Server decaying
I moved the kill spam to another chat tab, or would be impossible to play It's the thrill of the chase
and I'm coming after you. |
Mids do SH
Albs have Necros Hibs just reroll I guess. |
I haven't seen an SH raid on Mid in awhile now. Doesn't seem like that many are being run anymore. Severian, RR5 Skald
Sacrament, RR4 Healer Darkcircle, RR4 RM |
I'm alb and I saw 2 mid SH zerg in 3 days or so.
There may be a couple over the weekend. But that's the weekend. There's also five other days. Severian, RR5 Skald
Sacrament, RR4 Healer Darkcircle, RR4 RM |
Almost everyone I know left for greener pastures. Reasons that stood out most stated:
-Leveling alts without Shrouded Isles got very stale. -Hybrid tank players felt completely alienated and shunned from RvR groups without some level of Determination. -Alb pop felt very low compared to Hib/Mid. |
I'll add one more: some people ran all out of nostalgia lol. P.S. anyone from the old crew who plans to get into Elite: Dangerous and needs a boost let me know. |
They raised the exp in the frontiers but leveling there is often suicide because of the gankers who think killing ppl 10 level lower with leveling gear is rvr. When the community REALLY wants more people playing than you really should stop killing lowbies for easy rp.
Tuatha de Fearn
Connavar, Mentalist & Spellcrafter Borondir, Theurg |
So, just Xp-Bonus in all zones then? |
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