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Postby Pbuck » Jun 17, 2017 19:40

State of rvr in albion: first person in lwrps is a wizard with 100k.

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Postby Juri » Jun 17, 2017 20:18

Pbuck wrote:State of rvr in albion: first person in lwrps is a wizard with 100k.

Can't abuse ice pets anymore? Hmm.

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Postby Pbuck » Jun 17, 2017 22:27

Ice pet gameplay is stil the same and i can still "abuse" them. Similarly to your group "abusing" melee snares.

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Postby Juri » Jun 17, 2017 22:59

Awww, someone got his whole team crippled. *sadface*

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Postby Pbuck » Jun 17, 2017 23:23

Not surprised that you ( whoever you are) have the misconception that my group stopped because of ice pet nerf. Especially when I already tried my theu in a decent pug after the nerf, and we still won all incs vs hib tanker groups, using the same playstyle as before. The real reason of why most of the people i played with stopped, is bad eu action ( zergs or little 8v8 ) and difficulty in finding suitable reps especially minstrel. Remaining players were logging for week+ without any chance to get something going. Or I guess we can go with your version which is i'm lying and people were crying that my ice pets got nerfed and quit. True story?

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Postby Juri » Jun 18, 2017 00:35

It's funny because no one ever asked nor felt the urge to hear any of your reasoning behind what you are (or are not) doing. I myself haven't logged in a week now for the same reason (not much 8v8 action) and on that we can agree on. But then you had to throw the 'melee snare abuse' out of your cilinder, pretending hib is the only realm that has access to positional snares and prevent flight..........

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Postby Pbuck » Jun 18, 2017 02:18

I never believed it, only applied your logic.If I am "abusing" ice pets who work better than they should be, so are melee dps "abusing" positional snares , who also work better than they should( and don't progressively fade ). The fact that every realm has or does not have access to those differences shouldn't matter. Like you can't expect a meler to not use positional snares, the same goes for the theurgist ice line, its a valid spec line offered in character creation.

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Postby Juri » Jun 18, 2017 02:22

No, that's not the point: positional snares are a feature for all realms and are working as intended, ice pets were not.

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Postby Pbuck » Jun 18, 2017 02:27 ... o_not_fade

Not working as intended, and I'm sure the best peelers use/used this to their advantage as well.

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Postby Juri » Jun 18, 2017 03:50

Either if it is working as intended or not, all three realms have access to it. That's not the case for 10 ice pets that permasnared a whole enemy team - and your way to 8L :roll:

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Postby Pbuck » Jun 18, 2017 05:07

Love your double standards and your hypocricy.When your bms/hero slam and proceed to snare the enemy merc/armsman who happen to not have 3 purges and disable them for a good portion of the fight, its OK because we could do the same even though we only have 1 purge/every 30 min. It's fair and balanced and should not be called an abuse. Only call it abuse if it works against you. I could say the same for riyu's group, who won several fights by ice intentionally replicating the double-melee hit( which is still in effect as shown here and 1-shotting our cabalist/sorc several times(6-8 insta attacks), and turning the tide of the fight. But that's not an abuse as well since all realms have access to this "feature".RIght ?

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Postby Budikah » Jun 18, 2017 07:10

People who complain about abuse like that are downright ****** retarded.

Yeah, hold on - let me either reroll a new class or get a dragon respec stone so I can roll a gimp spec because there is a bug in the mechanics and the people I fight keep crying about it.

****** get over yourself you children. Nobody is going to get banned for Tundra. Nobody is getting banned over Ice Pets. It's a videogame - ****** breaks and people abuse it intentionally or just coincidentally until it's fixed.

Stop treating DAoC like it's some competitive masterpiece and not some 15+ year old MMORPG that relies heavily on RNG throughout.

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Postby fremster » Jun 18, 2017 10:12

Pbuck wrote:I could say the same for riyu's group, who won several fights by ice intentionally replicating the double-melee hit( which is still in effect as shown here and 1-shotting our cabalist/sorc several times(6-8 insta attacks), and turning the tide of the fight. But that's not an abuse as well since all realms have access to this "feature".RIght ?

Noticed this many times when i played sorc... Ice was the expert at double quad hitting, turning fights as you said..

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Postby JONNY_FROM_THE_BLOCK » Jun 18, 2017 13:16

Pbuck wrote:Love your double standards and your hypocricy.When your bms/hero slam and proceed to snare the enemy merc/armsman who happen to not have 3 purges and disable them for a good portion of the fight, its OK because we could do the same even though we only have 1 purge/every 30 min. It's fair and balanced and should not be called an abuse. Only call it abuse if it works against you. I could say the same for riyu's group, who won several fights by ice intentionally replicating the double-melee hit( which is still in effect as shown here and 1-shotting our cabalist/sorc several times(6-8 insta attacks), and turning the tide of the fight. But that's not an abuse as well since all realms have access to this "feature".RIght ?

In all fairness that bug affects mid the most by absolutely miles, 1 arms can peel 4 tanks np lol, i wouldn't be whining as albs.

That bug as well as pets not losing their aggro table when their owner is killed are both the most game breaking bugs on this server, and should be fixed asap

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Postby Genjiro » Jun 18, 2017 13:37

JONNY_FROM_THE_BLOCK well as pets not losing their aggro table when their owner is killed are both the most game breaking bugs on this server, and should be fixed asap

Since you only can talk about FnF pets I suggest to simply verify atleast on Pendragon how FnF pets behave after their creator has died.

If it is indeed different to how it works on Uthgard the next step should be to check if this behaviour has been changed and noted in patch notes from 1.66 up to current Live. If nothing can be found we can assume that the mechanic was not change until today.

In which case a new issue should be opened:
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Coloured text represents my personal opinion and is not associated with Uthgard Staff nor is it an official statement.


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