<eXPedient demise (XPd)> are recruiting! Come enjoy DAoC

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Gryphon Knight
Posts: 417
Joined: Sep 03, 2009 00:00

Postby kinthos » Dec 22, 2017 19:32

Psy & Lunar.

Absolutely - come join us.

Regarding leveling help, people in guild are actively leveling - so you can XP with other guildies and we sometimes also do assist with XP when we get a chance.
- Inqy/Spymistress/Sly -
GM of "eXPedient demise" | Slave of "Crows of Winter"

Gryphon Knight
Posts: 470
Joined: Sep 21, 2012 05:45

Postby Rendiviel » Dec 22, 2017 19:34

kinthos wrote:Psy & Lunar.

Absolutely - come join us.

Regarding leveling help, people in guild are actively leveling - so you can XP with other guildies and we sometimes also do assist with XP when we get a chance.

My realm transfer finished 20 minutes ago, and I'm out of work in 3 hours. I'll be on for a little to test the waters :D

Posts: 10
Joined: Feb 05, 2013 22:51

Postby Divinion » Dec 29, 2017 00:29

kinthos wrote:How to apply?
/who expedient
/send <playername> Hi I saw the post on the Uhtgard forum for more players, I'm interested!

You misspelled Uthgard

Posts: 189
Joined: Mar 22, 2017 18:28

Postby trademark » Dec 29, 2017 04:17

Divinion wrote:
kinthos wrote:How to apply?
/who expedient
/send <playername> Hi I saw the post on the Uhtgard forum for more players, I'm interested!

You misspelled Uthgard

Nope, that's how we identify they came from the forums. It's kind a cheap way to subliminally answer the 'How did you hear about us?' question.

Posts: 3
Joined: Feb 20, 2017 17:15

Postby Lav » Jan 10, 2018 19:31

Good day, all. I'm glad to see this post as I am currently trying to summon the courage to level my Hero again.

I played from launch to Trials of Atlantis, Midgard on Nimue as a Skald. Loved my toon, but I didn't like where the game was going at that time and gave it up. Never experienced this "new frontiers" heresy or catacombs or any minotaur folk, never wanted to.

Earlier this year, a few friends and I went from a cold start on Uthgard in March to level 36 or so and had a blast. Sadly they were lured away from the 1.65 experience and went to live servers again. Ever since I've toyed with the idea of finding a guild and pushing on from 36 on to 50 as a tank/spear Hero.

I'm also a Dad and have almost as many mortgages as I do kids, so I only get to guess at when I can get online for a couple hours prior to passing out on the keyboard. Next time I'm able, I'll look for some Expedient Demise in-game to join for a night and see if I can tank anything for anyone. I like to hit things and enjoy being hit back!

Gryphon Knight
Posts: 470
Joined: Sep 21, 2012 05:45

Postby Rendiviel » Jan 10, 2018 20:45

Lav wrote:Good day, all. I'm glad to see this post as I am currently trying to summon the courage to level my Hero again.

I played from launch to Trials of Atlantis, Midgard on Nimue as a Skald. Loved my toon, but I didn't like where the game was going at that time and gave it up. Never experienced this "new frontiers" heresy or catacombs or any minotaur folk, never wanted to.

Earlier this year, a few friends and I went from a cold start on Uthgard in March to level 36 or so and had a blast. Sadly they were lured away from the 1.65 experience and went to live servers again. Ever since I've toyed with the idea of finding a guild and pushing on from 36 on to 50 as a tank/spear Hero.

I'm also a Dad and have almost as many mortgages as I do kids, so I only get to guess at when I can get online for a couple hours prior to passing out on the keyboard. Next time I'm able, I'll look for some Expedient Demise in-game to join for a night and see if I can tank anything for anyone. I like to hit things and enjoy being hit back!

If you see someone named "Doritio" or "Lifestais", send me a tell. I'm not able to invite you to guild, but I can certainly try to help you however I can.

Posts: 60
Joined: Jun 16, 2012 17:56

Postby miromann » Jan 12, 2018 10:29

Me and my three boys just started playing Hibernia. They are new to the game and aging 6 - 13. I play a bard and they play BM, BM and Enc.

We are very casual and will spend time playing and enjoying the game, not rushing to lvl 50. They need to learn to play it and enjoy it in their own way.

Still, it would be nice with somewhere to belong to. Will this guild accept us despite their young age?

Gryphon Knight
Posts: 226
Joined: Jul 19, 2017 00:11

Postby Cirath » Jan 13, 2018 15:59

Sure, message a guild officer next time you are online.

Posts: 11
Joined: Jan 18, 2018 02:36

Postby Stranded » Jan 18, 2018 02:47

Old time player here. Just rolled hib ranger, currently level 19 and looking for an active guild!

Can I please get an invite?


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