Necro Pet still attacks on passive.

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Postby megatron » Aug 04, 2017 16:40

Knokker wrote:Use a greater necro servant :P!

In PVP playing with a green pet is a suicide mission.

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Postby Knokker » Aug 04, 2017 16:48

Depends on your likings.

Dont feel/see much diffrence between pets/hp and receiving damage..
Still has a ton more hp then most casters.

Thou in the very end, i agree with your statement.
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Postby megatron » Aug 05, 2017 18:58

megatron wrote:This is an example of a pet attacking instantly after hitting FC which causes the pet to miss both uninterrupted casts. This is an extreme example with no buffs to better illustrate the problem..simulating a recast pet during a fight.

[youtube] [/youtube]

Can one of the devs tell me if this is how they expect FC to work, where you cant really use it in passive mode? The way i see it, All you would have to do *if pet is passive *then put a /passive command that kicks off right after the FC so that it doesn't attack.. or sprinkle your dev dust on it and magically fix it... I don't know, something. I'm not asking for /level 30 or buffbots... I'm asking that a mechanic work the way it seems like it should.

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Postby megatron » Aug 07, 2017 16:42

Just curious to know if the staff feels that necros should not be able to use the FC while in passive mode?(As demonstrated in the video).

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Postby Abydos » Aug 07, 2017 17:00

The behavior was researched and documented in our beta tests. However, I don't see a test explicitly for facilitate painworking. The swinging behavior for many other spells (including the heal regen and other buffs) is correct.

If someone can comment with some evidence we could look and modify as-needed.

From the videos I've reviewed thus far, the behavior seems to match live.

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Postby megatron » Aug 07, 2017 22:50

Ok, for every other spell I can accept the annoyance of a swing when the pet casts...but for Facilitate Painworking and the single target snare I would think that it's different on live considering the fact the the swing cancels both effects.

I would like to know if for just FC on live if there is a swing... I cant imagine this has been like this for 2 decades without being fixed?????

I dont have a live account so I'd really appreciate a test from someone?

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Postby GreenP » Aug 08, 2017 10:46 ... 250224046/

B) Uncontrollable pet:
When the pet is on passive with any "aggressive" entity within melee range, the pet automatically swings once after executing the first given command, and before executing the second. This forces the necromancer to have his pet swing at a target before initiating any form of facilitate pain or quick cast, creating a 5 second delay (when using the abomination) before the command es executed. ... ...
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Postby Abydos » Aug 08, 2017 16:44

TY GP! I didn't see that FP at 28s before.

Clearly this demonstrates our behavior is correct.

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Postby megatron » Aug 09, 2017 17:06

Well i geuss thats that... busted mechanic on live so busted mechanic on uth.

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Postby megatron » Aug 11, 2017 20:46

So, I've set my qbinds up for FC, Pet-passive, and pet-casted-lifetap.... i hit FC button... wait .5 second hit Pet-passive button and then cast the lifetap. This allows me to get an FC off in passive mode without losing an attack round before the first cast.

I shouldn't have to do this but I guess mythic/broadsword/uthgard does not think an immediate attack after FC cast is a bug.... Even tho it negates every effect the FC spell was created to help facilitate... its in the name.

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Postby unty » Aug 11, 2017 22:43

megatron wrote:
Knokker wrote:Use a greater necro servant :P!

In PVP playing with a green pet is a suicide mission.

iirc the greater necro servant could cast faster and was the pet of choice (at least for the better necros on mordred) but then again, no stat caps or buffs... yeah green pet is probably gg :)

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Postby Sharpinator » Aug 14, 2017 16:19

Well, I've never played live at all or tried necro on any other server but uthg beta and 2.0, so from that perspective I cant add anything. FP is in my case absolutely handable, since a caster cant be in combat in once second and cast the next one..just doenst work, so it seems reasonable, that the necro-pet has a 3 secs delay as well after hitting target or getting hit.

How FP works for me after 1month + few days played time on 2.0 on fully sc'd necro (dex,con,int,power capped):

pet has a target, none action taken (lets say, a respawned mob in melee-hitrange not beig agro yet):

1. manadrain then instantly FP (before pet has hit its target) + 3 casts of your choice (works a 100%!)
2. FP, followed by instant cast of your choice x3 (works a 100% as well)

The pet doesnt hit nor does it engage a target, before I order it to do so. But in case I press life/manadrain, it will with nothing in pets queue start running off no matter what status it has (def/passive), which actually is pretty annoying, since the pet is in most cases on passive til I send it to the target directly. To have it not running off, I need to press passive and follow/here immediately, to get it back, or it will ran til it dies or is out of range otherwise. I dont get, why it starts charging targets even though I get why it hits automatically (think of grey mobs for cc-breaking wouldnt get killed and thus the nec-pet except by stun not cc-able). I prevent it by having a cast in pets queue like always and keep it busy casting. When charging towards a target (i.e. targets running out of pets castrange), it will restart casting once it got in range as long as your tell him to do so. But when rupted at the same time (lets say, you get hit by more than one ranged mob/target---granite outlookers in my case!), it just goes on (and even switches targets, it would charge towards without you having commanded any of those moves or even let your pet attack those others) and seemingly needs a precise timing for passive-here-chain to get it back to the shade (but it will start charging again once it gets hit in the process!). I trained that in rvr-dungeons mostly and with some practice I would get it back pretty quick.

Lately, when I was fighting some casters (sham/sm-duo) outside dodens, the pet got rooted and even though it was set on passive, it wouldnt start cast nor stop chasing target (tried like everyrhing:stay, here etc.), til I get close to it (you see the motion of pets legs stopping only then) and finally would start casting again, but not before I (the shade) got close enuff, which is weird, since it stops running and starts casting, when a target is in range!

Some other point, that I couldnt find any info about:

Is there a cast-dmg cap for necro and/or other casters?

DM, target weak to spirit, saracen necro on 50, int-charge value 75 (267 int with aug acu2):

Granite Stonecaller: I hit those for 525 (+125-128) max (lvl 47+13 deathsight manadrain), when charged int, no matter, if they were blue or yellow or orange (the blue ones near Norad made me thinking). If there was a cap, how does it work? (formula or link preffered pls.)

Is there any chance, RAs like purge will be usuable for necros at some point? I mean, its mostly that elitarist, not carrying alb-community, that most obviously feels pumped when building RvR 8peep-grps with all the same setups for 15 years, but it would enable me and other ambitioned necro-lovers to contradict those and be able to get our necs into grp-RvR !? And you guys still play it custom, dont you?^^

thankfully Painfriend

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Postby megatron » Aug 15, 2017 17:22

Yeah, thats a lot of rambling... I'm not sure I gleamed any useful information from that book except to say that you have trouble with the pet running off mid fight... yes that's a problem too. The whole control-range thing is really hard to get around and is just another reason people dont have the patience to play a necro against another player.


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