Summoners Hall Farm what Setup on Alb??

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Postby kpax » Aug 03, 2017 11:07

Hello everyone,

well i am new to ALb and honestly never farmed Summoners Halls. What Setup is the best and easiest way to Farm the Named Mobs. What Stratgegy??

Thx in advance for all Infos.

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Postby Requin » Aug 03, 2017 13:22

In 7 months I have seen only 1 SH bg in Alb.
Reminder to Self: Quality over Quantity, what is the Value here?

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Postby Aelred » Aug 03, 2017 18:10

I don't know of anyone in Albion that has tried farming SH in a significant way and, as Requin said, SH zergs have been rare for us. I don't think the bosses have any overly complex fight mechanics, so if you wanted to take one full group I would suggest the following as a balanced setup for roaming the dungeon, killing bosses, and occasional RvR.

2 Mercenaries (main DPS)
1 Armsman (main tank - holds aggro from bosses)
1 Paladin (secondary tank - holds aggro from adds)
1 Minstrel (speed, mez CC, power, and pet+melee DPS)
1 Theurgist (haste/dmg add, PBT, root CC, and sends pets at bosses)
1 Friar (secondary buffs/heals, and melee DPS)
1 Cleric (main heals/buffs)

This setup relies on you having a skilled Minstrel, otherwise you might want to replace him, or a Merc, with a Sorc. I haven't really seen how Reavers' Leviathan proc performs against high level mobs on this server, so they might be suitable replacements for the Merc slots, but I don't know for sure. I'm quite confident everything else is ideal for high level PvE, and with skilled players you could take down most of the bosses. With practice and high RR you could probably shrink the group, to make it more profitable.

Perhaps someone with experience focus pulling on Uthgard could weigh in on whether or not that is viable for farming SH?

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Postby gumby » Aug 07, 2017 22:41

I did a few SH in the past, we couldnt kill GS and alb summoners was bugged/feature? (constant bow spawn for alb summoner).

I would take 2 clerics, and minst cant charm anything (at rr4/5 at the time) in there (maybe bow/add spawn) due to being too high or undead.

For melee setup, I would do (i have never tried, we didnt have the numbers/classes at the time):
necro/ice wizzy to cut raid time in half (most of it is getting through mobs to get to summoners) otherwise merc/reaver/arms

note: I would not have pally or arms as main tank as they are vulnerable to crush damage (+10% abs) and chain is resistant (-10% abs) so chain is actually better as all summoners do crush damage.

tbh, I would take 2 groups just to ensure you do not wipe.

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Postby Aelred » Aug 08, 2017 22:27

Very good point with plate vs. chain for the main tank. Soldier's Barricade is a great tool for helping to take down bosses, but the consistency of having a more favourable armour type sounds more useful. Hopefully it isn't too hard to find a Reaver with some Mastery of Blocking at this point on the server.

You're certain Deep Wolves count as undead? I was under the impression they were classified as animals, but I haven't played a Minstrel in there yet, so I'll take your word for it. That certainly raises the Sorc a few notches, in favourability.

What is your reasoning for taking 2 Clerics, over 1 Cleric, 1 Friar? I feel the melee DPS and resists are more worth it than the extra healing tools another Cleric would bring, especially with the Theurgist running PBT. The buffing situation might not end up 8v8-worthy, but it will be more than good enough for PvE. (I should mention I expect the Friar to be spec'd something like 48 Enhance, 37 Staff, 25 Rejuv)

Adding in the casters to clear trash would certainly be nice, but I feel they are better left to the two group raid you mentioned, as I can't see them contributing enough to a boss fight. A single group is probably going to need all the efficiency they can get.

Regardless, I would like to try out some compositions and test our groups against the bosses. I don't have much free time to play at the moment, but I can sometimes play around 1:00pm - 4:30pm EST on weekdays. PM me, if anyone wants to build a group together and collect some items during Euro PT. :)

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Postby Liss » Aug 09, 2017 20:42

If I remember correctly then all of the four summoners are quite different, and require a bit different setup.

You can probably do all of them without pbt, but you want cc, and only one cleric will struggle a lot to keep up.

One require quick dps.
One require aoe.
One require a lot of healing.
One require at least three dps, but preferably crossguarding and four melee.

It might be hard to fit all in with just eight people, but going with 10-12, and switch in the needed class for each summoner is more than doable.

(However last time I spoke with someone who had done the summoners, the droprate was pure garbage. Supposedly like 80% of the time it was no drop, or only ra respec stone.)

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