Grats Midgard for Str-Relics
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What's this talk of EU Albs and US Albs?
Albs are ALBS. The relics we captured, were captured by Albs. The relics we defended, were defended by Albs. The relics we lost, were lost by Albs. They may be brothers from across the pond, but they are my brothers. |
Also compared to the alarmclock raid of mids on both hib and alb a week ago, this was pretty much in the primetime or between eu prime and beginning of NA? making it even more impressive than the previous raid.
Gratz. Sadends me to see realm conflict like this though, a realm fighting with themselves and throwing blame around. on a positive note, the forums could become really fun to read if we get more of these topics with both, or all 3sides chipping in what went down during the evening brawls in the frontiers. <<Bombling>> - Supp SM Lvl 50 - RR 7L0
Bombling Saga part I - VI. Magnetling Part I&II. Retired on Uthgard for now. Warhammer RoR private server, and CU beta testing. |
Way to go Mids!! Mid 4 lyfe.
#realmpride Severian, RR5 Skald
Sacrament, RR4 Healer Darkcircle, RR4 RM |
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