How to Fight pet owning classes?

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Postby Vona » Aug 18, 2017 12:21

Got no problem soloing my way through BG except the extremly annoying ench and especially, bds. How am I supposed to deal with em? Dot the Bd or ench to rupt them and then crush the pets to death? Cause if I attack the bd he will get healed by his stupid pets.

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Postby Ghast_Bors » Aug 22, 2017 01:21

For BD, you can try to rupt him if he actually tries casting when you're in range but you can't do anything about the insta lifetaps. Only thing you can really try to do is stun the BD if you have a way to do so and then try to take out his commander pet as fast as you can. Most pet classes who know what they're doing will never let you anywhere near them and just kite you though so this is kind of wishful thinking. I guess there's always the off-chance you could catch one by surprise in close quarters.

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Postby Vona » Aug 22, 2017 08:43

Thanks for your advice! :) I guess pet owning classes are just tough to come by...

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Postby Faltain » Nov 22, 2017 06:46

Without access to Physical Defense here on Uthgard Bonedancers actually aren't super scary I'd imagine if you can dish out decent MDPS, as it was that realm ability (at least on the Classic Servers anyways) that let me basically solo 2-3 melee at a time (in Cathal Valley granted)... with my lifetaps + healer pets and usually win (when I wasn't stunned or my Pet's weren't gang-dropped).

On Uthgard, especially if you have access to Slam, regardless if the lifetaps are 6 seconds or 8 seconds... you should be able to DPS them down during that period with Leviathan (unless the damage is gimp here although it should be decent still...). However, if they happen to have Purge and it's up when you engage an instant-lifetapping one with all his pets up... well, you're out of luck most likely. Killing a Commander to drop the healer-pets sounds like it may be a good idea, but then you'll have to worry about out DPSing the instant-lifetaps (which are healing the Bonedancer and killing you).

And like someone said, if you're playing against a well played split-spec Bonedancer (who uses the snare nuke's in conjunction with the lifetaps)... odds are you're screwed. My largest trouncing on Uthgard in all honesty on my Friar was against a split-specced Bonedancer. Wasn't a damn thing I could do against that snare nuke + lifetap combo. :cry:
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