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Postby wla » Oct 22, 2007 00:39

very nice story (: i like the landskype ver much

but maybe the staff can say sth. about the stuff that can drop (: ? or who can drop it? i dont wanna waste my time by killing lions all the night in hope of finding some nice jewulary ;p

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Postby hun_cactus » Oct 22, 2007 01:13

wla wrote:very nice story (: i like the landskype ver much

but maybe the staff can say sth. about the stuff that can drop (: ? or who can drop it? i dont wanna waste my time by killing lions all the night in hope of finding some nice jewulary ;p

Yep,was really nice^^ And agree a "droplist" should be very fine :P
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Postby Presto » Oct 22, 2007 01:26

Sorry, we wont hand out any droplist.

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Postby wla » Oct 22, 2007 01:31

u wont hand it out - but the community can make one :) if we put all information we have together :p

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Postby cloug » Oct 22, 2007 01:40

really nice event ^^

when the part 2 ;) ?

Tyvm to the work , great event /clap .
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Alerion Knight
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Postby Presto » Oct 22, 2007 01:50

wla wrote:u wont hand it out - but the community can make one :) if we put all information we have together :p

Feel free to do so. Just don't expect anything great in Tajendi.

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Postby wla » Oct 22, 2007 01:53

well, ive alrdy heard sth about some nice jewulary :p and the cloak also rox, so i think that there r some useful items 2 find (;

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Postby salbei » Oct 22, 2007 02:19

i´ve completed the quest twice today - first with cleric then with wizard.

especially the first run was a lot of fun - and i´m still exploring :P
so i guess i´m gonna do it at least one more time during the week.

please don´t just rush through - take your time , its not a race.

thanks a lot for the all the work involved with it , was really worth it .

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Postby hun_cactus » Oct 22, 2007 11:51

Presto wrote:
wla wrote:u wont hand it out - but the community can make one :) if we put all information we have together :p

Feel free to do so. Just don't expect anything great in Tajendi.

I prefer in event like this some unique looks,not imba stuff :P (in the past like in l2j/gw usually got in events some useless,but unique stuff what is remember you were there and you are did it^^

Btw going in today again :P
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Postby Cerberwolf » Oct 22, 2007 13:42

Usually i am this guy that criticizes the authority and he reveals the flaws to transform into flawless works. But if i see a good work, I recognize it. This event-quest is really nice work (and a little madness - I like madness.), especially when you have Metty hunts you around and enjoy this masterpiece. With the silent stars -rocks- (just see the comments), a madness festival of npcs (bourp!) and a lot of deathly surprices (running away like a coward usually don't help you) this quest makes everybody to waits for part II. The only problem is too big and so addictive that you want to finish it as you start it. (ok. We are sick with it... :oops: )

I want to thank you all. Metty (Crocodile-lover! :lol: ) and the rest development team for the time that they spend for this nice work and my group that they accepted my little girl (42 lvl healer Silvania) to accompany them and one of my guildmates that he tells me about it (I own to him to find a way to play this quest too :) ).

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Postby Maxwell » Oct 22, 2007 16:16


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Postby hun_cactus » Oct 22, 2007 18:12

I dunno the cloak subquest switch is random or not,but if not here is a little help: No spoiling. Have fun, Endiku

Okey,understand it.If anybody need help with that subquest,send me a msg ig (if that's okey:P )
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Postby Musikus » Oct 27, 2007 04:17

very well done..

baldrug meant its possible to invite players after beginning the quest.
at first try my group broken up. some just wanted to see area and logged after the first few deaths in temple.
at second try some just left for no reason after passing scorpion-path.
right now i am very disapointed about some albion players.

anyway .. a little question:
the remaining groupmembers invited a new recruit > he teleported into event > but as soon as he appeared he was thrown out of event.
that happend to 5 different player.

why is that so?

after trying to invite other people for over 1 hour we gave up and quited all at queststep 23.

still the developer did a great job.

to the drops (for albion):
a guildmate supposes to have gotten a bow there (realy nice skin).
he realized the bow at the end of the event and he´s sure that he didn´t had it at start...so got it somewhere in the event but no idea where.

its not that imba (as GM´s said) but its still very useable even for a template.
the bow is called Bow of the Pretator
will ask him again for the stats
i miss my Lady....

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Alerion Knight
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Postby Sethor » Oct 27, 2007 11:57

Once the quest has been started with a group the instance "memorizes"
the players of your group. This means if you went linkdead you are able
to get reinvited to your group and are allowed to reenter your groups
instance. The rejoining player will automatically receive the groups current
queststep to ensure that he is able to complete the quest.

However, players who have not been in group when the questinstance was
created are not allowed to enter. This is to prevent players of easily getting
the option of for example "endgame" questrewards without even having
participated in the first queststeps.

Thats why we suggested in the "release-topic" to make sure that you and
all of your group members have enough time to spare.

With regards

PS: congratulations to the bow :)
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Postby Musikus » Oct 27, 2007 19:09

i asked for reinvite because i explicit asked (was a /callgm and baldrug answered) for inviting NEW members since starting members lost interest of continuing quest.

he said its possible..but it isnt.
i miss my Lady....


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