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Postby Runefinaly » May 26, 2017 19:35

How can you even say that raunz ? I remember you said hib can't win.
What should we say about that alb assist ? or even zerks 2 shooting every caster ?

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Postby Voodoo » May 27, 2017 10:49

Kazyo wrote:Excuse me, Hibernia coming through !

hahaha, thanks for that Kazyo - a good morning laugh at the expense of Raunz who only now I think has realized that he can´t win without sos/moc/purges up (yes, all of them) - I am quoting Raunz: "see you in 30" after the full dump inc :)

The reason we came from alb to hib was because alb is OP if you play it right and hib wasn´t very active in rvr for some reason then. And no, waiting for sos/moc/purge to come up is not the ONLY WAY TO WIN :)

GL guys!
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Postby Llaw » May 27, 2017 12:01

Runefinaly wrote:How can you even say that raunz ? I remember you said hib can't win.
What should we say about that alb assist ? or even zerks 2 shooting every caster ?

Blamers gonna blame.
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Postby Nef Melody » May 27, 2017 15:02

Relic raids are cool & fun for the casuals etc. that's fine, but the bonus is way too strong, I agree. Would be nice to lower the bonus and add things that don't influence balance like xp,rp or whatever
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Postby Runefinaly » May 27, 2017 15:46

Llaw wrote:
Runefinaly wrote:How can you even say that raunz ? I remember you said hib can't win.
What should we say about that alb assist ? or even zerks 2 shooting every caster ?

Blamers gonna blame.

I don't see where is my blame there :) If you play uthgard you may know that what i'm saying is true...

As far as i remember relics has always been like that ... always been op this is why its hard to get them, it's part of daoc !
People are blaming relic everytime they die even if sometimes it's ridiculouse...
I don't know why there's not a post about zerk dps 2 shooting every caster if we dont debuff str them or w/e...
For once hib have some chance to win, and tbh sometimes it's thanks the relic but sometimes is not so don't put all the blame on those relics...

An exemple : Dante_afk always qqing about relic everytime he loose but the 4 times i fought him he was the first dying.. he get NS he rush and he dies and blame relic ? What the relic have to do with players gameplay ?
Another exemple : Alb can't even qq about anything is not allowed... they have SOS, BOF, Theu, Minstrel... Hib can be winning the fight and HOP SOS and the fight is for you! as much skill as relic i guess.

I hope i made my point clear.. i may have wrong but tbh i don't think so.

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Postby Runefinaly » May 27, 2017 15:46

Llaw wrote:
Runefinaly wrote:How can you even say that raunz ? I remember you said hib can't win.
What should we say about that alb assist ? or even zerks 2 shooting every caster ?

Blamers gonna blame.

I don't see where is my blame there :) If you play uthgard you may know that what i'm saying is true...

As far as i remember relics has always been like that ... always been op this is why its hard to get them, it's part of daoc !
People are blaming relic everytime they die even if sometimes it's ridiculouse...
I don't know why there's not a post about zerk dps 2 shooting every caster if we dont debuff str them or w/e...
For once hib have some chance to win, and tbh sometimes it's thanks the relic but sometimes is not so don't put all the blame on those relics...

An exemple : Dante_afk always qqing about relic everytime he loose but the 4 times i fought him he was the first dying.. he get NS he rush and he dies and blame relic ? What the relic have to do with players gameplay ?
Another exemple : Alb can't even qq about anything is not allowed... they have SOS, BOF, Theu, Minstrel... Hib can be winning the fight and HOP SOS and the fight is for you! as much skill as relic i guess.

I hope i made my point clear.. i may have wrong but tbh i don't think so.

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Postby Grenouille » May 27, 2017 17:19

Hibs got twf + 3 relics, that's op

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Postby Llaw » May 27, 2017 23:36

Runefinaly wrote:
Llaw wrote:
Runefinaly wrote:How can you even say that raunz ? I remember you said hib can't win.
What should we say about that alb assist ? or even zerks 2 shooting every caster ?

