Most satisfying class to kill - Your Opinion!

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Postby Dromina » May 24, 2017 07:11

burglekutt wrote:If it was equal to how other people get resisted and there was 5-6 + resists in a row then you guys would be getting hit by your red pets, as of now I never even see the mobs try to turn to attack the minstrel in combat. It should take 2 resists for it to turn on its master right? So even if you were to release your pet and then insta charm with 5-6+ resists in a row it would still be attacking you. I am not arguing with daoc mechanics we all know how this was since mythic days. All I know is that I can get resisted 5+ times when I nuke a red mob at 50, somehow minstrels are the exception to the rule.

from patch 1.46

To charm a monster, you no longer require the use of the flute (for Mnstrels). Simply target the monster and use the corresponding spell/song for your charm. Monsters at or below your level will have a very small chance of resisting the charm as it pulses, which means there's always an element of risk involved. You may also charm monsters above the your level (oranges, reds and low purples), though as the monster level increases above that of the caster's, so does the risk of the monster resisting the charm and aggressing the caster. It is advised to not risk charming orange, red or purple monsters unless you believe the situation warrants this emergency action and only if you are prepared to accept the potential penalties involved with doing so.

Except its a total contradiction to the mechanics they came up with, does emergency action entail running across the entire frontiers effortlessly with a red? Or being in a fight and the red mob never attacks the minstrel? So at one point you needed a flute to do it which would have been balanced, but no mythic makes it an insta thing. I mean this is honestly their first massive blunder. Thanks mythic :gaga:

You lose your pet if you don't get a non resisted charm during 10 seconds aka 2 ticks in a row resisted without refreshing charm. If you see the resist in your combat window you can recharm the pet and because charm is instant you can do that up to ~10 times per second. That is the only reason why minstrels run around with a red pet "effortlessly". You should level and play one in 50 rvr to see it for youself how "effortless" it is to hold a red pet while rupting and peeling the right targets, flute mezzing and so on and not lose the pet every 10 seconds.

Tip: Most groups are looking for minstrels every day because it is one of the less played class due to the required overwhelming multitasking

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Postby joshisanonymous » May 24, 2017 19:33

Minstrels, not because it's a difficult fight (my class is horribly overpowered against minstrels), but because almost every soloer I find is a minstrel and yet I rarely get to kill them because of SoS. Also, 90%+ of the grey gankers I ran into while leveling were minstrels, so it feels like payback.

Some advice for assassins, as much as I'd like to have more solo fights with stealthers, don't attack BDs solo unless there's a decent RR discrepancy or you know the BD to be pretty badly played/geared. I know mine can swallow a PA chain pretty easily, especially when purge is up, and any BD who understands how powerful debuffs are in these situations will win after that. However, assassin duos are some of the most difficult fights for a BD to win. BDs win fights by reducing the ability of enemies to do burst damage, and that's most difficult to accomplish against assassins.

(DISCLAIMER: I know I play a very strong solo class. That's why I picked it, because I like to solo and soloing often means 1vX, not 1v1. BDs don't win 1vX fights by /facepalming lifetap, but they can often do so in 1v1 fights. Not surprised how many people say that killing them is the most rewarding.)
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Might pop in here on my BD sometimes.
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Postby Expfighter » May 24, 2017 19:58

joshisanonymous wrote:Minstrels, not because it's a difficult fight (my class is horribly overpowered against minstrels), but because almost every soloer I find is a minstrel and yet I rarely get to kill them because of SoS. Also, 90%+ of the grey gankers I ran into while leveling were minstrels, so it feels like payback.

Some advice for assassins, as much as I'd like to have more solo fights with stealthers, don't attack BDs solo unless there's a decent RR discrepancy or you know the BD to be pretty badly played/geared. I know mine can swallow a PA chain pretty easily, especially when purge is up, and any BD who understands how powerful debuffs are in these situations will win after that. However, assassin duos are some of the most difficult fights for a BD to win. BDs win fights by reducing the ability of enemies to do burst damage, and that's most difficult to accomplish against assassins.

(DISCLAIMER: I know I play a very strong solo class. That's why I picked it, because I like to solo and soloing often means 1vX, not 1v1. BDs don't win 1vX fights by /facepalming lifetap, but they can often do so in 1v1 fights. Not surprised how many people say that killing them is the most rewarding.)

lol Really? My scout when he was lvl 39 killed you! you are NOT that tough

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Postby Kha » May 24, 2017 20:31

"Effortless" charm i wouldn't say that.

