Hunter RA's
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Would love to hear some active hunters talk about their RA set. I'm norse, shooting for 50 spear / 35 bow (25 BC).
Purge (10) True Sight (10) - is this really as useful as it sounds? Ignore Pain (23) with First Aid 2 Quick tree has Dodger. Dex tree has MoPain and Falcon's Eye. Also available: Avoid Pain, Longshot & Volley, Avoidance of Magic How are you building your RA's? |
I just started my Hunter, but I used to play one on Genesis.
My first RAs were LW1 for sprint, Purge for stuns, and aug quick 2, aug dex 2, dodger 2, MoP 2. This puts you at like 3L7, very easy to achieve. |
True Sight is good for spots, where u meet alot of Stealthers. When u stay away from this spots, u dont need it.
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