How viable are wardens in 8 man?
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So I have a warden at 47 are they wanted or is Hib mainly caster groups?
Fancy a holiday for a bit Wakefield 50 Rej Cleric
Thaddea 50 Sight Necro Misswhiplash 48 Reaver On Holiday! We Play for Keeps Wakefeld 26 Druid |
Most hib groups are some kind of caster dominate setup which usually doesn't include a warden. Not again + Salt will run tank groups with warden but not sure how often they're missing one. If you're mostly interested in keep/zerg warfare though I don't think it matters much, Wardens will have a place just like any other class.
unless you have a set grp you are running with i would not recommend a warden. you are better off with a druid or bard if you prefer support class and bm or hero if you like tanks.
Wardens are sometimes excepted but rarely sought out. The resists are awesome, and heals are always nice to have. Main problem they have is they are tough to play (the switching between peeling / interrupting with weap to heals is tricky to get down). It makes a lot of groups prefer 2 bards if there are going to do 4 naturalists.
When we ran we loved to have a warden, but then again, we only had one bard, and 2 bards would have been nice too... | Absolute Power |
Chysil - Bard - 3Lx Fluffykittens - Enchantress - 2Lx Cercela - Animist - 2Lx Owanda - Druid - 2Lx LGM: SC, AC, WC, Tailor |
With the prevalence of caster groups -- mids are enjoying their relics and albs always run casters -- wardens are very viable in 8man. Spec'd right they are interrupt machines, back-up heal/res, and bubble helps a lot against groups that divide their tanks to interrupt your casters. On live, at this patch level, a well placed twf could help a hib caster group take out 2-3 groups if things went well.
With all that being said, hib caster groups do not prefer to run wardens on this server. Most run Bard, 2Druid, Peeler(hero/bm), chant, ment, eld, X. You are competing with virtually every class for that X spot. second peeler/mini tanktrain variant, second eld (more ns), second ment (extra demez and more nukes), second bard (in case bard dies on inc), extra druid because 1 nature and 2 nurt is <3), and every other dps. Once you show people you can help win fights, they will invite you, but you may not get the opportunity to show your skills. |
There are almost no Wardens on Uthgard 2.0, because people don't see the value of it in a group.
But i have to add, that it only works in certain setups. Either Fulltank or Tank with 1 Eld OR Hybrid Group like: bard druid² warden bm/hero eld ench menta Many people were telling me that Wardens are useless in Hybrid or Caster groups. But playing it in these setups proved many people wrong so far. But i have to add, that having some realm rank helps a lot. Being 6L'ish is probably the key so you have all active RA's as TWF, Purge, MCL2 and Raging Power. Also many Wardens are speccing higher Blades, which i still don't understand, especially if you mainly want to run in 8mens. Of course it is different, if you mainly run in Keeptakes or Zergs. But still. The lvl 42 Regrowth Spec Heal is just INSANE. greetings 20.11.2005, 20:05 Hi, ich hab mal ne Frage: Wieso heisst das Mixtape von Kool Savas "Die John Bello" Story? Wer ist oder was hat dieser John Bello damit zu tun? PS: Gibt es vielleicht einen Treadh in dem ich so kurze Fargen reinstellen kann? Antwort von guntalkkkk: savas ist einfach ein dummer spast , der sich irgendwelche hässlichen pseudonyme ausdenkt! John hat seine mama gebumst, und er ist ein bello! ![]() ![]() |
How are they supposed to deal damage+++ if they only spec till sidesnare???
![]() ![]() <<< This avatar is handmade by Inotor Wurzelbert : ) Check out the Mampfer-Threads for more. viewtopic.php?f=10&t=25079 viewtopic.php?f=10&t=26934 |
Wardens are not supposed to deal damage in a RvR group. They should rather Heal the target for 500 plus up to 1k with crit heals imo 20.11.2005, 20:05 Hi, ich hab mal ne Frage: Wieso heisst das Mixtape von Kool Savas "Die John Bello" Story? Wer ist oder was hat dieser John Bello damit zu tun? PS: Gibt es vielleicht einen Treadh in dem ich so kurze Fargen reinstellen kann? Antwort von guntalkkkk: savas ist einfach ein dummer spast , der sich irgendwelche hässlichen pseudonyme ausdenkt! John hat seine mama gebumst, und er ist ein bello! ![]() ![]() |
Probably landing the side snare is near impossible with such a low weapon skill at 10 blades. running atm 42 regrow,46 nurture and 21 blades. gave up the two last red resists so could land side snare a *bit* better. Uthgard 1; Mid: jalora-Runemaster-50-RR5l3-Leg SC, jalori-Thane-50-RR 5l1-LGM-Tailor,jalorie-Shaman-50-RR3l9-Barrel Alch, jalorese-Berserker-48-RR3l4-low-WC,jalorea 50 summon SM, 37 huntress - lgm ac Live; home server: Mid Gawaine jalorian-healer, jaloria-bd, many jalor and bot army alts GM of forn sidr "we knew drama" |
Which defense penetration do you want to penetrate with a side style with higher weapon spec?