My charms are usually 90+% resist (because yeah it's still bugged and capped very hard ... # bug report 2489)
Did a solo vid (part1) with level 60 pet, you can look at it and check at the resist rate ... not always that easy, but still fun to play.
Look at the damage aswell please, somehow it's same as a theurg pet ... The only difference is, theurg pet get one-shot, lvl 60 pet need 2 minutes for a melee, and few nukes for a caster.

I like to kill BDs personally, or assasins when more than 1 (sos often involved i admit).

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Postby Wackle » May 25, 2017 14:25

I'll chime in here.

There's never a reason why a minstrel should lose 1v1, so yes, when it happens you know there's somebody sitting at a keyboard completely lost and confused. I'm only in Caledonia just now, and I yet have to see one minstrel that brings even 25% of what that class can do to a fight. Guess you don't learn much getting PL'd in Lyonesse by necros :lol:

I'd say the only especially satisfying thing is watching what the necro does when the pet dies. It's the same look a cat makes when you catch it somewhere it knows it doesn't belong.

Just a few quick other general fun things out there:

Watching the hammers/spears mid ae-dd.
Watching a moose fighting a hamster.
Watching a mini-moose doing anything.

The final one is more of a special sound...some folks will know what I'm talking about. When a couple hib casters/chanter pets are nuking a close-by target, the nuke effect noise will get slightly out of sync and will have a cool flange effect. Like from counterstrike with 2 or 3 people using the AK47.
Wackle the chanter

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Postby Erlexx » May 25, 2017 16:41

Everyone wants to kill BDs, but I cant even get a duo to fight me most of the time :P
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Postby Ardri » May 26, 2017 16:05

BD's in full groups who like to push on inc.
Ardri - Minstrel
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Postby Torgo » May 26, 2017 17:49

Least satisfying is Necros. Feels like PvE.

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Postby aylictal » May 26, 2017 19:05

burglekutt wrote:Except its a total contradiction to the mechanics they came up with, does emergency action entail running across the entire frontiers effortlessly with a red? Or being in a fight and the red mob never attacks the minstrel? So at one point you needed a flute to do it which would have been balanced, but no mythic makes it an insta thing. I mean this is honestly their first massive blunder. Thanks mythic :gaga:

If you get slammed or casted stunned, the pet will hit you.

If you get mezzed, the pet will hit you

If you get nearsighted, the pet will hit you.

If you don't play a minstrel, stop calling it effortless, when in reality, its the hardest class to play in the game.

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Postby Seb » May 26, 2017 20:03

aylictal wrote:If you get mezzed, the pet will hit you

In what world is this a bad thing? :D
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Postby aylictal » May 26, 2017 21:10

Seb wrote:
aylictal wrote:If you get mezzed, the pet will hit you

In what world is this a bad thing? :D

When you are at 179 or less health.

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Postby Severian » May 31, 2017 16:56

Eh my guess is a Pac healer is the hardest class to play well. You have to do everything a Minstrel does, plus the group expects you to heal as well. It's like 2-3 classes stuffed into one, which is why Midgard has the least amount of classes out of the three realms?
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Postby aylictal » May 31, 2017 18:21

Severian wrote:Eh my guess is a Pac healer is the hardest class to play well. You have to do everything a Minstrel does, plus the group expects you to heal as well. It's like 2-3 classes stuffed into one, which is why Midgard has the least amount of classes out of the three realms?

Then your guess is wrong as I've played both extensively. The only class that comes remotely close is bard.

Healer doesn't have to swap instruments to use an ability, doesn't have any melee styles at all, doesn't have a pet nor all the retarded things you have to do in order to utilize them, and doesn't have to juggle songs to keep buffs up.

Oh, healers can't stealth or climb walls either if we wanna include that faggotry too :hammer:


Oh yeah, if you're nearsighted on a minstrel, you're effectively useless. A healer isn't at all.

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Postby Lurker » May 31, 2017 18:35

Back to the topic of the thread...

BDs, Minstrels & any Assassin.

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Postby Spin » May 31, 2017 18:41

Any class that is grey con.
Spin - 50 Sorc 4LX
Flash - 50 Minst 2LX


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