What is needed, what is fun, what can farm well in a duo?

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Gryphon Knight
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Postby Rendiviel » Dec 18, 2017 15:46

Hello! After a long hiatus, my good friend and myself have decided to return to Uthgard. So as to not get bored with the venue, we've started the realm swap timer to go to Hibernia. Generally speaking, I didn't play much Hib before SI/TAO so I'm very unfamiliar with which classes are good. We're looking to be capable of duo XP, but want enough utility to be able to group/RVR. Ideally, we want classes that can either farm well or are often sought out in raids. Any input would be great. :D

I know my friend has enjoyed BM and Hero quite a bit, and I have no issues playing a caster class. I've tried bard, but it just seems too difficult between song twisting, demezzing, etc. Some suggested a mana mentalist with a mana enchanter, but I'm not sure if we'd enjoy it, plus both of us would need to respec for RVR. Decisions, decisions, decisions...

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Postby Dranith » Dec 18, 2017 16:27

I wouldn't let the cost of a respec stone sway you. Respec stones aren't too crazy expensive here.

If you go mana chanter and light ment (only 1 respec required for the menty), you'll be able to put out some serious damage in rvr, and level extremely fast. On the flip side, Bards are always very short in supply in rvr, and melee are fairly rare too, so if you go Bard/Melee you'll level slightly slower, but have a pretty solid start for an rvr group.
Dranith - Member of Ordo Veritas

Gryphon Knight
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Postby Rendiviel » Dec 18, 2017 16:32

Dranith wrote:I wouldn't let the cost of a respec stone sway you. Respec stones aren't too crazy expensive here.

If you go mana chanter and light ment (only 1 respec required for the menty), you'll be able to put out some serious damage in rvr, and level extremely fast. On the flip side, Bards are always very short in supply in rvr, and melee are fairly rare too, so if you go Bard/Melee you'll level slightly slower, but have a pretty solid start for an rvr group.

Info like this is exactly what I'm looking for. What's the average price of respec stones? Coming from mid, they give me nightmares...

Gryphon Knight
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Postby Cirath » Dec 18, 2017 17:44

Stones can usually be found for 1-2 plat in housing. otherwise its easy enough to join a dragon raid and get one for yourself.

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Postby Syskaru » Jan 02, 2018 00:56

If you plan on making a tank, roll with a bard. You have 0 downtime and endurance. Also groups will want a bard for speed and end as well as cc.

I would suggest Blademaster and Bard.

If you want a farm class make a mentalist and a enchanter.

In the end it depends on what you want to do.
- Syska Animist
- Sysk Cleric

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