Blamers gonna blame.

I don't see where is my blame there :) If you play uthgard you may know that what i'm saying is true...

As far as i remember relics has always been like that ... always been op this is why its hard to get them, it's part of daoc !
People are blaming relic everytime they die even if sometimes it's ridiculouse...
I don't know why there's not a post about zerk dps 2 shooting every caster if we dont debuff str them or w/e...
For once hib have some chance to win, and tbh sometimes it's thanks the relic but sometimes is not so don't put all the blame on those relics...

An exemple : Dante_afk always qqing about relic everytime he loose but the 4 times i fought him he was the first dying.. he get NS he rush and he dies and blame relic ? What the relic have to do with players gameplay ?
Another exemple : Alb can't even qq about anything is not allowed... they have SOS, BOF, Theu, Minstrel... Hib can be winning the fight and HOP SOS and the fight is for you! as much skill as relic i guess.

I hope i made my point clear.. i may have wrong but tbh i don't think so.

I wasn't referring to you in my post, buddy.
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Postby salbei » Jun 09, 2017 16:30

Something PvE related like +XP or +Gold (heck even +Gold after a RvR Kill) wouldn´t effect RvR as bad as the current flat damage bonus.
It is not going to happen, but would be my approach.

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Postby aylictal » Jun 09, 2017 21:17

I really hope those defending relics understand what I stated in my first post here.

20% damage bonus is (nearly) equivalent to your target not being spellcrafted.

I can't stress this enough.

This also when abused with multipliers, such as tundra style, result in a 20 page nerf zerker thread as well. The one shots that zerkers are getting on fully buffed rank 5 casters is a result not to the style so much as it is the 300 extra damage they're getting from just having relics applied to the style.

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Postby Tree » Jun 10, 2017 06:52

Oh wait... DAoC wasnt designed with perfectly fair 8vs8 in mind? How dare they break balance with relics!? Shame on them!
Tree - Animist Lvl 50 (RR 3L0, Legendary Tailor)
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Postby De_Kus » Jun 11, 2017 11:30

I like DAoC especially since it had a rather strong realm attachment for the players. I see little of the realm engagement I remember from ~2002. It was a natural duty to defend their realm for those who were dedicated. Of course also back then we had casuals who preferred to farm/level up their toons regardless of RvR or relict raid activity. But I still believe DAoC has a great PvP design with the relic and keep boni, especially since it's a community, and not a pure personal bonus.

If you wanted to add some personal reward you could think about giving RPs to relics bringing from enemy to home shrine. Though I see it hard to give here a fair scaling for the actual effort, since door level is always the same, door percent is probably hard to track with not everything hitting the doors and being in the same BG, also the relic special guard levels beaten are not really a good measurement and just giving it to the group carrying the relic home surely isn't fair, since you obviously need more than 8~16 people to do a relic raid.

But removing this community aspect just because it throws off an 8vs8 on equal footing? Maybe those experienced groups should consider using their RvR experience for something more than 8vs8, then they can make sure relics are not against their favour.
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Postby Tree » Jun 13, 2017 10:48

De_Kus wrote:I like DAoC especially since it had a rather strong realm attachment for the players. I see little of the realm engagement I remember from ~2002. It was a natural duty to defend their realm for those who were dedicated. Of course also back then we had casuals who preferred to farm/level up their toons regardless of RvR or relict raid activity. But I still believe DAoC has a great PvP design with the relic and keep boni, especially since it's a community, and not a pure personal bonus.

Play Hib. We always have strong relic defense forces. :grin:
Tree - Animist Lvl 50 (RR 3L0, Legendary Tailor)
Aeomelia - Enchanter Lvl 50
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Postby Lilayn » Jun 14, 2017 15:29

Lol that thread :lol: Defend your own relic keeps ! People are lazy as ****** , better qq in forum then defend or retake own relics. :roll:


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