillpoints for DF, a RR10 779. There you go.

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Postby Grenouille » May 23, 2017 10:32

pweet wrote:guys you knew it before.

Personally I didn't.

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Postby Exercia Devoras » May 23, 2017 10:46

You all act like the infiltrator is unplayable with out the charges or stands no chance at all.

Thats just not true. dozens of infiplayers prove it every day that its utterly BS.

It is absolutly fine as it is. Sometimes i'll get my ass kicked by an infi and sometimes im on the luckier end.

A Purple charge will not change anything on that fact.
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Postby Stasis » May 23, 2017 11:07

So if someone WIN while not able to be on even terms its perfectly fine?

Well charges aint only a sneak balance but a smallman/solo issue for visuals as well. And a dex/qui charge is insanly hard to get on hib/alb. But i guess it dosent matter as i will zerg my way until SI

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