RvR as a Ranger
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i finally made my Ranger up to 50 and equipped him (full MP everything max) to see this:
first i tried 50 bow spec to see that i can hit a standing skald with crit shot and thrust arrow for 216!!!! dmg he turned used both instants and dealt me 400 dmg... after that i was a bit worried about the ranger dmg and testet against alot of chars and dmg were always low as ******.... So dear Admins Mods whatever could u please say why there is 0 dmg at this class? EU- Primetime 4 Ranger online. Where is the Fun to play Ranger if you only kill peaple who are grinding XP? |
There are few tickets in the Issue tracker around archery. One has a lot of comments. Something definitely seems off but it is hard to nail down what the root cause is. Maybe something to do with armor absorb not being calculated correctly or bow speed+quickness.
Anyway, you are not alone in this feeling... Wish they would review.... |
ranger sucks, that's why i dont play anymore
![]() |
Most players, including myself, have shelved or abandoned their rangers due to the low melee dps, the known dps issues with archery, and the overall underperforming state of the class.
Do a /who ranger at peak pop times and you'll see 3 or 4 tops. It's really unfortunate because the class playstyle is a lot of fun. But you can only make the run to emain so many times knowing full well that you likely won't kill anyone without leeching/adding on someone else's fight |
Seriously, it's not normal to see that after 1 year maybe more, the output of the server, to see more classes such as the ranger also bug. I'm disappointed. I do not understand the role of Gms, you really do not want to see a stealthy rvr? This is not the right method. Seriously, put yourself on classes instead of correcting a drop for an SC. Thank you for your work.
GM's don't fix bug, devs do ![]() But yes, hib gets no love unfortunately :/ |
I believe its exactly the same for any archer class, they use the same mechanic.
Most likely the issue is too much quickness, while quickness for range maybe does not work the same as quickness for melee. (multiplying the damage) Reminder to Self: Quality over Quantity, what is the Value here?
Taken from the Xmas wish list thread:
Thread poster: "If you are comfortable comparing the crossbow mechanic with archery..OK. I can't say they are different but I've never heard/read they were the same. So essentially we have a bunch of crossbow spec armsmen running around in weaker armor. ![]() ![]() DEV RESPONSE (Trishin): "I've found no tests that proves they are different. Obviously class growth rate is considered, but that is already the case on Uthgard too." Sooooo.... Basically, to the Uth devs, we are all stealth-using Armsmen with a recurve instead of the crossbow. This is as upsetting as it is telling. The server management actually believes that our class, which revolves around ranged combat, is and has always been on par with a crossbow specced armsman. No wonder archery is in such bad shape |
Keep defending scouts should reroll.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk |
http://forums.jeuxonline.info/showthrea ... 838&page=8
This is a 2002 post, stating this : just 50 total bow (probably 11+4+35 bow) he does between 300 and 500 damage, depending on target WITHOUT critic. Using his own buffs (no buffbot mentioned) --------------- http://forums.jeuxonline.info/showthrea ... 38&page=10
This is a 2002 post aswell stating this : With the heavy bow (slowest) i hit 400 every 3 seconds (almost 2 sec actually) and with the small bow (fastest) i hit very low every 2 secons. So, every 9 second with the heavy i do a 1400 average damage since i hit every 2.x second. (Not critics mentioned, just base damage, no buffbot mentioned). --------------- http://forums.jeuxonline.info/showthrea ... 38&page=13
This is a 2002 post aswell, stating this : I hope i hope .... i still have 50 in bow spec, hard for me to see a difference. I'll cap damage at 1083 with spellcraft gear (i assume 1083 on a caster or naked unbuffed 50 ?) --------------- Interesting, some damages and context : http://forums.jeuxonline.info/showthrea ... 38&page=16
2002 post stating this : I did a test by shooting at an assassin which was cooperating, but i didn't hit that many shots. I don't remember exactly the resists (xxx(-xx)), but nothing incredible feel free to make your own opinion : 3 Crit shot at ~700dmg average with bonus arrows (slash ?) at 46+10 bow. 1 CS at 885 dmg with neutral arrow (crush ?) at 46+14 bow --------------- VERY INTERESTING http://forums.jeuxonline.info/showthrea ... 38&page=19
20th january 2003, stating this : I have a cap damage at 1040 on yellow caster (50) with precise shot On NORMAL shots i hit 300 damage on a plated tank (armsman paladin) I got top gear though; Heavy bow 100% qual and realm rank 7 I didn't find any mention of 200 damage with a long/heavy bow doing crit/precise shot... sorry .... it's always 400to800+ depending on target and bow spec 60+ Hope this helps to desmonstrate, something is wrong. I don't care much i don't and won't play archery class... still i figured this may help your cause. GL guys. You'll notice every post are from the same thread on a french forum, feel free to dig more, i could have missed some quotes in the threads ... more than 400 pots between 2002 and 2003 ... |
I found tests result using normal shots later in the thread still 17/02/2003 :
http://forums.jeuxonline.info/showthrea ... 38&page=23
I assume on a yellow target, but unfortunately we know it's on a mob.. but don't know what kind of arrow or bow are used .. Still ... they do more damage with normal shot on live in 2003, than you guys do with crit shot on uth right now. Interesting isn't it ? Last edited by Kha on Dec 02, 2017 18:32, edited 1 time in total.
This test is on a yellow mob : Though it seems he only did 1 shot per test. Still give an idea :
17 February 2003 : http://forums.jeuxonline.info/showthrea ... 38&page=23 Could be an idea to compare with uthgard, even if one shot isn't enough, if you do half the damage ... something wrong ^^ Try to find a (neutral to your arrow damage) level 50 mob and compare. Sorry i stop the spam on your thread ![]() |
add that to the issue tracker!
However there's an important point not to forget: back in live circa 2002-2003, the variety of gear found on average players was really different from what we see nowadays, where "templates' are almost a prerequisite to step out of a pk, and a general knowledge of the game mechanics much more advanced than what it used to be for the common population. |
Yeah that's why i focused on those that did tests on yellow mobs back in 2002/2003 for some quotes.
It's easy to compare with yellow mobs on uth, plus ... yellow mobs can't have bad gear. I let dedicated rangers/archer decide which part of those posts are good value to add to the tracker. Probably the last post just before yours Patouche. Am done here ^^ |
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