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enhanced evasion. Uthgard 1; Mid: jalora-Runemaster-50-RR5l3-Leg SC, jalori-Thane-50-RR 5l1-LGM-Tailor,jalorie-Shaman-50-RR3l9-Barrel Alch, jalorese-Berserker-48-RR3l4-low-WC,jalorea 50 summon SM, 37 huntress - lgm ac Live; home server: Mid Gawaine jalorian-healer, jaloria-bd, many jalor and bot army alts GM of forn sidr "we knew drama" |
i am landing side snares pretty regularily with my 10 blades for quite a while now ![]() 20.11.2005, 20:05 Hi, ich hab mal ne Frage: Wieso heisst das Mixtape von Kool Savas "Die John Bello" Story? Wer ist oder was hat dieser John Bello damit zu tun? PS: Gibt es vielleicht einen Treadh in dem ich so kurze Fargen reinstellen kann? Antwort von guntalkkkk: savas ist einfach ein dummer spast , der sich irgendwelche hässlichen pseudonyme ausdenkt! John hat seine mama gebumst, und er ist ein bello! ![]() ![]() |
If does not pan out any better against high evasion classes. can respec back.
Uthgard 1; Mid: jalora-Runemaster-50-RR5l3-Leg SC, jalori-Thane-50-RR 5l1-LGM-Tailor,jalorie-Shaman-50-RR3l9-Barrel Alch, jalorese-Berserker-48-RR3l4-low-WC,jalorea 50 summon SM, 37 huntress - lgm ac Live; home server: Mid Gawaine jalorian-healer, jaloria-bd, many jalor and bot army alts GM of forn sidr "we knew drama" |
Well, i am not saying that having more Blades is bad. But Having red Energy and Spirit resists is quite nice aswell. You will always have a hard time as a Warden to sidesnare a zerk or svg with 360° evade, but i think the 80 more weapon skill or whatever 21 compared to 10 blades is, is not really making any difference. On the other hand, having 21 blades is making your Warden way more viable to 1v1 someone, due to the after block stun 20.11.2005, 20:05 Hi, ich hab mal ne Frage: Wieso heisst das Mixtape von Kool Savas "Die John Bello" Story? Wer ist oder was hat dieser John Bello damit zu tun? PS: Gibt es vielleicht einen Treadh in dem ich so kurze Fargen reinstellen kann? Antwort von guntalkkkk: savas ist einfach ein dummer spast , der sich irgendwelche hässlichen pseudonyme ausdenkt! John hat seine mama gebumst, und er ist ein bello! ![]() ![]() |
The problem is, probably more related to op question is the role of the warden. And the groups that it gets. Most groups i get are either pugs for keep takes/zergs or smallman pugs. And sometime in 8man pugs and my role is changed by each group. So my role is constantly changing from group to group, instead a set play style of being in a steady group of 8.
But yeah those red resists were hard to give up. Guess trying to find a spec that meshes more with the groups/smallmans and role they have me in. backup healer and rezzer, interrupter, primary healer, on tank assist, a combination... never know... Uthgard 1; Mid: jalora-Runemaster-50-RR5l3-Leg SC, jalori-Thane-50-RR 5l1-LGM-Tailor,jalorie-Shaman-50-RR3l9-Barrel Alch, jalorese-Berserker-48-RR3l4-low-WC,jalorea 50 summon SM, 37 huntress - lgm ac Live; home server: Mid Gawaine jalorian-healer, jaloria-bd, many jalor and bot army alts GM of forn sidr "we knew drama" |
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