Animist Bog XP events
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Yeah I know that Mura , I do thank you for your efforts in running it , just wanted to voice my opinion .
Well, as it seemed to got a bit poisonous atmosphere at the last raids, what is sad,- because these raids are something Hibernia is doing together. I feel bit unmotivated at the moment to join these raidsany longer. Our guild always filled up slots with others but left 1-2 slots open for later arriving guild members (like many other guilds do too) and we got flamed by some ppl I don ´t wanna mention here. We also invited some of these guys in our groups and they told other ppl not to invite us. Leeching in our grp and later flaming,- sorry that ´s a poor attitude. As I tried to explain the correct situation to some of this persons in a normal conversation, I just got put on ignore, as he did not had any valid arguments and proof for his behaviour,- thx for the adult conversation if you read that. I ´m upset my guildmates got offended for no reason, we got some 50 animists there to help, but I can understand them when they got rid of helping others and don ´t join these raids any longer when there is such poison and offence behaviour. Another example,- someday I was in BG I was wondering, why I did not get any loot. Later I realized Mura had ld or relogged and somebody put in treasure mode, I just realized it as the person left and I got treasurer promotion automatically as one of the last players in BG - nuff said. Why joining a bg when there is flame, complain, QQing and such behaviour? From my perspective Mura is doing a great job and I ´m very thankful he ´s doing these raids but this pointing, complaining and flaming and bad behaviour by some ppl is ruining it for me and pretty sure for mura and others too. It ´s also kind of symbol for Hibernia by these days,- we are few and we are not united. It ´s sad that there is so much argue about these raids. Ppl should calm a bit and just enjoy thse raids, otherwise I ´m pretty sure these raids will not work for long. Ofc this is just my perception and point of view and some might disagree. I ´m also aware this post does not change anything, that ´s ok. Last edited by Jerrian on Oct 21, 2017 01:24, edited 1 time in total.
Back to square one. These are the same discussions, accusations and toxicity happening the first few weeks we did Siabra City on Uthgard. For the longest time, literally for months, it was just "go there, have fun and gain levels" without any pressure, rules, bg, treasurer and whatever.
When you set up your group the right way, bring friends, socialize or even join a guild there is no problem doing an entirely unmoderated event. The problems arise when people come there alone and demand to be helped out and treated perfectly equal, because... well because I dont know. Just to be very clear, I applaud the effort of organizing it! The setting alone will help a lot of people. But just dont try to micro everything and apply unnecessary rules. Tree - Animist Lvl 50 (RR 3L0, Legendary Tailor)
Aeomelia - Enchanter Lvl 50 Guild: SCHWERT & ROSE (provisional guild leader) [HIB] Crafting Mat Wholesale Diamond, Wyvernskin, Nightshade, Eldritch etc. huge quantities below vendor price - pm me! |
Bog xp zerg keeps going, thanks to youcaneatallshrooms and others who help keep it going.
Uthgard 1; Mid: jalora-Runemaster-50-RR5l3-Leg SC, jalori-Thane-50-RR 5l1-LGM-Tailor,jalorie-Shaman-50-RR3l9-Barrel Alch, jalorese-Berserker-48-RR3l4-low-WC,jalorea 50 summon SM, 37 huntress - lgm ac Live; home server: Mid Gawaine jalorian-healer, jaloria-bd, many jalor and bot army alts GM of forn sidr "we knew drama" |
![]() Are there any reliable dates when this event will be run again? I used to bring my menta for pom from time to time to help out, but got confused about the dates lately, when no bg showed up (I get home from work late sometimes, so I might have missed it though). According to jalore's video it's bi weekly now. Is this still the case or has it simply died off again? Thanks in advance. Best regards, Zaya |
Think we are trying for Tuesdays and Thursdays. not 100% sure of times. depends on if someone is feeling brave enough to start it up. And the number of animists online or willing to help out. Also ments plus rezzers. not sure in cet but is usually around 10am or 11am cst for me.
Uthgard 1; Mid: jalora-Runemaster-50-RR5l3-Leg SC, jalori-Thane-50-RR 5l1-LGM-Tailor,jalorie-Shaman-50-RR3l9-Barrel Alch, jalorese-Berserker-48-RR3l4-low-WC,jalorea 50 summon SM, 37 huntress - lgm ac Live; home server: Mid Gawaine jalorian-healer, jaloria-bd, many jalor and bot army alts GM of forn sidr "we knew drama" |
Hello and thank you for the response
![]() Anyway thank you for trying. Maybe next time ![]() Best wishes, Zaya |
I don't think Mura is playing anymore.
- Syska Animist
- Sysk Cleric |
he was back Tues for a bit, helping out with the zerg zp. yesterday was a holiday in USA so maybe effected number of 50 animists we could draw to the event. This sometimes happens. and youcaneatallshrooms had prior engagement Thursday. Uthgard 1; Mid: jalora-Runemaster-50-RR5l3-Leg SC, jalori-Thane-50-RR 5l1-LGM-Tailor,jalorie-Shaman-50-RR3l9-Barrel Alch, jalorese-Berserker-48-RR3l4-low-WC,jalorea 50 summon SM, 37 huntress - lgm ac Live; home server: Mid Gawaine jalorian-healer, jaloria-bd, many jalor and bot army alts GM of forn sidr "we knew drama" |
I occasionally show up for the bog zerg during the day, or to sit around and spam /lfg for an hour or so before I log out to play PS4
Dranith - Member of Ordo Veritas |
Ill help out on Dendera again if needed. But like most here, I'd rather log an alt and get some xp myself after nearly a year of pl'ing.
Satiah | Tuthmes | Dendera | Khufu | Nefertete | Dahshur | Nebetah | Neterbaiu
![]() Awesome raid yesterday. Nice to see how many highlevels still care. Looking forward to the next ones. Best wishes, Cala |
Hey are these XP events still a thing? Would like to join with my druid for some xp and maybe a guild/people to play with more often.
Yes, they still run regularly on Tues/Thurs and occasionally other days when we have enough high level animists and support to start it.
The lowbies typically vastly outnumber the group slots available, but we'll do what we can to try and help you. Dranith - Member of Ordo Veritas |
Its the same problem as always. hit /bg groups see 11 groups but its 1-2 groups of people trying to help lowbies and 8 groups of 2-3 people PLing their buds. Its a total waste of time for most people. Its not really helping PL the lowbies, its helping PL the people who already have the ability to do so. All the lemmings just make it easier for them, then suicide out making no exp in 2 hours.
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