State of RvR
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I think he is referring to charmed mobs not to fnf
Yeah i was. This is regarding charmed mobs, super game breaking |
Tho, it happen on live aswell ... ![]() (Reverse heal/dmg procs, heals done, heal pot, damage done, cc done, debuff done) Minstrel is first of the aggro list, yes. But when he dies, the pet may still take the second one in list as a target. If nothing done to the pet, nothing at all, he goes back to his spot. Proof : (November 2015) Here the first melee hit you can see the ranger have reverse heal proc (generate aggro) Btw a good way to show stallions doesn't only procs on melee, they randomly instant damage targets from range. ![]() |
1.65 in 2003 was awesome because the daoc community had a completely different RvR mentality back then. They just wanted to make as many rps as they could and were not afraid of taking risks, zerging, soloing, etc.
Nowadays most peoples' mentality is to get many rps WHILE denying their enemies rps. That means taking as little risk as possible. Only fighting when the odds are for you and never against you. Only going out to RvR with a "perfect setup" and quitting after 1-2 wipes so they don't get "farmed". Sadly the devs didn't do anything to fight this mentality on uthgard 1 and now on 2, which means the RvR turned into 8v8 WoW arenas instead of awesome chaotic DAoC RvR. I honestly don't see how they can turn this thing around. Let's hope whoever tries to make another such server understands that making RvR FUN for everyone (and not just the top 5% elitists/pros) is priority #1. It breaks or makes the server. |
State of RvR?
SoS working as intended ![]() |
Otinanai you are 1000% right ! And it's called risk aversion
Daoc is about 8vs8 Zerg solo smallman anything that can give you rps. On Uthgard2 I've seen so many rage quit after a wipe, sometimes you wipe ass and sometimes you get gang banged that's totally part of Daoc. Looks like people who continued daoc after TOA and NF got totally spoiled |
Yep. The Devs saying they want to encourage all playstyles doesn't really mesh with the way the server ruleset was implemented. If they had even an ounce of foresight, the 5-10 often mentioned suggestions people make on these forums would've come to them prior to bothering opening the server at all. I don't think it's really rocket science recognizing how different the landscape is with MMO's nowadays and how people approach them, especially compared to when 1.65 DAoC was "live". Hardcore players today with their spreadsheets and optimizations out the butt are VERY different now then back then, and Uthgard running 1.65 proves it. Unfortunately the casual's here were forgotten and they've all but jumped ship, and they aren't coming back without significant changes. Unless of course they want to cater to the 8-man and hardcore players only, in which case job well done I guess? Positivity - 4x Ranger
Paenon - 50 Friar (sleeping because it's non-Meta) Simi - 50 Necro (ditto, farmbot) |
What an utterly pointless thread. Of course the community is a million times more elitist than it was. It's human nature to always do your best to one-up your opponents, not sink to their level to make up for their inadequacies. It's like saying people used to use flintlock firearms and now you're mad that people use cartridge firing pins when you still want to use flintlocks. Time always improves competition; get with it or get out.
This server didn't go down the poop cheute because of uber leet 8 mans. It was because the devs put their hands over their ears and screamed like a 5 year old when we begged them for QOL and such changes a year ago in beta. As "uber leet 8 man guys", we knew that keeping casual players happy was vital, and things such as keep RPs, faster leveling, and improved crafting are needed to keep them around, since they don't want to get farmed by tryhard groups and can't always just find a zerg to jump in with. Don't blame us for the devs who did nothing. Charades <Buds>
#1 pet abuser |
I m sorry but what you say is not entirely true. Population was huge so there was probably more players roleplaying and lost in the game than actually. But in the same time in the old days there was so many competitive teams taking the game so seriously, more seriously than any actual player. Some guys not even talking to the rest of the community cause the considered them like trashes. It was the time of real hard core gamers playing on dark age, it was like that on french servers and probably on all euro servers. ![]() I m sorry man but you have to face the reality, actual 8v8 uthgard action is pretty bad in term of quality and challenge. Level is low and what you call "teams" are casuals. |
What an utterly pointless comparison. I've been trying to connect the evolution of firearms with the status quo of a video game server. Like, what? You compare the development of people killing each other more effectively with a given technology like DAoC where people just learn to play better with time. Maybe it's because I'm not American, but I can't even see the base of that comparison. Oh, and this dead horse called "QoL changes like faster crafting/xp/etc." does nothing to cater casuals on the long run. Why? Because of the nature of this patch level. Hend hit the nail on the head, Old Frontiers and 1.65 is HEAVEN for elitists. That was the time on live where the most successful groups were around. Balance, at least compared to other PvP games, was fantastic. I myself was so happy when New Frontiers hit the servers back then. That was Mythic's answer to every RvR problem that casuals had. And it was glorious. Everyone who says that NF was bad didn't play the game back then. Every aspect of RvR improved dramatically; Solo, Smallman, Sieges. 8v8 however didn't improve at first; but after people found their "8v8 zones" like Maze, everything was fine. Kill potential for caster groups was through the roof, but zergs could still just do lots of other things AND most importantly, get decent RPs by doing it. Long story short: People in here don't realize that this game has gone through the problems this server has right now. Mythic offered many solutions, most importantly New Frontiers, to satisfy the needs of every type of player. Without NF and because of the nature of Old Frontiers, the gap between (pseudo NA primetime) elitists and normal players only will grow more and more. |
Quality wouldn't improve, but im sure you'd find it more challenging playing on mid or hib instead of alb, mighty magician hend.
We choosed alb to be sure to have as many enemies as possible, cause we knew people wanted to go mid or hib cause alb is hard core on 1.65. And it was a good choice. Something will never change on dark age and on any game, some players play and some players just QQ about realm. Its also actually funny to see people from every realm crying about realm balance, albs first ![]() Trust me, Dark dawn is not setup up for straight 8v8 and i personaly think (who knows) that we can even be stronger on hib or mid, using some tools and setups that nobody is actually using. |
Would be interesting to see those hidden setups and tools that others aren't using on the different realms.
While albion is quite strong if played correctly, it is quite challenging to run a good group. There is a reason why albion has the least rps/week for months now, the groups that actually steamroll everything are very few and not rly active any more. Average albion pug does not work so well, mistakes are usually unforgiving and playing almost always against relics doesn't help either. Also a high rr mid/hib group with enough ra dump can probably keep up vs bof/sos, it's just that majority of 8v8ers quit in general and such groups don''t really exist. The few high rr mid/hibs left either zerg or play in random pugs and cant make an impact on their own. DD on another realm with some rr, would be just as successfull as they are on alb, simply because of skill and consistency ( they are the only group that stuck together since server started without any changes)
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