What's the point of Crossbow spec line?
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Hi all,
What's the point of the Crossbow spec line, and can it be used as part of a semi-viable spec? So far as I can see, speccing in it gives you no active abilities, no passive skills, and presumably just raises the lower-end of its variable damage. Apart from pulling (in which case it doesn't matter even if you miss), what's the point in it? What about a 42 Shield / 50 X-bow spec? "We accept only optimal classes into XP groups then wonder at 50 why we have a realm full of meta." - Random Player
sure, ur basicly a gimped scout with det instead of stealth^^ Ololofeld - BD - Lyo/Mid
Kind of a forgotten relic from a bygone era.
Always thought they should have done something with those skills, xbow, shortbow on hib, and throwing axes on mid. Give some skills of specing in them, or maybe skills on a per level basis. I guess this would apply more to the other lines, cause they did add snapshot eventually, however only for arms, not inf. Sent from my SM-G870W using Tapatalk |
Does anyone know if crossbow damage is based off of dex?
Isn't this crossbow thingy not a Classic ability?
The crossbow is used for pulling for an armsman, same for mercenary, bm, hero, warrior, berzerk, infil, shadowblade. However the armsman and the warrior are the only two able to spec into it. Because these classes have so many spec points, they can decide to specialize in 2 weapon lines and in shield. If you are only a tank armsman you can go: 28 Parry or 31 Parry 30 Crossbow or 31 Crossbow 50 Slash or 39 Slash 42 Shield or 50 Shield 4 Polearm Crossbows allow you to pull to dps and to interrupt casters (mobs too). At 51 crossbow you can hit for as much as a 51 Bow-user, though the max range of a crossbow is still shorter thand the minimum range of a bow. Reminder to Self: Quality over Quantity, what is the Value here?
This hit and run trick in the video is at level 25 crossbow. Didn't test it during beta now. I don't know if should be (or is implemented) here. |
1.65 crossbow was useless they patched this later in.
Hope GMs are fine with what they have stated, that they are fine with just 80 people (300ppl was Trishin Statement long time ago) playing the game under their vision.
Its important to leave this server running doesn't matter how low the numbers will be. The other servers can fail but Uthgard still will be there, thats Uthgards only chance. Edit 19/09/21: Well Uthgards chance has come. |
I think only arms and infi can use crossbow?
It's the thrill of the chase
and I'm coming after you. |
Yes i said all the class that use crossbow or equivalent (short bow, throwing weapon)
Reminder to Self: Quality over Quantity, what is the Value here?
I remember a dude from uth 1 who played a saracene arms with max dex and crossbow spec. was pretty fun in battlegrounds
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Uthgard 2 uses the same formula for archery as crossbow. An Armsman with a spec level in xbow should do the same damage as a scout with the same longbow spec level. That makes for interesting spec possibilities... The fear of most archers is getting charged by more powerful melee classes before enough damage can be put downrange. With an armsman, you can be "bring it on, come at me, bro!" ![]() |
useless. only good for inst dd charge
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