Crit Shot

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Postby Thudd25121 » Mar 27, 2017 23:43

My crit shot keeps says it is aborted after firing. I have click crit shot button 1 time waited a sec and clicked it again. I have clicked it 1 time and click the bow icon to fire. I have clicked it and waited for it to say fire and clicked crit again, and tried samething but clicked bow icon. What am i doing wrong i cant get a crit shot. It alwasy says "You abort your crit shot".

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Postby relvinian » Mar 28, 2017 01:12

Hit crit shot button then hit ur ranged button /keyboard mine is n.

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Postby Requin » Jun 19, 2017 14:29

Critical Shot

Raising your bow specialization also grants you higher critical shot styles:
- Critical Shot I is obtained at the third train in bow and has a draw time of 2.0 times your normal draw time.
- Critical Shot II is obtained at the sixth train in bow and has a draw time of 1.9 times your normal draw time.
- Critical Shot III is obtained at the ninth train in bow and has a draw time of 1.8 times your normal draw time.
- Critical Shot IV is obtained at the twelfth train in bow and has a draw time of 1.7 times your normal draw time.
- Critical Shot V is obtained at the fifteenth train in bow and has a draw time of 1.6 times your normal draw time.
- Critical Shot VI is obtained at the eighteenth train in bow and has a draw time of 1.5 times your normal draw time.
- Critical Shot VII is obtained at the twenty-first train in bow and has a draw time of 1.4 times your normal draw time.
- Critical Shot VIII is obtained at the twenty-fourth train in bow and has a draw time of 1.3 times your normal draw time.
- Critical Shot IX is obtained at the twenty-seventh train in bow and has a draw time of 1.2 times your normal draw time.

The damage multiplier for critical shot is based on your level, and is determined by the difference between your level and the targets level, indicated by the target’s con. The multiplier is a maximum of 2.0 and a minimum of 1.1. As a broad generalization which does not take the continuous curve nature of this into account, critical shots will do 2.0 times normal damage to all targets that con grey, green, blue, or yellow. They will do approximately 1.7 times normal damage to high- orange targets, 1.4 times normal damage to high-red targets, and 1.1 times normal damage to purple targets.

Please note that critical shot will work against targets that are: sitting, standing still (which includes standing in combat mode but not actively swinging at something), walking, moving backwards, strafing, or casting a spell. Critical shot will not work against targets that are: running , in active combat (swinging at something), or Mezzed. Stunned targets may be critical shot once any timers from active combat have expired if they are not yet free to act; i.e.: they may not be critical shot until their weapon delay timer has run out after their last attack, they may be critical shot during the period between the weapon delay running out and the stun wearing off, and they may not be critical shot once they have begun swinging again. If the target was in melee with an archer, the critical shot may not be drawn against them until after their weapon delay has run out or it will be interrupted. This means that the scout's shield stun is much less effective against large weapon wielders (who have longer weapon delays) than against fast piercing/thrusting weapon wielders. Also note that if the target has a shield or are being guarded by someone with a shield, and the one holding the shield is facing the archer and is in combat mode (actively swinging or not), their block rate against arrows is DOUBLED. If they are using engage against you, you’ll only get past their defences about 5% of the time.

It means you can mostly land 1 crit shot per fight?
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Postby tjglover » Aug 18, 2017 17:00

I hit the crit shot 2x then the range bow so I reload and fire. At LvL 16 my crit does approx 140 dmg, then the follow up around 80 dmg.

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Postby Torgo » Aug 23, 2017 21:29

There is something weird here on uthgard...I don't think it was like this back on live.

It is almost like the Crit shot button puts you in Crit shot "mode" although it really doesn't.

1. Hit Crit Shot button
2. Hit bow icon twice to fire and reload automatically after firing crit shot.
3. Crit shot fires
4. "You abort your crit shot" message appears (even though it fired).

Not sure why it says that, I think it is a bug.

There is a different message when you can't get a crit shot because target is running or in combat. It will say something like "can't get a critical shot on target, switching to regular" and still fire but a normal damage shot.

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Postby tizdaz » Sep 28, 2017 06:01

I get same thing, i asked my guild/as about it but no one knows.

I click on the crit shot icon, i get the usual 4.1 sxeconds or however long it usually takes to ready, click the ranged icon to fire, it fires but then i get the msg "crit shot has been aborted" or summit like that, the arrow hits, but not for the crit shot damage..only normal damage?

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Postby Requin » Sep 28, 2017 07:45

tizdaz wrote:I get same thing, i asked my guild/as about it but no one knows.

I click on the crit shot icon, i get the usual 4.1 sxeconds or however long it usually takes to ready, click the ranged icon to fire, it fires but then i get the msg "crit shot has been aborted" or summit like that, the arrow hits, but not for the crit shot damage..only normal damage?

see my post above, for why crit shot fails.

Even though you will spend the whole crit shot time to ready your arrow, the crit shot will fail because the conditions of success are not met.

Please note that critical shot will work against targets that are: sitting, standing still (which includes standing in combat mode but not actively swinging at something), walking, moving backwards, strafing, or casting a spell. Critical shot will not work against targets that are: running , in active combat (swinging at something), or Mezzed. Stunned targets may be critical shot once any timers from active combat have expired if they are not yet free to act; i.e.: they may not be critical shot until their weapon delay timer has run out after their last attack, they may be critical shot during the period between the weapon delay running out and the stun wearing off, and they may not be critical shot once they have begun swinging again. If the target was in melee with an archer, the critical shot may not be drawn against them until after their weapon delay has run out or it will be interrupted.
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Postby tizdaz » Oct 01, 2017 06:30

Requin wrote:
tizdaz wrote:I get same thing, i asked my guild/as about it but no one knows.

I click on the crit shot icon, i get the usual 4.1 sxeconds or however long it usually takes to ready, click the ranged icon to fire, it fires but then i get the msg "crit shot has been aborted" or summit like that, the arrow hits, but not for the crit shot damage..only normal damage?

see my post above, for why crit shot fails.

Even though you will spend the whole crit shot time to ready your arrow, the crit shot will fail because the conditions of success are not met.

Please note that critical shot will work against targets that are: sitting, standing still (which includes standing in combat mode but not actively swinging at something), walking, moving backwards, strafing, or casting a spell. Critical shot will not work against targets that are: running , in active combat (swinging at something), or Mezzed. Stunned targets may be critical shot once any timers from active combat have expired if they are not yet free to act; i.e.: they may not be critical shot until their weapon delay timer has run out after their last attack, they may be critical shot during the period between the weapon delay running out and the stun wearing off, and they may not be critical shot once they have begun swinging again. If the target was in melee with an archer, the critical shot may not be drawn against them until after their weapon delay has run out or it will be interrupted.

im trying to use it as my 1st shot vs mob that are doing nothing except walking about or standing still :s

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Postby Requin » Oct 02, 2017 12:10

Then its weird. Make a video of it?
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Postby Jarqo » Oct 02, 2017 12:56

Maybe try make a small fraps-video and show us how do you try use critshot, somebody may find out whats wrong.
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