Usefull tips for beginners

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Postby casiii » May 20, 2016 14:28

First of all, welcome on Dark Age of Camelot !

I know there is not much "newbies" out there, but there are some, but I might learn you some tricks you didn't know.

1) /loc and /faceloc
The /loc was the only way to locate yourself and be able to join other people without "You go to the 42th tree and on the left, you should see a big rock with a small bush near it"

Now, i will remind you some old Mathematics subjects you should have hear about : Coordinates on a plan
The /loc gives you the coordinates of your character in this order : X-axis, Y-axis (and Z-axis which it totally irrelevent, since nobody can fly :D ). It also gives you the zone you're currently in, so check that before trying to get somewhere, you can only face a location in the same map as yours ! (e.g. Vale of Mularn, Camelot Hills, Connacht)

So, when you go on your favorite DaoC Maps Website, check this coordinates with keeping in mind that the beginning coordinate, which is the 0, 0, (0) location is top-left of each map, and it goes as far as 65000, 65000, (zzz) for the bottom-right location. Proper maps should be divided in squares, one square beeing 10000x10000

Now, when you're given a /loc position, /faceloc can show you the direction of a specified location
In order to do that, you can just consider the thousands and just ignoring below that :
/faceloc 62342 54321 will become /faceloc 62000 54000


2) Some usefull combat mechanisms :
2-a => Melee combat :
As you must have noticed by now, no free attacks, all melee styles empowers your next attack.
With that in mind, you can "register" a certain style, and just wait your character to swing, to repeat your style "registration". You have all the waiting time between two melee swings to choose your next combat style.

- You can cancel the style you've chosen with the /cancelstyle command : If you want to cancel a style, you just have to re-use the same style, and then choose another style.
- You can also prepare "reactive styles" : Have you guys been waiting for your evade/parry/block to prepare the right style, but the monster hits faster and you fail to execute them ? Well the "queue system" is one way to prevent that !
You can "queue" up to two melee styles. It is not a proper queue, as you can prepare two styles for two melee swings, this is the rule : If prerequisites for first style are not met, second in line will be triggered. So first style would be a positional/reactional style, second your anytime !

WARNING : You can cancel queue'd styles !

2-b => Spell cast :
Spell casting has a proper queue : You can queue up to two spells which will be cast one after another if you don't move or get hit. The main rule is that the spell will be cast on your target when you actually begin to cast the spell, not when you queue'd it : For example, i queue two damage spells when targeting a wild boar, and before my first spell is completed i target a skeleton, first spell will be on the wild boar, the second on the skeleton.

3) "Quick type" macros and general slashcommands :
Theses are the most used /commands :
/keyboard : Show you the ingame modifiable keyboard configuration
/assist [NameOfCharacter] : you target the same target as [NameOfCharacter] (e.g. : /assist Johndoe )
/face : you face your target, if in range
/stick : you stick to a target so to be in melee range
/follow : you follow a target, from further than /stick
/groundset xxx : Sets a ground target in front of you in xxx range (/groundset 1000), usefull when you want to learn range of your spells, or if you have on ground spells.
/who : number of characters in play (Uthgard feature the true command is /who all which gives you all from your realm)
/who [letters] : anything in the game that have theses letters in the same order : Character names, guilds, zones, classes, crafters (this one not working though)
/who [number] : any player from that level (/who 12 shows all the level 12 players)
/who [number1] [number2] : any player between theses two levels (/who 12 15 shows all the level 12, level 13, level 14 and level 15 players)
/who [letters] [number1] [number2] : Mix of the commands :) (AND clause, not OR)
/gc who : all members in your guild
/ac who : all members of your alliance
Warning : All the /who commands can be truncated if too much results !
The not slashcommand %T : if you type %T in chat, it will write the name of your target.

Theses macros are part of "QoL" macros, not "cheat macros" as many now can consider "macros" to be.
The synthax of macros is : /macro NameOfMacro /command
When you type that command, it will create a unique square to put in the quickbar, like a spell or a combat style.
Each time you click or strike the shortcut key, it will react as if you typed yourself /command
/macro location /loc will do af if you type /loc !

3-a => Assist macro
There is a way to make a macro that makes a macro for assisting a player.
/macro create /macro assist /assist %T

3-b => /qbar x
You can access quickbars via their number (e.g. /qbar 5 will go to your 5th quickbar)

3-c => /qbind x y z
You can quickbind slots of your quickbar to keys from your keyboard (for that, the key you want can't be bound in the /keyboard menu)
x is the quickbar number, y is the slot in the quickbar, and z is the type of the quickbar (normal is 1, alt modifier is 2 and ctrl modifier is 3).
All three types have 10 quick bars and each quick bars have 10 slots each. You don't have enough keys on your keyboard to quickbind'em all ! :D

After typing the command, you have to strike the key you want bound to this slot.
For example : /qbind 8 6 1 points to the 8th quickbar, 6th slot in that bar, from the normal quickbars !

I'd understand if you TL;DR :)
Feel free to correct me wherever i'm wrong !

My 2 coppers.
Database SexehCelt

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Postby Kedann » May 22, 2016 12:14

Thanks for the tips Caseiii. It's a good refresher for sure.

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Postby Oscillate » Jan 10, 2017 20:10

I read all of this and bookmarked it. Been so long since I played, that I am basically a newb. If there is anymore info, or videos of learning the game better, let me know. I am wanting to get back into the game, and at least learn a lot of the basics! :grin:

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Postby dubs » Jan 18, 2017 03:46

Appreciate the info, gotta refresh my memory after all this time. Will definitely be using your tips when I start playing again, thanks!
Dubsdrow - 50 Eldritch <Sword of the Dragon>

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Postby Ryan_Stevens » Jan 10, 2018 08:06

Thanks, casiii buddy for sharing the tips.

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