Groups and Guilds on Uth 2.0
A lot of enemies said they gonna start rvr'ing and atm I don't see anyone been outside and trying to have a fight with us.Most of the groups dodge us and they even change frontier zone,what is happening fellow daoc players why u do that to us??? We need fighting enemies again I don't think a grp of enemies is afraid of us ..we r friendly !!!!
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lots of dragon killing in the last few days i guess ^^
Keep takes zerg are much more fun!
![]() There was a time when Uthgard 1.0 existed and maaaany toons and arrpees arose... but now:
RvR as a Hib:
First of All you have to find a grp. If you find a grp u have to successfully make it out of Drum Ligen. (Mostly Camped by atleast 1 Mid PuG, mostly 2 or more Pugs vultures for RPS) Mostly the grp will dissolve after getting smashed 2-3 times by 2 grps. IF you rly make it out of DL as a low RR random grp u have to face high RR pugs so u get smashed... and u guys wandering why rvr is dead?! just hilarious! and the thing with the keep: albs getting keeps EVERY morning since 2-3 month(EU Time 6am till 10am). Thats why we dont even care for relics or keeps cause they are 100% gone if you log in the next time! GG so much fun! |
*pssst* you can also start from Cain, if you want to avoid the griefer at ligen, it is not even longer to emain from there.
Mids would pay money for inc just outside the door. We have to port emain, walk all the way to ligen, just to draw a number and stand in line with 2-3 grps at least most of the time... I think this is worse ![]() |
or u just stopt doing grp rvr and lvl stealther
![]() that greefing for RPs is killing random rvr but hey keep camping DL ![]() My stealther is 50 now and i give a ****** |
Hallo Hallo,
needs Albs with balls of steel to come to Emain. Alb Hybrid/Casters should reroll a tank setup, if they switch zones after 3 loses. kkthxbye 20.11.2005, 20:05 Hi, ich hab mal ne Frage: Wieso heisst das Mixtape von Kool Savas "Die John Bello" Story? Wer ist oder was hat dieser John Bello damit zu tun? PS: Gibt es vielleicht einen Treadh in dem ich so kurze Fargen reinstellen kann? Antwort von guntalkkkk: savas ist einfach ein dummer spast , der sich irgendwelche hässlichen pseudonyme ausdenkt! John hat seine mama gebumst, und er ist ein bello! ![]() ![]() |
What you talking about? Nobody has been jumping on a group with 2 fgm, we don't camp Ligen we look who is coming out and try to give them a fair fight. Well if you are a low RR and try to come out be prepared to be fought or as someone says chooce Cain to get out. |
What you talking about? Nobody has been jumping on a group with 2 fgm, we don't camp Ligen we look who is coming out and try to give them a fair fight. Well if you are a low RR and try to come out be prepared to be fought or as someone says chooce Cain to get out.[/quote] Marked in my book. Will remind this statement when TA/DG adds again ![]() 20.11.2005, 20:05 Hi, ich hab mal ne Frage: Wieso heisst das Mixtape von Kool Savas "Die John Bello" Story? Wer ist oder was hat dieser John Bello damit zu tun? PS: Gibt es vielleicht einen Treadh in dem ich so kurze Fargen reinstellen kann? Antwort von guntalkkkk: savas ist einfach ein dummer spast , der sich irgendwelche hässlichen pseudonyme ausdenkt! John hat seine mama gebumst, und er ist ein bello! ![]() ![]() |
Sad, not much 8 man out lately on regular basis.
Not Again, Casual pug, and perhaps some more. Didnsdt think server would drop much more below 1000-1100, but it does... 780 ish connected a saturday evning is low, very low on EU time. |
Cain is just as bad if not worse than Ligen for campers.
I usually don't post on this stuff, but people are now complaining about PUG groups... Not sure what to say.
You have 8-man sycophants and you have zerg action generally. Anytime i've ever taken out an '8 man PUG' we run into 3x our numbers, and we usually play the infamous NA timezone when Splitquick and Poler roll with a 3 group minimum or what not, and mid can usually only scrap up 2 groups during those timezones. The last two days Mid NA timezone has been busier and we've had some fun battles. We're often fighting outnumbered (tonight was a rare exception for certain parts), and have recently just found some luck with timing and good intel. (stealther intel, not cross realming). When the 8 man clans are out mid they usually stay on their own and look for 8 man fights and only crash with us when we are outnumbered, and that's when they are feeling like social players. Salutes out to the albs i've been seeing consistently in the fray, and the hibbies who seem to fight consistently outnumbered. |
I ussualy run solo trying to kill far he is a lucky bastard but u never know !!!!
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Looks like Tundra killed this server... well played loooool
nah the problem was the devs buffing tundra out of beta... they knew it was fine at beta but all the sudden in live it did way more damage then it was suppose to. dont worry though devs nerfed pet xp because "it was an unfair dvantage to realm that do not focus pull for xp(mid)". take into account this nerf was implemented before the tundra "nerf" (more like a rollback after they got their RR advantage" |
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