question about Animist RA Minion Control
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hi guys the question is that i know animist pets take exp and also rlps.
that RA reduces the amount of exp the pets steal. so does that mean we also get a reduction on the RLps stolen. if it does how much and is it worth it ? thanx |
I would be interested in knowing this as well.
According to the Uthgard charbuilder 3% per level. so 3/6/9/12/15%.
Satiah | Tuthmes | Dendera | Khufu | Nefertete | Dahshur | Nebetah | Neterbaiu
Yes, it says the xp taken s reduced. The OP wanted to know if it also reduce RPs. Minion Control P 1 3 6 10 14 Wild Minion 1 Reduced Experience taken by pets |
Ahh I didnt read that. Now I know why I didn't respond before. I guess no one knows cause nobody has tried it.
Satiah | Tuthmes | Dendera | Khufu | Nefertete | Dahshur | Nebetah | Neterbaiu
I guess it's really hard to test with out cross training to kill someone the same rr Using the same number of pets. Just with the 'ra on and not to see if it does make a difference |
Guess it could be an option 8f you power level a lot
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