Archer Disparity - Scouts SUCK!
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i am at the point that whenever a hunter of equal lvl or higher is attacking me, i just sit, no reason to fight, just prolonging the death! Why you ask? Let's go over the BU*&SH(* differences/tools between the Archer classes, Best to the Horrible Worst.
Hunter: Bow Stealth Buffs Speedburst Spear (top melee damage of all archers) GD F*CKING POS DOG on a 2minute timer (that hits harder than a scouts melee does) studded Armor Ranger: Bow Stealth Buffs Speedburst Dual Wield (2 swords - Medium damage table) Studded Armor Scout: Bow Stealth Weapon slash/thrust (low damage table) Shield (only good at 42 with Slam and only for 9 seconds, resisted over 50% of the time) Studded Armor When i see a hunter out xping, it ALWAYS has the GD BS POS DOG up because the dog will always eat the ass out of ANY attacker while the Hunter can plink away and or speedburst away while the dog follows the ranger or scout across zones without losing agro (which is GD BS). so the disparity between archers is VERY drastic and apparent, Hunter>Ranger>Scout Not a QQ thread just a comparison |
Damn, uthgard RNG are broken. You need to spec 50 shield to get less resists |
What are you talking about? Style effects like the shield stun do not have a resist chance like casted spells does. If you hit the slam and the enemy is not immune! the stun will be applied. News || Getting Started || Rules || Issue Tracker
Coloured text represents my personal opinion and is not associated with Uthgard Staff nor is it an official statement. |
I am now dumber for reading this thread.
Infection 50 Shaman
Alliant 50 Runemaster |
very helpful for the topic ![]() @TE Scout is by far the weakest stealther with this patchlevel, and that was totaly to be expected Everyone playing a scout in RvR is either a masochist or had absolutely no idea what he got himself into (in this case, tough luck) |
This is the very definition of a QQ Thread imo. You knew what skills and abilities the Scout had when you chose the class. Maybe you should have picked a hunter? Orie - Enchanter
Orien - Blademaster Orieo - Nightshade <Mystical Knights> |
My post was ironic, but maybe I went too far lol. Stun can't be resisted, I think this guy stuns people and they use purge but he prolly doesn't notice it so he thinks they resisted. To stick to the topic, you should say solo scout sucks, group wise they're probably the best archer : high range and they can tank a bit or guard. |
Yes... scouts are weakest of the 3 in melee because they have the best range... what's the problem? You want to play a melee archer, don't roll Alb.
Resisted was not the correct word obviously, MISS would be a better word! and as i said originally, this was NOT a QQ Thread, just a comparison! |
ok, 50% miss chance sounds a little high to me. Since this is not a QQ thread and certainly not an exaggeration can you provide logs for said 50% miss chance on a scout please? Disclaimer: This is not a lecture post, just a question! News || Getting Started || Rules || Issue Tracker
Coloured text represents my personal opinion and is not associated with Uthgard Staff nor is it an official statement. |
Scout is pretty good in a minstrel inf scout trio
Is the OP actually trying to suggest that the hunter pet of 1.65 vintage is actually good?
It is a tragic waste of points ![]() They eventually became more useful later on, but at this time period in the game they were a joke. Oh, and hunter buffs are a bit crap as well. Plus slash weak armour, only evade II etc. All classes have strengths and weaknesses. As someone has mentioned already in this thread, duo with a minstrel....shouldn't have too many problems after that. |
Archery dmg and range is broken and admins don't seem to wanna fix it so Go to amg, and sit with all those scouts on wall behind 3 inf and 2 strels.
As far as I can see this is an open issue like any other open issue in our tracker: One has been already assigned to Blue. It will be fixed. News || Getting Started || Rules || Issue Tracker
Coloured text represents my personal opinion and is not associated with Uthgard Staff nor is it an official statement. |
God some hunters/rangers are shooting me for really high damage, not sure what will happen if their dmg are "fixed"
![]() |
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