Bug 3949 has been fixed

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Postby Elije » Nov 09, 2017 04:53

The stealth bug was fixed right when I was going on vacation. The bug report said it required a server restart to enact the updated mechanics, and I have no idea if this has even happened yet.

Can anyone confirm if MOBs' stealth detection / uncovering behavior is working properly? Is there any renewed interest in stealth classes to be had as a result?

For those who don't know what I'm talking about, stealth was broken before where you might as well have not had stealth at all per how MOBs react to you, as they would attack a stealther regardless of stealth spec, without bothering to uncover him first. I'd found it impossible to backstab any aggressive MOB, and PA would require split-second timing to hit in melee range and before the MOB landed a blow on you, breaking stealth.

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Postby Abydos » Nov 10, 2017 19:37

Elije wrote:The stealth bug was fixed right when I was going on vacation. The bug report said it required a server restart to enact the updated mechanics, and I have no idea if this has even happened yet.

Can anyone confirm if MOBs' stealth detection / uncovering behavior is working properly? Is there any renewed interest in stealth classes to be had as a result?

For those who don't know what I'm talking about, stealth was broken before where you might as well have not had stealth at all per how MOBs react to you, as they would attack a stealther regardless of stealth spec, without bothering to uncover him first. I'd found it impossible to backstab any aggressive MOB, and PA would require split-second timing to hit in melee range and before the MOB landed a blow on you, breaking stealth.
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Postby Cirath » Nov 13, 2017 16:33

Mob behavior towards stealthers seems to be much better after this fix. I have not been attacked by a green or blue con while stealthed since this fix went live.

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Postby Anomie » Feb 07, 2020 00:59

For the record, since the above fix, i have dozens of instances of being attacked before being unstealthed. Most of these were from the curmudgeon camp north of the lake in Lough Derg and the rock sheerie camp in Moher. In nearly all cases the mobs conned green to me... i was hitting them for faction change not xp. Occasionally i've had a higher lvl mob do it too.

The most recent examples were from today.

Log excerpts:
yellow mob spawned where i was standing and waiting, after i was already stealthed:
[12:38:26] You are now hidden!
[12:41:25] The sheerie urdsummoner casts a spell!
[12:41:25] The sheerie urdsummoner's armor becomes too hot to touch.
[12:41:34] The sheerie urdsummoner hits your arm for 35 (-1) damage!
[12:41:34] You are no longer hidden!
[12:41:37] The sheerie urdsummoner hits your torso for 44 (-2) damage!

In this case the sheerie urdsummoner may have treated my character as if it were not stealthed initially when it spawned. I don't understand how mob self-buffing behaviour works, or how it interacts with the client side anyhow. Mobs routinely self-buff when i come into range for the first time, as if they'd just spawned, although for other players they're clearly already up. Sitting around and watching, you can see some mobs rebuff after their timers drop.
Something about how this is calculated may still be affecting stealth detection, if i had to guess.

really low green mob:
[14:07:14] You target [the rock sheerie].
[14:07:14] You examine the rock sheerie. It is aggressive towards you!
[14:07:16] You are now hidden!
[14:07:25] The rock sheerie hits your torso for 29 (-1) damage!
[14:07:25] You are no longer hidden!
[14:07:28] You enter combat mode and target [the rock sheerie]

If rock sheeries have a very long alert range, it is possible i was too close when i stealthed, and the mob knew i was nearby, but even so, if we extrapolate to player enemy mechanics, this wouldn't make sense. I doubt there's any increased chance to detect a stealthed character simply based on when it stealthed. What i can say with confidence is the mob neither turned to face me (until it swung) nor did it move toward me, and i was a bit over 700 units away from it when i stealthed.

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