Most satisfying class to kill - Your Opinion!
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I Love killing Little BD's, Shammies, and then Animitards!
mmmmm Yea! |
BD's are unkillable for me as Infiltrator, so i guess if i would be able to somehow get one that would be pretty satisfying indeed
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Any other solo, that uses pots (i dont use any)... Happens rarely but happens from time to time^^
yea i use pots when i see a target that is OJ or ylw! blue and green it depends on the class! |
All kind of Steahlthers. And Bonedancers.
I like killing bds, they're a godlike 1v1 class but most of them perform rly bad. /face /lifetapspam
could you outdamage them before you got the dragon ring? because I definitely can't, even with PA+CD and disease they heal against my damage no problem |
Now I can, if they /face me and don't move I have high chances to kill them if I land PA. Before d/q charge I had no chance.
As a bard I love to kill necros.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk My mind’s made up, don’t confuse me with facts.
You mustn't assume that your personal situation is a reflection of every other person that has logged in to Uthgard. |
I love killing Infis that made their first rr`s by grayganking in Uppland/Yggdra/DF, and once they reached rr4/5 they think they`re king of the hill.....with my BD of course
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Minstrels rofl, mythic was smoking some really bad stuff when they came up with their skill set, then again mythic was really good at making awful decisions. Giving mins everything they have was probably one of the worst things they did followed by toa and other steaming piles of dog poo. Red pets that are insanely easy to keep under control yet while running at full speed every other magic caster has to deal with a spell getting resisted 5 + times in a row. Wheres the 5+ resists with the pet charm honestly I never see them lose control (the magic mechanics are somehow very forgiving for this one class alone its insane)
![]() There is no greater joy in this game than seeeing a minstrel suffer ![]() |
actually the minstrel should be able to charm way higher mobs than it currently can on uthgard. It's bugged: Kabalix/Sunna
Minstrel charm resists just as much as any other class. They can just reapply it instantly whenever they wish which is what gives them the ability to maintain control.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk |
Adding in a fight between both zergwarlords Morrslieb vs. Mordouce and Killing both. Awwwwwwww
Gesendet von meinem SM-G925F mit Tapatalk Exercia - RR11 - Shadowblade - Lyonesse/Midgard
Drexe - RR10 - Bonedancer - Lyonesse/Midgard Drechse - RR9 - Valkyrie - Lyonesse/Midgard Wummz - RR8 - Savage - Lyonesse/Midgard Kalirien - RR7 - Hunter - Lyonesse/Midgard Exercio - RR6 - Warlock - Lyonesse/Midgard Gorbard - RR5 - Thane- Lyonesse/Midgard Never forgotten and forever missed: Froedel - Buffbot Shaman - Lyonesse/Midgard |
If it was equal to how other people get resisted and there was 5-6 + resists in a row then you guys would be getting hit by your red pets, as of now I never even see the mobs try to turn to attack the minstrel in combat. It should take 2 resists for it to turn on its master right? So even if you were to release your pet and then insta charm with 5-6+ resists in a row it would still be attacking you. I am not arguing with daoc mechanics we all know how this was since mythic days. All I know is that I can get resisted 5+ times when I nuke a red mob at 50, somehow minstrels are the exception to the rule.
from patch 1.46 To charm a monster, you no longer require the use of the flute (for Mnstrels). Simply target the monster and use the corresponding spell/song for your charm. Monsters at or below your level will have a very small chance of resisting the charm as it pulses, which means there's always an element of risk involved. You may also charm monsters above the your level (oranges, reds and low purples), though as the monster level increases above that of the caster's, so does the risk of the monster resisting the charm and aggressing the caster. It is advised to not risk charming orange, red or purple monsters unless you believe the situation warrants this emergency action and only if you are prepared to accept the potential penalties involved with doing so. Except its a total contradiction to the mechanics they came up with, does emergency action entail running across the entire frontiers effortlessly with a red? Or being in a fight and the red mob never attacks the minstrel? So at one point you needed a flute to do it which would have been balanced, but no mythic makes it an insta thing. I mean this is honestly their first massive blunder. Thanks mythic ![]() |
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