Necro Pet still attacks on passive.
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The Abomination pet still attacks on passive when a spell is cast.
This is definitely a bug, on live 1.65 this was not the case and you could time your Facilitate Painworking to cast 3 spells during combat and was the centerpiece of the Necromancer PVP/RVR skills. Without a properly functioning Facilitate Painworking spell the class is negated to a chain pulling xp monkey with few paths forward in RVR. Facilitate painworking is already hard to get off since you have to completely cease all shade casting until right before the first FC spell is cast and thats without taking into account that...... if your target is within melee range and you hit the FC icon, the first thing your pet does is melee attack because it hasn't attacked yet(being in passive mode) so then you get to wait 3 seconds before the first quickcast spell is started, and by time you start into your second quickcast spell FC is wearing off and it gets interupted... 2 uninterrupted casts reduced to 1 cast and 1 wasted cast (mana)... the whole time you're not casting your shade lifetap for fear of screwing up the quickcast mechanic.... = Destroyed PVP ability. I'd speculate that most of your alb players would benefit from a fix to this very popular class. |
That is also not to mention that this screws up snare if casted at close range... basically negates that spell too. I understand that the casting is based on the melee attack rounds but you have to be able to remove the attack while retaining the use of the attack round timer? I'd be willing to help test a fix if you guys need logs.
Can you please provide evidence to this? The necromancer behaviors were tested in depth before the live necro changes.
That thread also seems to contradict what you've written. Now, while players there call it a bug, it is important to consider that the behavior was that way for 14 years or so up until we tested it. |
I"m sorry Abydos, I dont have proof from 14 years ago except to say I played a RR7 necro on Mordred and could easily get off 3 casts without having to worry about my pet swinging while set to passive. You can imagine how many times I used this functionality without issue and when i played on my first shard I found this bug immediately and moved onto another class thinking it would be fixed quickly... 5 shards later and not one of them have been able to recreate the necro that was on live 1.65. This class wasn't always a PVE class, the inability to separate attacks from the attack round has persisted in every non-live shard and I imagine the difficulty in correctly coding that functionality is what keeps it from happening.
Now, if this is how it functions in current live... that too is a bug, introduced by the current blasphemers who call themselves devs. |
Our implementation is of course a recreation from testing the behaviors as they were on live. To that end, there may be bugs from time to time. Based on the knowledge at hand and the testing that was performed I do not agree that it is correct to say it was introduced by the current devs on live. We have posts where people complain about that behavior since the very beginning of the class, and it was that way when our researcher implemented it during our shutdown.
On the topic of memories...I, too, had a necromancer and spent considerable time playing as well. My memory is likely clouded by buffbots though as I can say with certainty I never played without one. Timing the FP might be the key here. (Hit, wait for swing, cast FP, begin). Do me a favor and test the behavior with cap dex and red buffs. Is it any different for you? |
I'll get some logs and vids tonight.
When you cast a spell in ghost form, its transferred to the pet and the pet then casts it.
It will always attack the same round he casts a spell that you ordered him to use. You can always use 2 to 3 spell with the pet with facilitate painworking if you time it right, that is when your pet is about to launch an attack after he attacked. Let us say the attack speed of the pet is 2.5: the pet attacks wait 2.2 seconds click facilitate painworking click spell1 queue spell 2 queue spell 3 if you can. Reminder to Self: Quality over Quantity, what is the Value here?
See, I get all of that... but... that part where you have to wait for your pet to attack before using it.... PASSIVE MODE... so if i'm just standing there being hit (like when a stealther pops on me)... and i click my Facilitate Painworking (remember...passive mode)... my pet attacks... thats it... I dont cast any other spell.... just FC... my pet will attack... NOW... LETS GO DEEPER... So... Im taking my evening PASSIVE stroll through emain, to give my granny a visit..... as I approach the Mile Gate... a stealther pops on me... so what do i do... well of course I'm going to HIT MY FACILITATE PAINWORKING so i can start the fight off with a few good pet casted lifetaps.... so I go ahead and click FC, the abomination casts FC...causing it to attack instantly... 1 millisecond after I click my FC I move my finger over and click my pet casted lifetap... unfortunately my fc has successfully been cast through the pet, causing it to attack so ... I have to wait 3.5 seconds for my next swing to start casting my first uninteruptable lifetap.... by then, because my pet attacked the stealther has evaded and now has gotten off their stun style....well i get to sit there and watch my FC fade away...... now i have zero uninterupted pet casts... OH BY THE WAY... THE WHOLE TIME I HAVEN'T CASTED ANY SHADE SPELLS BECAUSE OF SPELL QUEUE WORRIES... 4 seconds later the stun wears off just as the pet dies and i get to watch them dance while they kill me. FC passive attack kills another pvp run........ I've got videos, on my phone, will take a few to load em. |
I have been trying to understand the way the necro pauses. It seems that there is some sort of timer that is too slow between the swing and the cast time that is causing the issue.
Just my observance. I played the necro from release and never remember the pause between attack and cast. Its almost like the necro attacks then has a timer before it can cast. Thats just what I have noticed and thats the part the doesn't feel right. If I swing with my staff as a cleric then cast a spell there is no timer to wait between the time I swing and the cast. Just my two cents. |
Seems that the abomination does that much more often the greater necro servant. Feels like its bound to its 2h atk speed.. Greater necroservant doesnt behave like this and is much more controllable in that sence.(far better atk speed) Also the pet does his passive > attack swings // breaking mess/root.. (all pets) When im out of pet controlling circle it becomes even more funny with the pet just ignoring my commands. And have to run after him to get him back, even thou its on passive. But in keep fights its sometimes impossible cause pet just goes into keep , out of my controll range. Lootingandshooting - Alb - Necromancer
Dolphins - Alb - Theurgist |
This is the pet attacking instantly after hitting the Facilitate Painworking spell... nothing else.
[youtube] [/youtube] |
This is an example of a pet attacking instantly after hitting FC which causes the pet to miss both uninterrupted casts. This is an extreme example with no buffs to better illustrate the problem..simulating a recast pet during a fight.
[youtube] [/youtube] |
The only way to over come this problem is putting your pet on defensive. Time your quickcast just before u hit(melee pet attack) and cast the spells. After the Abo hits it should start its casting. Thou this can be very tricky and mana consuming Lootingandshooting - Alb - Necromancer
Dolphins - Alb - Theurgist |
Yes I am aware of the workaround for this BUG... I want to fix the bug so that i dont have to work around it. |
Use a greater necro servant
![]() Lootingandshooting - Alb - Necromancer
Dolphins - Alb - Theurgist |
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