+ mend stabilizes baseline heals, BUT..

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Postby Hekabe » Jun 07, 2017 11:20


I was just wondering: Does +11 Mend makes sense in a healer temp? (in my case i have 35 Mend)

As I know, +Mend stabilizes baseline heals, but where is the breaking Point?

Furthermore, is it correct that it does not influence spec heals?

How much Mend is enough for a stable heal?

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Gryphon Knight
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Postby Lurker » Jun 08, 2017 11:57

I believe i am correct here (it's the same with buffs):

You need your composite Mend to be the same level as the heal that you are casting to see no variance in.

So if you have 35+11 (46) mend and you are using a level 45 base heal you will see no variance.

By that same logic - You are correct, +skill does not affect spec heals.
The level of the spec heal you will use (e.g. 35) will always be lower (or the same level) as your spec (without +skill) so you will see no variance.

this is true (i believe) of damage spells, buffs or anything else with variance for that matter.

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