Splitting buffing duty in groups

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Phoenix Knight
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Postby Budikah » Jul 06, 2017 06:38

Is there a generally agreed upon way for a 'standard' 8 man?

I figured it was

Cleric 1


Cleric 2 (AT LEAST 42 ENH)
Spec AF

I see so many groups buffing different ways - I figured I'd toss this out there as it works nice when you've got to regularly spec'd Clerics (40 or 42 Enh).

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Postby Stasis » Jul 06, 2017 09:20

Shouldnt be needed to buff brain

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Postby Byun » Jul 06, 2017 09:31

Really depends on the setup and the amount of people who charge at least acu or af.
I usually buff d/q + base con and base str, other cleric s/c + base dex and acu/af
Some clerics have 42 enhancement for red acu, then the casters just have to charge af.
Having augmented acuity makes it obviously easier due to higher conc pool, but if your casters dont charge anything it will get difficult nevertheless

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Postby Stasis » Jul 06, 2017 10:07

40g for recharge a item with 10 acu buffs.

Make lvl 1 items and swap items when you charge buff. Take about being lazy. Take resposibility "max" your char.

I made Approx 500boots and got 7 MP's Didnt cost even a gold to make i think. And its faster than hinging and all you need is that item is grey.

Self buffing keeps your self potensial max even if one of your clerics should go down

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Postby Stasis » Jul 06, 2017 10:11

Nice, Didnt notice i preach about charging buffs in cleric section on forum. :)

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Gryphon Knight
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Postby Kha » Jul 06, 2017 10:21

Budikah wrote:Is there a generally agreed upon way for a 'standard' 8 man?

I figured it was

Cleric 1


Cleric 2 (AT LEAST 42 ENH)
Spec AF

I see so many groups buffing different ways - I figured I'd toss this out there as it works nice when you've got to regularly spec'd Clerics (40 or 42 Enh).

Brain / Spec AF should be charges indeed.
I have a question though, Why would you buff base AF ?
If your group mates are temped, it's lot of conc for only 5 to 1 (depending on how many MP armor) AF point no ?

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Postby Budikah » Jul 06, 2017 10:47

Stasis wrote:Shouldnt be needed to buff brain

It shouldn't be, but it is. I know in a truly prepared group it isn't however. It's rare that I find a group where everyone has all the charges they need.

As for non-spec AF... not usually a priority, I just tossed it on the list in the case of extra conc.

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Postby Stasis » Jul 06, 2017 12:36

I will not spec my cleric for red acu so lazy Casters dont max there char.

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Postby Syskaru » May 23, 2018 00:55

I spec to heal not buff. Of course I run with another cleric I base buff and then the other specs.

Of course when we run into stuff I heal and focus heal when its beruff nukes. I dont blow power like crazy unless it's a large shroom fest or a pbae group.
- Syska Animist
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